diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index d5237d0001..794407aa3b 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -12,6 +12,101 @@ upgrading `notebook`.
Use `pip install pip --upgrade` to upgrade pip. Check pip version with
`pip --version`.
+## v7.1
+Jupyter Notebook 7.1 is based on JupyterLab 4.1, and includes a number of new features, bug fixes, and enhancements for extension developers. This release is compatible with extensions supporting JupyterLab 4.0. Extension authors are recommended to consult the [Extension Migration Guide](https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/extension/extension_migration.html#jupyterlab-4-0-to-4-1) which lists deprecations and changes to the public API.
+Below are a few highlights for this new release. Most of the new features and improvements come from the update to JupyterLab 4.1, although they are not all supported in Notebook 7.1.
+For reference you may have a look at the JupyterLab 4.1 changelog to learn more: https://jupyterlab.readthedocs.io/en/latest/getting_started/changelog.html#v4-1
+### Diagrams in Markdown
+Matching GitHub-Flavoured Markdown, JupyterLab 4.1 now supports [Mermaid](https://github.com/mermaid-js/mermaid) diagrams.
+To create a mermaid diagram use the `mermaid` language specifier for a code block in a markdown cell or document, for example:
+flowchart LR
+A[Hard] -->|Text| B(Round)
+B --> C{Decision}
+C -->|One| D[Result 1]
+C -->|Two| E[Result 2]
+which renders as:
+### Inline completer
+JupyterLab now supports completion presented as ghost text in the cell and file editors,
+allowing generative AI models to provide multi-line completions. This can now also be leveraged in Jupyter Notebook.
+The suggestions are provided by plugins implementing the ``IInlineCompletionProvider`` API;
+by default a single provider which uses kernel history is available.
+The suggestions can be invoked as-you-type or manually using a configurable shortcut (by default Alt + \\).
+The default keyboard shortcuts are displayed in the small widget shown when hovering over the ghost suggestion:
+- Alt + End - accept suggestion
+- Alt + [ - previous suggestion
+- Alt + ] - next suggestion
+To enable the inline suggestions based on the kernel history, go to Settings → Inline Completer → History provider → check the "enabled" checkbox.
+In addition to the built-in history suggestions,
+the [`jupyter-ai`](https://github.com/jupyterlab/jupyter-ai) extension will provide
+suggestions from supported models.
+Note that the Jupyter AI extension is not yet compatible with Jupyter Notebook 7.
+### Keyboard navigation improvements
+Numerous improvements to keyboard navigation with focus on accessibility and usability are included in this release:
+- the notebook cells now retain focus
+- the focus can now be moved beyond the active notebook
+- the toolbars can now be navigated using arrow keys
+For more details, see [this post on Jupyter Blog](https://blog.jupyter.org/recent-keyboard-navigation-improvements-in-jupyter-4df32f97628d).
+### Execution history in notebook
+The code from previously executed cells can be used to populate empty cells,
+allowing to iterate on code from previous cells or even sessions
+(depending on how a specific kernel stores history).
+To cycle between history items press Alt + Arrow Up and Alt + Arrow Down.
+To enable execution history, go to Settings → Notebook → check the "Kernel history access" checkbox.
+This feature was already available in the console in previous releases; it only works with kernels supporting execution history requests.
+To clear the execution history consult the documentation of the kernel you are using (e.g., IPython/ipykernel).
+### Error indicator in the table of contents
+When a cell fails during execution, an error indicator will be displayed by the corresponding heading,
+increasing awareness of the notebook state and enabling users to quickly navigate to the cell which requires attention.
+### Search improvements
+- The search box will now grow automatically to accommodate longer text
+- Search in selection can now be toggled using Alt + L and automatic search in selection can be configured in settings
+- Tooltips with shortcuts were added to the buttons in the search box to improve discoverability of the shortcuts
+### Miscellaneous
+- The current theme (dark/light) can now be synced with the browser/system preference (Settings menu → Theme → Synchronise with System Settings)
+- A blue "read-only" status indicator is now displayed in the toolbar of documents which cannot be saved because their model is read-only.
+- Native support for viewing jsonl/ndjson files was added
+- Collapsing of breadcrumbs in the File Browser can be disabled in File Browser settings
## 7.1.0b0
@@ -119,6 +214,8 @@ Use `pip install pip --upgrade` to upgrade pip. Check pip version with
[@Dilip-Jain](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Ajupyter%2Fnotebook+involves%3ADilip-Jain+updated%3A2023-10-17..2023-10-27&type=Issues) | [@github-actions](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Ajupyter%2Fnotebook+involves%3Agithub-actions+updated%3A2023-10-17..2023-10-27&type=Issues) | [@jayeshsingh9767](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Ajupyter%2Fnotebook+involves%3Ajayeshsingh9767+updated%3A2023-10-17..2023-10-27&type=Issues) | [@jtpio](https://github.com/search?q=repo%3Ajupyter%2Fnotebook+involves%3Ajtpio+updated%3A2023-10-17..2023-10-27&type=Issues)
+## v7.0
## 7.0.6
([Full Changelog](https://github.com/jupyter/notebook/compare/@jupyter-notebook/app@7.0.5...c62caffb02856737870cbc79a2cdb43b3e89c363))