This is the rough outline for my "Bootiful Testing" talk, first presented here in this longer format.
Arguably, most of these examples should be done in terms of non-reactive code. We should introduce JPA and Servlet-testing as well as reactive testing.
- the test pyramid
- test-driven development
- inside-out vs. outside-in testing
- generate new projects on the Initializr (notice that all the testing support is included)
- unit testing with JUnit, AssertJ, Hamcrest
- testing the data tier with our first test slice
- testing the repository custom finder method
- testing the web tier with webflux test slice
- testing the web tier with web test slice
- spring rest docs
, Mockito and stubbing as a practice- selenium for a UI?
- introduce security into an app and test that?
- intro a client
- test that the client works using wiremock
- consumer driven contract and consumer driven contract testing
- rabbitmq or kafka queues
- continuous delivery
- testing reactive code w/
- setting up a project to do integration testing; using the CF Java Client
- JUnit 5