Required tools:
- Cmake
- Git
- c/c++ compiler (gcc or visual studio or clang)
Getting the sources:
git clone --recursive
git clone
cd openMVG
git submodule init
git submodule update
As openMVG use some C++11 features you must have a c++11 ready compiler:
- Visual studio >= 2013
- GCC >= 4.7
OpenMVG source tree contains all the mandatory dependencies that are needed to build the library, and which will be built together with the libray. In order to build the library with existing versions of the dependencies (e.g. system installed libraries or user built libraries), and thus reduce the compilation time and favour the modularization, the paths where to find such libraries can be given at cmake command line. In particular:
For Ceres solver library,
can be passed pointing to where CeresConfig.cmake can be found. e.g.-DCeres_DIR:PATH=/path/to/ceres/install/share/Ceres/
For FLANN library,
can be passed pointing to the include directory, e.g.-DFLANN_INCLUDE_DIR_HINTS:PATH=/path/to/flann/1.8.4/include/
For Eigen library,
can be passed pointing to the include directory, e.g.-DEIGEN_INCLUDE_DIR_HINTS:PATH=/usr/local/include/eigen3
At the end of the cmake process, a report shows for each library which version (internal/external) will be used in the building process, e.g.:
-- EIGEN: 3.2.4 (external)
-- CERES: 1.10.0 (external)
-- FLANN: 1.8.4 (external)
-- LIBTIFF: 4.0.4 (external)
-- LIBPNG: 1.6.18 (external)
-- LIBJPEG (external)
-- CLP: 1.15.11 (internal)
-- COINUTILS: 2.9.3 (internal)
-- OSI: 0.106.10 (internal)
-- LEMON: 1.3 (internal)
) Use Boost library (enable modules like localization/voctree and other features and optimizations. -
) If your Boost binaries are compiled without C++11 support, you need to set this option to avoid compilation errors. This is most likely to be the case if you use the system packages to install boost. -
) Use OpenMP parallelization (huge impact on performances) -
) Build with CCTag markers support.-DCCTag_DIR:PATH=/path/to/cctag/install/lib/cmake/CCTag
(where CCTagConfig.cmake can be found) -
) Build with openGV for multi-cameras localization.-DOPENGV_DIR:PATH=/path/to/opengv/install/
(where "include" and "lib" folders can be found) We recommend:git clone --branch=cmake_fix_install
) Build with Alembic file format support.-DAlembic_DIR:PATH=/path/to/alembic/install/lib/cmake/Alembic/
(where AlembicConfig.cmake can be found) With old Alembic versions (<1.6), you need to set many variables:ALEMBIC_ROOT
. -
): Build with openCV-DOpenCV_DIR:PATH=/path/to/opencv/install/share/OpenCV/
(where OpenCVConfig.cmake can be found) -
) By default, openMVG requires Ceres built with SuiteSparse to ensure best performances but you can make SuiteSparse optional with this flag. -
) Build OpenMVG as shared libs (instead of static libs) -
) Build OpenMVG tests -
) Build OpenMVG documentation -
) Build OpenMVG samples applications (openMVG software are still built) -
) Build OpenMVG openGL examples -
) Enable code coverage generation (gcc only)
OpenMVG can export graphs as graphviz .dot files and render them as SVG files. If you want consider this graph visualization feature, please consider to install Graphviz.
sudo apt-get install libpng-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff-dev libxxf86vm1 libxxf86vm-dev libxi-dev libxrandr-dev
If you want see the view graph svg logs
sudo apt-get install graphviz
git clone --recursive
mkdir openMVG_Build
cd openMVG_Build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE . ../openMVG/src/
If you want enable unit tests and examples to the build:
In order to use the MOSEK 6 back-end for the linear programming openMVG module:
Check that you have an up-to-date MOSEK licence, else openMVG MOSEK unit test will fail.
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE \ -DMOSEK_SEARCH_HEADER="~/Documents/Lib/mosek/6/tools/platform/linux64x86/h" \ -DMOSEK_SEARCH_LIB="~/Documents/Lib/mosek/6/tools/platform/linux64x86/bin" \ . ../openMVG/src/
If you want to have an IDE openable project with codeblocks:
cmake -G "CodeBlocks - Unix Makefiles" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE . ../openMVG/src/
For a multi-core compilation (Replace NBcore with the number of threads)
make -j NBcore
Launch unity tests (if asked at cmake step)
make test
Have fun with the samples
cd openMVG_Samples
- Checkout the project
git clone --recursive
- Open cmake-gui
- Fill the source path with the src openMVG path.
- Fill the build path with a new directory
- Select your Visual Studio IDE and click configure and then generate
- Open the .sln solution created in your build directory.
- Change the target to Release.
- Compile the libraries and binaries samples.
git clone --recursive
mkdir openMVG_Build
cd openMVG_Build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=RELEASE -G "Xcode" . ../openMVG/src/
If you want enable unit tests and examples to the build:
-G "Xcode" \
. ../openMVG/src/
xcodebuild -configuration Release
to your cmake command line and set OpenCV_DIR
variable to your openCV install directory where the OpenCVConfigure.cmake file can be found, i.e.:
-DOpenCV_DIR="/home/user/Dev/github/itseez/opencv_Build/install/share/OpenCV/" -DOpenMVG_USE_OPENCV=ON
OpenMVG can be used as a third party once it have been installed.
Because it can use its own Ceres version, it is better to install it locally and not in system files.
So please consider using the CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
cmake variable to specify a local installation directory.
Here the syntax to add the variable to the cmake command line (use absolute path), e.g.:
Perform make
and make install
Once the library has been installed, go to your project that want use OpenMVG as an external library and add:
ADD_EXECUTABLE(main main.cpp)
Specify to CMake where OpenMVG have been installed by using the cmake OpenMVG_DIR
variable that must point to: -DOpenMVG_DIR:STRING="YourInstallPath"/share/openMVG/cmake
A message will be displayed if OpenMVG is found or not at the cmake configure step.