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Running Rust in the browser with WASI preview 2

This guide will show you how to run Rust with POSIX emulation in de browser with WASI preview 2.


Right now rustup doesn't provide the std crate for wasm32-wasip2 in the stable channel, but it does provide it in the beta channel, so we need to install beta rust and the wasm32-wasip2 target.

rustup install beta
rustup +beta target add wasm32-wasip2

Writing the module

Let's create our own demo component, we need a crate for it

cargo init --lib --name demo

We need to specify the crate type by adding to ./Cargo.toml

crate-type = ["cdylib"]

Then we need to define its interface in ./wit/demo.wit

package local:demo;
world demo {
    export greet: func(name: string);
    export list-dir: func(name: string);

To consume this interface from our Rust code, we will use the wit-bindgen crate

cargo add wit-bindgen

This crate provides a generate! macro to generate the Rust traits from the wit file

mod bindings {
        world: "demo",

This generates a Guest trait for implementing the behaviour of the demo world

use bindings::Guest;

Now we just need to create a new type to represent our component, and let wit-bindgen know about it

struct Component;
bindings::export!(Component with_types_in bindings);

We can use an empty struct since we don't need to preserve any state.

Finally we need to implement the Guest trait for our component

impl Guest for Component {
    fn greet(name: String) {
        let s = format!("hello {name}, from Rust!");

    fn list_dir(path: String) {
        let Ok(dir) = std::fs::read_dir(&path) else {
            println!("  < Error opening directory {path:?} >");
        let dir: Vec<_> = dir.collect();
        if dir.is_empty() {
            println!("  < Empty >");
        for entry in dir {
            if let Ok(entry) = entry {
                let path = entry.path();
                if path.is_dir() {
                    println!("  {}/", path.display());
                } else {
                    println!("  {}", path.display());

Note how we are using println! and std::fs, which rely on the conceps of a standard output and a filesystem respectively.

Compiling it

There are a two steps to compile the component:

  1. Compile the crate to a core wasm module
cargo +beta build --release --target wasm32-wasip2
  1. Generate JS bindings for the component
jco transpile ./target/wasm32-wasip2/release/demo.wasm --out-dir ./wasm/ --instantiation

Running it

To run our code we create a main.js file and import the instantiate function from the generated bindings

import { instantiate } from "./wasm/demo.js";

The instantiate function will require imports implementing for the WASI preview 2 world. We can obtain a shim for the browser importing it from the jco repo

import wasip2 from "";

We can now call the instantiate function, which takes a function to fetch and compile the WebAssembly binary, an object with the required imports, and returns an object for our component

let demo = await instantiate(
    (url) => fetch(new URL(`./wasm/${url}`, import.meta.url)).then(WebAssembly.compileStreaming),
    { ...wasip2 }

And we can now call the greet function


We can run this with Deno

deno -A main.js

which prints

hello Jorge, from Rust!

Note how we didn't specify an import for printing to the console, our Rust code simple used println!, and the WASI shim translated that to a console.log call.

Posix emulation

We also implemented a list-dir function that interacts with the filesystem. The WASI shim provides an emulated filesystem for our program to interact with. Lets try it out

console.log("listing /");

which prints

listing /
  < Empty >

The root of the emulated filesystem is empty. Lets populate it.

console.log("creating /home/web_user/");
const [[root]] = wasip2["wasi:filesystem/preopens"].getDirectories();

console.log("writing /");
const fd = root.openAt({}, "/", { create: true }, { write: true });
fd.write("hello world!", 0);

Now we can try calling list-dir again

console.log("listing /");

console.log("listing /home");

which prints

creating /home/web_user/
writing /
listing /
listing /home

Running in the browser

To run the script in the browser we need an index.html file

<!doctype html>
<script type="module" src="./main.js"></script>

and now we can run serve and direct our browser to http://localhost:8000.

Further reading

Check out jco's WASI preview2 shim repo.

Also check out the full WIT definition for wasi:cli in its repo