- tank controlller
- tank shooting
- bunch of tanks
- minimap UI camera
- bullet kills tanks
- multiple proposed trajectories
- proposed trajectories check terrain
- death explosion effect
- player tank moves to right click
- power/elevation buttons keep same target
- flight time plus/minus keep same target
- AI contorolled tank - shoot closest, move randomly
- multiplayer https://johanhelsing.studio/posts/extreme-bevy
- each player controls 1 artillery tank + 1 drone
- line of sight fog of war (based on all team drones + tank line of sight)
- player sees enemy shell impact point from radar when close to impact (and extrapolates shooter position) - needs drone for accurate target info
- different types of ammo in each gun class (killstreaks? cs-style money points?)
- different types of gun classes (like battlefield)
- game mode:
- sp PVE
- mp FFA teams 1-4 (fortnite)
- mp Red Vs. Blue (2-3 fronts)
- achievements pve
- elo rating pvp
- fortnite style powerup on map
- skill based match making on same map, spatially (east easier, west harder)
- parallax mapping height map triangles
- split tiles each 1 entity
- material texture generation
- post processing
- post-proc lines shader
- depth of field https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v9x_50czf-4
- grass https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bp7REZBV4P4
- volumetric? clouds & smoke
- app-world compute shaders? Kjolnyr/bevy_app_compute#4
- upgrade bevy 0.12
- audio system rewrite -
- bevy-hanabi update
- physics libs update
- "hanabi" - particle effects (compute shaders)
- unsupported webgpu djeedai/bevy_hanabi#41
- some fork might work, but disable world inspector plugin
- "bevy_atmosphere" - Nishta sky (compute shadefrs)
- unsupported webgpu
- "simdnoise" - only works intel SIMD