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Custom Function Reference

Global custom_func Available to All Extensions and Versions of Schema Handlers


Synopsis: coalesce returns the first non-empty string of the input strings. If no input strings are given or all of them are empty, then empty string is returned. Note: a blank string (with only whitespaces) is not considered as empty.

Pkg doc: here.


"tracking_number": { "custom_func": {
    "name": "coalesce",
    "args": [
        { "xpath": "tracking_number_h002_cn" },
        { "xpath": "tracking_number_h001" }

If IDR node tracking_number_h002_cn value is "" and tracking_number_h001 value is "ABC", then the result field tracking_number value is "ABC".


Synopsis: concat concatenates a number of strings together. If no strings specified, "" is returned.

Pkg doc: here.


"event_date_time": { "custom_func": {
    "name": "concat",
    "args": [
        { "xpath": "event_date" },
        { "const": "T" },
        { "xpath": "event_time" }

If IDR node event_date value is "12/31/2020" and event_time value is "12:34:56", then the result field event_date_time value is "12/31/2020T12:34:56".


Synopsis: dateTimeLayoutToRFC3339 parses a datetime string according to a given layout, and normalizes and returns it in RFC3339 format.

Pkg doc: here.


"day_before_month": { "custom_func": {
    "name": "dateTimeLayoutToRFC3339",
    "args": [
        { "xpath": "DayBeforeMonth" },
        { "const": "02/01/06T15:04:05", "_comment": "layout" },
        { "const": "false", "_comment": "layoutTZ" },
        { "const": "Pacific/Auckland", "_comment": "fromTZ" },
        { "const": "America/Los_Angeles", "_comment": "toTZ" }

If IDR node DayBeforeMonth value is "31/12/20T12:34:56", then the result field day_before_month value is "2020-12-30T15:34:56-08:00": first, input "31/12/20T12:34:56" is parsed in the time zone of "Pacific/Auckland" which is GMT+13 at that moment of time. So the input datetime string, if translated into UTC, is "2020-12-30T23:34:56Z". Now the caller specifies the desired output timezone to be "America/Los_Angeles" which is GMT-8 at that moment of time, so the eventual output is "2020-12-30T15:34:56-08:00".

Param layoutTZ should be a boolean string value "true" or "false", depending on if the provided layout param contains TZ info (such as Z suffix, or tz offset like -08:00) in it or not. If layout has TZ info, then fromTZ param will be ignored; if layout and input don't have TZ info, and fromTZ is specified, then the datetime string will be parsed in as if it's in the fromTZ timezone. If toTZ is empty, then whatever the tz from the input parsing will remain intact; or the parsed input datetime will be converted into the toTZ.

If you're not sure, please check this sample to find out more subtleties about date time parsing and conversion.


Synopsis: dateTimeToEpoch parses a datetime string intelligently, and returns its epoch number.

Pkg doc: here.


"epoch": { "custom_func": {
    "name": "dateTimeToEpoch",
    "args": [
        { "xpath": "event_datetime" },
        { "const": "", "_comment": "fromTZ" },
        { "const": "SECOND", "_comment": "unit" }

If IDR node event_datetime value is "12/31/2020T12:34:56Z", then the result field epoch value is "1609418096": first, input "12/31/2020T12:34:56Z" will be parsed in as is (since it has Z suffix, so it is time-zoned, plus fromTZ is ""). Then the function converts the input datetime to epoch seconds.

Param unit has two valid values: "SECOND" or "MILLISECOND".


Synopsis: dateTimeToRFC3339 parses a datetime string intelligently, normalizes and returns it in RFC3339 format.

Pkg doc: here.


"no_tz_date_time_use_to_tz": { "custom_func": {
    "name": "dateTimeToRFC3339",
    "args": [
        { "xpath": "DateTimeWithNoTZ" },
        { "const": "", "_comment": "fromTZ" },
        { "const": "America/Los_Angeles", "_comment": "toTZ" }

This custom_func params and behavior is very similar to dateTimeLayoutToRFC3339 except that it doesn't need a layout and it instead tries to parse the input datetime string intelligently.

If you're not sure, please check this sample to find out more subtleties about date time parsing and conversion.


Synopsis: epochToDateTimeRFC3339 translates an epoch timestamp into an RFC3339 formatted datetime string.

Pkg doc: here.


"epoch_to_datetime": { "custom_func": {
    "name": "epochToDateTimeRFC3339",
    "args": [
        { "xpath": "event_epoch" },
        { "const": "MILLISECOND", "_comment": "unit" }

If IDR node event_epoch value is "1609418096000", then the result field epoch_to_datetime value is "2020-12-31T12:34:56Z": first, input "1609418096000" will be parsed in as epoch value in milliseconds. Then the function converts the epoch value to RFC3339 string.

Param unit has two valid values: "SECOND" or "MILLISECOND".

There is an optional param at the end, tz: if not specified, the output will be in UTC (Z) time zone; if specified, it must be of a standard IANA time zone string, such as "America/Los_Angeles".


Synopsis: lower lowers the case of an input string.

Pkg doc: here.


"carrier": { "custom_func": { "name": "lower", "args": [ { "xpath": "../GLOBAL/carrier" } ] } },

If IDR node ../GLOBAL/carrier value is "ABC", then the result field carrier value is "abc".


Synopsis: now returns the current time in UTC in RFC3339 format.

Pkg doc: here.


"now_datetime": { "custom_func": { "name": "now" }},

The result field now_datetime value will be the current system datetime in UTC in RFC3339.


Synopsis: upper uppers the case of an input string.

Pkg doc: here.


"carrier": { "custom_func": { "name": "upper", "args": [ { "xpath": "../GLOBAL/carrier" } ] } },

If IDR node ../GLOBAL/carrier value is "abc", then the result field carrier value is "ABC".


Synopsis: uuidv3 uses MD5 to produce a consistent/stable UUID for an input string.

Pkg doc: here.


"unique_customer_order_id": { "custom_func": {
    "name": "uuidv3",
    "args": [
        { "custom_func": {
            "name": "concat",
            "args: [
                { "xpath": "customer_id" },
                { "const": "/" },
                { "xpath": "order_id" }

The result field unique_customer_order_id will contain the value of an MD5 hash of the concatenated string of customer_id value, "/", and order_id value.

omni.2.1 Schema Handler Specific custom_func


Synopsis: copy copies the current contextual idr.Node and returns it as a JSON marshaling friendly interface{}.

Pkg doc: here.


"first_book": { "xpath": "book[position() = 1]", "custom_func": { "name": "copy"} },

The result field first_book will be an exact copy of first book node from the input.


Synopsis: javascript runs a javascript.

Pkg doc: here.


"avg_price": {
    "custom_func": {
        "name": "javascript",
        "args": [
            { "const": "t=0; for(i=0; i<prices.length; i++) { t+=prices[i]; } Math.floor(t*100/prices.length)/100;" },
            { "const": "prices" }, { "array": [ { "xpath": "books/*/price", "type": "float" } ] }

The result field avg_price will contain the average price (to the 2nd decimal places) of all the book prices.

For more information about javascript, check this in-depth explanation.


Synopsis: javascript_with_context runs a javascript with contextual _node provided.

Pkg doc: here.


"full_name": { "xpath": "./personal_info", "custom_func" {
    "name": "javascript_with_context",
    "args": [
        { "const": "var n = JSON.parse(_node); n.['Last Name'] + ', ' + n.['First Name']" }

The result field full_name will be a concatenated string of the last name and the first name from the current IDR node.

For more information about javascript_with_context, check this in-depth explanation.