diff --git a/lib/jkqtplotter/jkqtpbaseplotter.h b/lib/jkqtplotter/jkqtpbaseplotter.h
index f77af7d2470..c97e7947207 100644
--- a/lib/jkqtplotter/jkqtpbaseplotter.h
+++ b/lib/jkqtplotter/jkqtpbaseplotter.h
@@ -477,28 +477,6 @@ class JKQTPLOTTER_LIB_EXPORT JKQTBasePlotter: public QObject {
void forceInternalDatastore();
- /** \brief save the current plot data as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
- *
- * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
- * \param decimalSeparator decimal separator for outpu
- * \param commentInitializer line-start for comment lines
- */
- void saveAsCSV(const QString& filename, const QString& decimalSeparator, const QString& commentInitializer);
- /** \brief save the current plot data as a Semicolon Separated Values (SSV) file
- *
- * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
- * \param decimalSeparator decimal separator for outpu
- * \param commentInitializer line-start for comment lines
- */
- void saveAsSemicolonSV(const QString& filename, const QString& decimalSeparator, const QString& commentInitializer); /** \brief save the current plot data as a Tabulator Separated Values (CSV) file
- *
- * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
- * \param decimalSeparator decimal separator for outpu
- * \param commentInitializer line-start for comment lines
- */
- void saveAsTabSV(const QString& filename, const QString& decimalSeparator, const QString& commentInitializer);
@@ -1472,19 +1450,273 @@ class JKQTPLOTTER_LIB_EXPORT JKQTBasePlotter: public QObject {
- /** \brief signal: emitted whenever the user selects a new x-y zoom range (by mouse) */
- void zoomChangedLocally(double newxmin, double newxmax, double newymin, double newymax, JKQTBasePlotter* sender);
- /** \brief emitted when the plot has to be updated */
- void plotUpdated();
+/** @name Plot Data Export */
+public Q_SLOTS:
- /** \brief emitted when the plot scaling had to be recalculated */
- void plotScalingRecalculated();
+ /** \brief save the data used for the current plot. The file format is extracted from the file extension (csv, ...)
+ *
+ * \param filename the filename to save to, if empty a file save dialog is displayed
+ * \param format The parameter \a format specifies the export format. if it is empty the format will be choosen according to the file extension, or
+ * if \a filename is also empty the format will be choosen according to what is selected in the file selection dialog.
+ * See below for a listing of supported values.
+ * \returns returns \c true if the data was exported successfully.
+ *
+ * These values are supported for \a format (if \a format is not provided, the function tries to guess it from the file extensions liste below):
+ * - \c "csv", Comma Separated Values, dot as decimal separator (see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values, extensions: \c *.csv , \c *.dat , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsCSV()
+ * - \c "tab" Tab Separated Values, dot as decimal separator, extensions: \c *.txt , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsTabSV()
+ * - \c "sem" or \c "ssv", Semicolon Separated Values, dot as decimal separator, extensions: \c *.sem , \c *.ssv , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsSemicolonSV()
+ * - \c "gex", Semicolon Separated Values for German Excel, i.e. comma as decimal separator, extensions: \c *.gex , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsGerExcelCSV()
+ * - \c "slk" or \c "sylk" , SYmbolik LinK (SYLK) spreadsheet (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_Link_(SYLK) ), extensions: \c *.slk , \c *.sylk , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsSYLK()
+ * - \c "dif", Data Interchange Format (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Interchange_Format), extensions: \c *.dif , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsDIF()
+ * - \c "m", Matlab Script, extensions: \c *.m , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsMatlab()
+ * .
+ *
+ * In addition you can use the custom exporters implemented as JKQTPSaveDataAdapter and registered using JKQTBasePlotter::registerSaveDataAdapter().
+ * For these you need to use \a format = "customN"
, where N is the index of the exporter in the list of registered exporters.
+ */
+ bool saveData(const QString& filename=QString(""), const QString& format=QString(""));
+ /** \brief copy the data used for the current plot to the clipboard
+ *
+ * copies data as tab separated data with the system-decimal point.
+ */
+ void copyData();
+ /** \brief copy the data used for the current plot to the clipboard as a Matlab script
+ *
+ * example output:
+ * \code
+ * % data from columne 1 ('x')
+ * x = [ 0 0.251327 0.502655 ... ];
+ *
+ * % data from columne 2 ('y')
+ * y = [ 0 0.24869 0.481754 ... ];
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \see saveAsMatlab()
+ */
+ void copyDataMatlab();
+ /** \brief save the current plot data as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
+ *
+ * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
+ *
+ *
+ * This method uses JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVdecimalSeparator as decimal separator and
+ * JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVcommentInitializer as comment initializer!
