Javascript printf tokenize creates a array of tokens using the standard from cplusplus to parse flags.
const tokenize = require('@k14v/printf-tokenize')
tokenize('This is %s test with %d flags')
[ { type: 'Literal', value: 'This is ', start: 0, end: 8, length: 8 },
{ type: 'Parameter',
value: '%s',
start: 8,
end: 10,
length: 2,
kind: 'String',
specifier: 's' },
{ type: 'Literal',
value: ' test with ',
start: 10,
end: 21,
length: 11 },
{ type: 'Parameter',
value: '%d',
start: 21,
end: 23,
length: 2,
kind: 'Number',
specifier: 'd',
variant: 'Integer' },
{ type: 'Literal', value: ' flags', start: 23, end: 29, length: 6 } ]