Date: 2024/05/22
- Add a way to read outputs (that will be written back to the CSV) from the response's headers, status code and request time, in addition to the response body as JSON (#13)
Date: 2024/01/20
- Add the ability to send requests in parallel, with configurable parallelism (#11)
Date: 2023/03/21
- Add a configuration option to set default delay for all requests (#7)
Date: 2023/03/21
- Fix plugin freezing after sending the first request when response isn't valid JSON (#4)
Date: 2023/03/18
- Added a configuration option to set a delay between consecutive requests (#1)
Date: 2023/02/19
Initial version
Date: 2023/02/18
Initial version
Pulled from NPM because of missing main file.