+ */
+ void saveAsCSV(const QString& filename=QString(""));
- /** \brief emitted before the plot scaling has been recalculated */
- void beforePlotScalingRecalculate();
+ /** \brief save the current plot data as a Semicolon Separated Values (SSV) file
+ *
+ * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
+ *
+ * example output:
+ * \code
+ * # x, y
+ * 0; 0
+ * 0.251327; 0.24869
+ * 0.502655; 0.481754
+ * ...
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This method uses JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVdecimalSeparator as decimal separator and
+ * JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVcommentInitializer as comment initializer!
+ */
+ void saveAsSemicolonSV(const QString& filename=QString(""));
+ /** \brief save the current plot data as a Tabulator Separated Values (CSV) file
+ *
+ * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
+ *
+ *
+ * example output:
+ * \code
+ * # x y
+ * 0 0
+ * 0.251327 0.24869
+ * 0.502655 0.481754
+ * ...
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This method uses JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVdecimalSeparator as decimal separator and
+ * JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVcommentInitializer as comment initializer!
+ *
+ * \see saveData()
+ */
+ void saveAsTabSV(const QString& filename=QString(""));
+ /** \brief save the current plot data as a Data Interchange Format file (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Interchange_Format).
+ *
+ * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
+ *
+ * \see saveData()
+ */
+ void saveAsDIF(const QString& filename=QString(""));
+ /** \brief save the current plot data as a SYmbolik LinK (SYLK) spreadsheet file (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_Link_(SYLK) )
+ *
+ * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
+ *
+ * \see saveData()
+ */
+ void saveAsSYLK(const QString& filename=QString(""));
+ /** \brief save the current plot data as a Matlab Script
+ *
+ * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
+ *
+ * example output:
+ * \code
+ * % data from columne 1 ('x')
+ * x = [ 0 0.251327 0.502655 ... ];
+ *
+ * % data from columne 2 ('y')
+ * y = [ 0 0.24869 0.481754 ... ];
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \see copyDataMatlab(), saveData()
+ */
+ void saveAsMatlab(const QString& filename=QString(""));
+ /** \brief save the current plot data as a Semicolon Separated Values (CSV) file for german Excel, i.e. with comma as decimal separator
+ *
+ * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
+ *
+ * example output:
+ * \code
+ * # x, y
+ * 0, 0
+ * 0,251327; 0,24869
+ * 0,502655; 0,481754
+ * ...
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * \see saveData(), saveAsSemicolonSV()
+ */
+ void saveAsGerExcelCSV(const QString& filename=QString(""));
+ public:
+ /** \brief save the current plot data as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
+ *
+ * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
+ * \param decimalSeparator decimal separator for outpu
+ * \param commentInitializer line-start for comment lines
+ *
+ * example output:
+ * \code
+ * # x, y
+ * 0, 0
+ * 0.251327, 0.24869
+ * 0.502655, 0.481754
+ * ...
+ * \endcode
+ *
+ * This method uses JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVdecimalSeparator as decimal separator and
+ * JKQTBasePlotterStyle::CSVcommentInitializer as comment initializer!
+ */
+ void saveAsCSV(const QString& filename, const QString& decimalSeparator, const QString& commentInitializer);
+ /** \brief save the current plot data as a Semicolon Separated Values (SSV) file
+ *
+ * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
+ * \param decimalSeparator decimal separator for outpu
+ * \param commentInitializer line-start for comment lines
+ *
+ * example output for saveAsSemicolonSV(filename, ",","#")
+ * \code
+ * # x, y
+ * 0, 0
+ * 0,251327; 0,24869
+ * 0,502655; 0,481754
+ * ...
+ * \endcode
+ */
+ void saveAsSemicolonSV(const QString& filename, const QString& decimalSeparator, const QString& commentInitializer);
+ /** \brief save the current plot data as a Tabulator Separated Values (CSV) file
+ *
+ * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
+ * \param decimalSeparator decimal separator for outpu
+ * \param commentInitializer line-start for comment lines
+ *
+ * example output for saveAsTabSV(filename, ",","#")
+ * \code
+ * # x y
+ * 0 0
+ * 0,251327 0,24869
+ * 0,502655 0,481754
+ * ...
