BitCodec implement of BitCodec
An implementation of BitCodec.
It's a class initially used in some Motion Twin projects ; that was written
in Motion Types a programing language developped by Nicolas Cannasse
at Motion Twin in 2004-2005.
If you are looking for how to use it, you can look at some examples in the unit tests.
new BitCodec()
public error_flag: Bool
public in_pos: Int
public nbits: Int
public data: String
public bits: Int
public crc: Int
public setData(d: String): void
public crcStr(): String
public read(): Int
public nextPart(): void
public hasError(): Bool
public toString(): String
public write(n: Int, b: Int): void
public ord(code: String): Int
public chr(code: Int): String
public d64(code: Int): String | null
public c64(code: Int): String