In Process
This is a list of various utilities repos in github
for easily using rosbag
. It's an attempt to gather useful material to process data collected by rosbag
. The search keywords contains rosbag
and ros bag
- rosbag-tools Tools and scripts for working with ROS bag files.
- rosbag_toolkit bag2image, bag2mat, bag2pandas, bag_correction, bagmerge, bagselector, downsample_bags, image2bag, image_resize.
- PlotJuggler A tool to visualize time series that is fast, powerful and intuitive.
- annotator Annotate video and audio streams either in common formats(mp4, avi, mkv, wav, mp3) or rosbag files.
- rosbag_pandas Python library (and some tools) for converting ROS bagfiles to Pandas dataframes.
- rosbag_to_csv Converter from ros bag to csv.
- bagpy Python package for reading, and extracting data from rosbag file and perform any analysis on it.
- rosbag.js ROS bag file reader for JavaScript.
- matlab_rosbag A small library for reading ROS bags in Matlab
- rosbag2video Converting image sequence in ros bag files to video files.
- bag2video Converting images in a rosbag to a video.
- ros_msg_parser Deserialized any ROS messages, even if you don't know its type. Successor of ros_type_introspection.
- tf_bag Utilities to transparently use tf data recorded with rosbag in Python scripts.
- rgbd_export
- rosbag_editor Create/Edit a rosbag from a given one, using a simple GUI
- BagFromImages Create a rosbag from a collection of images.
- rosbag_direct_write C++ API for (potentially) faster writing of rosbag's using O_DIRECT with memory alignment.
- rosbag_filter_gui A GUI tool for rosbag filtering.
- dataset2bag This package allows to convert non-ROS datasets containing images and other sensor data to a rosbag file.
- importRosbag Import rosbag data - standalone - no ROS installation required
- rosbag_fancy Fancy terminal UI for rosbag.
- record_ros A callback wrapper for rosbag record, where a ros service allows a user to start recording a set of topics and also stop.
- bag_recorder Code for a programmatic Rosbag Recorder through ROS.
- didi_challenge_ros Roslaunch to visualize a rosbag file from Udacity (DiDi Challenge)
- udacity-driving-reader Scripts to read and dump data from the rosbag format used in the udacity self-driving dataset(s).
- kitti2bag Convert KITTI dataset to ROS bag file the easy way!
- kitti_to_rosbag Dataset tools for working with the KITTI dataset raw data and converting it to a ROS bag. Also allows a library for direct access to poses, velodyne scans, and images.
- kitti_to_rosbag_for_vio A modified version based on ethz-asl/kitti_to_rosbag to record image and imu data for running VIOs
- Tools_RosBag2KITTI Complete the conversion from the .bag file to the .png and .bin files.
- lidar2rosbag_KITTI A simple way to convert KITTI LiDAR data to rosbag.
- nuscenes2bag nuScenes dataset to rosbag format.
- ros_hadoop Hadoop splittable InputFormat for ROS. Process rosbag with Hadoop Spark and other HDFS compatible systems.
- rbb_core This repository contains the core of the Rosbag Bazaar (RBB), a tool to index/visualize/manage rosbags on remote storage systems.
- rosbag-uploader-ros1 ROS packages for uploading rosbags to AWS cloud services.
- rosbag_fixer Quick tool to try and work around [Message Headers missing dependency information](Quick tool to try and work around Message Headers missing dependency information.).
- Kimera-Semantics Kimera: an Open-Source Library for Real-Time Metric-Semantic Localization and Mapping.
- Kimera-VIO-ROS Kimera: an Open-Source Library for Real-Time Metric-Semantic Localization and Mapping.
- SARosPerceptionKitti ROS package for the Perception (Sensor Processing, Detection, Tracking and Evaluation) of the KITTI Vision Benchmark
- SASensorProcessing ROS node to create pointcloud out of stereo images from the KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite.
- Position-Control-Using-ORBSLAM2-on-the-Jetson-Nano Run ORBSLAM2 on the Jetson Nano, using recorded rosbags (e.g., EUROC) or live footage from a Bebop2 Drone