+ * \endcode
+ */
+ void saveAsTabSV(const QString& filename, const QString& decimalSeparator, const QString& commentInitializer);
+/** @name Saving/Exporting Plots as Image/Vector Files */
+public Q_SLOTS:
+ /** \brief save the current plot as a pixel image image (PNG ...), if filename is empty a file selection dialog is displayed
+ *
+ * \param filename name of the stored file, if no \a outputFormat is given, the file format is deduced by the file extension in \a filename
+ * \param displayPreview if \c true a dialog is shown that allows to modify the generated output (zoo, scaling, ...)
+ * \param outputFormmat specify the file format for the generated file
+ * \param outputSizeIncrease if given, the size of the generated pixel image is increased by this number of pixels in addition to the required space
+ * \return returns \c true on success
+ *
+ * This function may generate any pixel-graphics format, supported by Qt and listed in QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats()
+ * The parameters are comparable to the standard Qt functions like QImage::save()
, which is also used internally.
+ *
+ * \see grabPixelImage(), copyPixelImage()
+ */
+ bool saveAsPixelImage(const QString& filename=QString(""), bool displayPreview=true, const QByteArray &outputFormat=QByteArray(), const QSize& outputSizeIncrease=QSize(0,0));
+ /** \brief returns a rendering of the current plot as a QImage (pixel image) with the given size
+ *
+ * \see saveAsPixelImage(), copyPixelImage()
+ */
+ QImage grabPixelImage(QSize size=QSize(), bool showPreview=false);
+ /** \brief copy the current plot as a pixel+svg image to the clipboard */
+ void copyPixelImage(bool showPreview=true);
+ /** \brief save the current plot as a SVG file, with the current widget aspect ratio, if filename is empty a file selection dialog is displayed
+ *
+ * \param filename the filename to save to, if empty a file save dialog is displayed
+ * \param displayPreview if \C true, a save/print-preview dialog is displayed that allows to make some modifications to the generated image, otherwise the image is saved with default settings.
+ * \return Returns \c true if the file was save successfully
+ *
+ * \note Exporting to SVG requires QPrinter-support, if it is not available on your platform, this function will not be available either!
+ */
+ bool saveAsSVG(const QString& filename=QString(""), bool displayPreview=true);
+ /** \brief save the current plot as a PDF file, with the current widget aspect ratio, if filename is empty a file selection dialog is displayed
+ *
+ * \param filename the filename to save to, if empty a file save dialog is displayed
+ * \param displayPreview if \C true, a save/print-preview dialog is displayed that allows to make some modifications to the generated image, otherwise the image is saved with default settings.
+ * \return Returns \c true if the file was save successfully
+ *
+ * \note Exporting to PDF requires QPrinter-support, if it is not available on your platform, this function will not be available either!
+ */
+ bool saveAsPDF(const QString& filename=QString(""), bool displayPreview=true);
+ /** \brief save the current plot as an image file, with the current widget aspect ratio, if filename is empty a file selection dialog is displayed.
+ * The image format is extracted from the file extension (jpeg, tiff, png, pdf, ...)
+ *
+ * \param filename the filename to save to, if empty a file save dialog is displayed
+ * \param displayPreview if \C true, a save/print-preview dialog is displayed that allows to make some modifications to the generated image, otherwise the image is saved with default settings.
+ * \return Returns \c true if the file was save successfully
+ *
+ * This function is comparable to saveAsPixelImage(), but it allows to save into any graphics format, including SVG and PF (if printer-support is compiled into the library).
+ * Also it may use the custom exporters implemented as JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter and registered via JKQTBasePlotter::registerPaintDeviceAdapter().
+ *
+ * \see grabPixelImage(), copyPixelImage(), saveAsPixelImage(), JKQTBasePlotter::registerPaintDeviceAdapter(), JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter
+ */
+ bool saveImage(const QString& filename=QString(""), bool displayPreview=true);
/** \brief emitted just before exporting the current plot as image, or just before the export preview dialog is shown
* This signal can be used to e.g. modify the plotter settings before an export.
@@ -1501,6 +1733,23 @@ class JKQTPLOTTER_LIB_EXPORT JKQTBasePlotter: public QObject {
void afterExporting();
+ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
+/** @name Print Support */
+public Q_SLOTS:
+ /** \brief print the current plot, if printer is \c nullptr a printer selection dialog is displayed
+ *
+ * \note This function is only available on platforms with QPrinter support!
