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Todo list

k0a1a edited this page Dec 8, 2012 · 5 revisions

Near future

  • Copy pages
  • Object lock
  • Fix page deleting bug when files in ./shared get stuck once they are referenced in snapshot.
  • Fix cloning feature (create actual copies, not links)
  • CSS Transformations: Flip, Rotate
  • Give object custom ids (to be used in user's JS)
  • Add custom css class to objects
  • Uploading favicon.ico sets a favicon ;)
  • Redesign menu icons
  • Add target selector for links (automatically choose _parent for internal and _blank for external)
  • Replace absolute internal links with relative ( -> my_perversions)
  • Allow selected part of text be made a link (add class to it too)
  • Browser (IE) detection in editing mode
  • New uploader
  • Make the cache to be URL aware
  • Object rotate (ccs3, 90deg steps LATER: free rotation)
  • Better handling of embeds (soundcloud eg) so that it's easy to move them and select
  • Integrate WebType fonts
  • When uploaded image is automatically resized make the resized version link to full-res image (add owm class to it so that user can blot on a JS script?)

Far future

  • Video transcoding (server side)
  • Better handling of uploads
  • More embedding options - Soundcloud, Twitter, Facebook
  • Estimate default/favorite colors by looking at what user uses the most.
  • Same for font/size?
  • Editing of element's markup/code. User can add to/edit generated code. Will need some work in resolving conflicts
  • Object nesting, absolute/relative positioning
  • Upload fonts

SuperGlue UI (a superiour HOTGLUE, very far future)

  • video upload, server side conversion (make 3 separate video files for all browsers?! brr, if uploaded flv it is player with flash-player?)
  • html canvas integration (user can draw elements in-place; they become page objects; svg objects probably)
  • svg objects and specific svg transformations
  • userland jQuery integration (similar to 'stylesheet' - per site or per page definitions. in such case will it be nessesary at all to add JS to objects?)
  • ability to assign custom css class and id via UI to any object on a page
  • simple html effects: shadow, rotation, mirroring, round corners
  • better layering model
  • interface for uploading/managing woff fonts
  • undo (based on current revisioning system?)
  • "settings" page for all options and such
  • optional mysql interface?
  • browser addon to "glue" any element of any other website to user's superglue page (try to import position too)
  • touchscreen friendly interface
  • cgi object? (takes code and runs it on the server)
  • page modes? (absolute, or relative to screen center)
  • move all buttons for actions, options, settings which don't visually affect the current page to a separate "settings" page, see above
  • menus shall work also when mouse is hovering page objects (introduce a keyboard modifier? ie by holding ctrl - instead of activating the object a menu is shown)
  • ability to select an object positioned under another object (keyboard modifier? change current tab key behaviour from going 'to the next' to 'going to the nearest'?)
  • contextual menu that lists all objects on the page with ability to switch-to/activate desired object
  • ability to define object's properties by manual input (i.e. block size, color, fontsize)
  • color swatch. user can define it, otherwise it shows current dominating colors used on the page (limit to only 8?)
  • rework menus
  • relations between objects on a page? ("soft" boxes? if font-size changes pages composition changes too? brrr)
  • object size is definite - if content does not fit - it does not fit. some kind of scrolling method is given?
  • table/grid as a helper-object? allows to define a table to nest(?) other objects into.
  • object boundaries can not be larger/smaller then needed to fit the content - no hanging (option for an object). if content of the object grows bigger or shrinks - so does the object. such objects can be "linked" to each other - distance between their shared sides will be preserved
  • when just clicking on the object have a threshold for moving it around; prevents accidental shifts and drags
  • outlines of page objects appear above everything - by mouse hovering over a page you can see all objects even if those are hidden under something else
  • online status, show js error if saving did not succeed
  • if offline - buffer changes (indicate) and offer to commit once online
  • live update of viewing mode if page is changes (option)
  • relational positioning of objects
  • nesting of objects
  • copy objects from page to page
  • share objects between pages
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