+ */
+ void print(QPrinter* printer=nullptr, bool displayPreview=true);
/** \brief emitted just before Printing the current plot as image, or just before the print preview dialog is shown
* This signal can be used to e.g. modify the plotter settings before a print.
@@ -1517,6 +1766,22 @@ class JKQTPLOTTER_LIB_EXPORT JKQTBasePlotter: public QObject {
void afterPrinting();
+ /** \brief signal: emitted whenever the user selects a new x-y zoom range (by mouse) */
+ void zoomChangedLocally(double newxmin, double newxmax, double newymin, double newymax, JKQTBasePlotter* sender);
+ /** \brief emitted when the plot has to be updated */
+ void plotUpdated();
+ /** \brief emitted when the plot scaling had to be recalculated */
+ void plotScalingRecalculated();
+ /** \brief emitted before the plot scaling has been recalculated */
+ void beforePlotScalingRecalculate();
public Q_SLOTS:
@@ -1767,160 +2032,6 @@ class JKQTPLOTTER_LIB_EXPORT JKQTBasePlotter: public QObject {
* */
void setShowZeroAxes(bool showXY);
- /** \brief save the current plot as a pixel image image (PNG ...), if filename is empty a file selection dialog is displayed
- *
- * \param filename name of the stored file, if no \a outputFormat is given, the file format is deduced by the file extension in \a filename
- * \param displayPreview if \c true a dialog is shown that allows to modify the generated output (zoo, scaling, ...)
- * \param outputFormmat specify the file format for the generated file
- * \param outputSizeIncrease if given, the size of the generated pixel image is increased by this number of pixels in addition to the required space
- * \return returns \c true on success
- *
- * This function may generate any pixel-graphics format, supported by Qt and listed in QImageWriter::supportedImageFormats()
- * The parameters are comparable to the standard Qt functions like QImage::save()
, which is also used internally.
- *
- * \see grabPixelImage(), copyPixelImage()
- */
- bool saveAsPixelImage(const QString& filename=QString(""), bool displayPreview=true, const QByteArray &outputFormat=QByteArray(), const QSize& outputSizeIncrease=QSize(0,0));
- /** \brief returns a rendering of the current plot as a QImage (pixel image) with the given size
- *
- * \see saveAsPixelImage(), copyPixelImage()
- */
- QImage grabPixelImage(QSize size=QSize(), bool showPreview=false);
- /** \brief copy the current plot as a pixel+svg image to the clipboard */
- void copyPixelImage(bool showPreview=true);
- /** \brief save the current plot as a SVG file, with the current widget aspect ratio, if filename is empty a file selection dialog is displayed
- *
- * \param filename the filename to save to, if empty a file save dialog is displayed
- * \param displayPreview if \C true, a save/print-preview dialog is displayed that allows to make some modifications to the generated image, otherwise the image is saved with default settings.
- * \return Returns \c true if the file was save successfully
- *
- * \note Exporting to SVG requires QPrinter-support, if it is not available on your platform, this function will not be available either!
- */
- bool saveAsSVG(const QString& filename=QString(""), bool displayPreview=true);
- /** \brief save the current plot as a PDF file, with the current widget aspect ratio, if filename is empty a file selection dialog is displayed
- *
- * \param filename the filename to save to, if empty a file save dialog is displayed
- * \param displayPreview if \C true, a save/print-preview dialog is displayed that allows to make some modifications to the generated image, otherwise the image is saved with default settings.
- * \return Returns \c true if the file was save successfully
- *
- * \note Exporting to PDF requires QPrinter-support, if it is not available on your platform, this function will not be available either!
- */
- bool saveAsPDF(const QString& filename=QString(""), bool displayPreview=true);
- /** \brief save the current plot as an image file, with the current widget aspect ratio, if filename is empty a file selection dialog is displayed.
- * The image format is extracted from the file extension (jpeg, tiff, png, pdf, ...)
- *
- * \param filename the filename to save to, if empty a file save dialog is displayed
- * \param displayPreview if \C true, a save/print-preview dialog is displayed that allows to make some modifications to the generated image, otherwise the image is saved with default settings.
- * \return Returns \c true if the file was save successfully
- *
- * This function is comparable to saveAsPixelImage(), but it allows to save into any graphics format, including SVG and PF (if printer-support is compiled into the library).
- * Also it may use the custom exporters implemented as JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter and registered via JKQTBasePlotter::registerPaintDeviceAdapter().
- *
- * \see grabPixelImage(), copyPixelImage(), saveAsPixelImage(), JKQTBasePlotter::registerPaintDeviceAdapter(), JKQTPPaintDeviceAdapter
- */
- bool saveImage(const QString& filename=QString(""), bool displayPreview=true);
- /** \brief save the data used for the current plot. The file format is extracted from the file extension (csv, ...)
- *
- * \param filename the filename to save to, if empty a file save dialog is displayed
- * \param format The parameter \a format specifies the export format. if it is empty the format will be choosen according to the file extension, or
- * if \a filename is also empty the format will be choosen according to what is selected in the file selection dialog.
- * See below for a listing of supported values.
- * \returns returns \c true if the data was exported successfully.
- *
- * These values are supported for \a format (if \a format is not provided, the function tries to guess it from the file extensions liste below):
- * - \c "csv", Comma Separated Values, dot as decimal separator (see also https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comma-separated_values, extensions: \c *.csv , \c *.dat , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsCSV()
- * - \c "tab" Tab Separated Values, dot as decimal separator, extensions: \c *.txt , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsTabSV()
- * - \c "sem" or \c "ssv", Semicolon Separated Values, dot as decimal separator, extensions: \c *.sem , \c *.ssv , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsSemicolonSV()
- * - \c "gex", Semicolon Separated Values for German Excel, i.e. comma as decimal separator, extensions: \c *.gex , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsGerExcelCSV()
- * - \c "slk" or \c "sylk" , SYmbolik LinK (SYLK) spreadsheet (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Symbolic_Link_(SYLK) ), extensions: \c *.slk , \c *.sylk , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsSYLK()
- * - \c "dif", Data Interchange Format (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Data_Interchange_Format), extensions: \c *.dif , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsDIF()
- * - \c "m", Matlab Script, extensions: \c *.m , see JKQTBasePlotter::saveAsMatlab()
- * .
- *
- * In addition you can use the custom exporters implemented as JKQTPSaveDataAdapter and registered using JKQTBasePlotter::registerSaveDataAdapter().
- * For these you need to use \a format = "customN"
, where N is the index of the exporter in the list of registered exporters.
- */
- bool saveData(const QString& filename=QString(""), const QString& format=QString(""));
- /** \brief copy the data used for the current plot to the clipboard
- *
- * copies data as tab separated data with the system-decimal point.
- */
- void copyData();
- /** \brief copy the data used for the current plot to the clipboard as a Matlab script
- */
- void copyDataMatlab();
- /** \brief save the current plot data as a Comma Separated Values (CSV) file
- *
- * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
- *
- * \note this function uses CSVdecimalSeparator as decimal separator and CSVcommentInitializer to initialize content lines
- */
- void saveAsCSV(const QString& filename=QString(""));
- /** \brief save the current plot data as a Semicolon Separated Values (SSV) file
- *
- * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
- *
- * \note this function uses CSVdecimalSeparator as decimal separator and CSVcommentInitializer to initialize content lines
- */
- void saveAsSemicolonSV(const QString& filename=QString(""));
- /** \brief save the current plot data as a Tabulator Separated Values (CSV) file
- *
- * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
- *
- * \note this function uses CSVdecimalSeparator as decimal separator and CSVcommentInitializer to initialize content lines
- *
- * \see saveData()
- */
- void saveAsTabSV(const QString& filename=QString(""));
- /** \brief save the current plot data as a DIF file
- *
- * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
- *
- * \see saveData()
- */
- void saveAsDIF(const QString& filename=QString(""));
- /** \brief save the current plot data as a SYLK spreadsheet file
- *
- * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
- *
- * \see saveData()
- */
- void saveAsSYLK(const QString& filename=QString(""));
- /** \brief save the current plot data as a Matlab Script
- *
- * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
- *
- * \see copyDataMatlab(), saveData()
- */
- void saveAsMatlab(const QString& filename=QString(""));
- /** \brief save the current plot data as a Semicolon Separated Values (CSV) file for german Excel, i.e. with comma as decimal separator
- *
- * \param filename the file to save to, if \a filename is empty, a file open dialog will be shown
- *
- * \see saveData()
- */
- void saveAsGerExcelCSV(const QString& filename=QString(""));
- /** \brief print the current plot, if printer is \c nullptr a printer selection dialog is displayed
- *
- * \note This function is only available on platforms with QPrinter support!
- */
- void print(QPrinter* printer=nullptr, bool displayPreview=true);
/** \brief this method zooms the graph so that all plotted datapoints are visible.