- Switch to BLoc pattern for State Management.
- Separated UI and Logic from all screens.
- Developed initial Settings feature for notifications.
- Allow navigation directly to trip from push message.
- Added new notification card for message received in app notifications. Added new notification type.
- Updated Notification Cloud Functions.
- Able to view trip before joining from invite.
- Gave apple and google sign in buttons intrinsic width.
- Added Portrait only to android manifest.
- Added grid view for devices with larger screens.
- Fixed delete issue for activities, lodging, and transportation.
- Removed text font for more responsiveness. Reversed Ad list. Redesigned for tablet view.
- Updated all error logs to provide more details.
- Fixed delete button for activities, lodging and transportation.
- Added core level styling for Elevated Button.
- Completed the beta version of Split Feature. Added Split feature to Activities, Lodging, and Transportation.
- Created local packages for internal use: Flappy Search & Flutter Link Preview
- New launch screens (need to address initial blurry view).
- Updated API functions to handle Uri strings.
- Added Shared Preferences dependency.
- Updated all Logo images to higher quality.
- Made UI changes to trip cards.
- Added travel type to Notification layout.
- Fixed Google Places.
- Added Env package and file and moved Google API key.
- Completely new UI (i.e. App bar, bottom Navigation bar, color scheme)
- Profile UI updates
- New trip card layout.
- Included Ad capability to All Trips.
- New Splash Screen/ Launch Screen.
- New logo.
- Add fields to Public Profile (hometown, instagram link, facebook link, top destinations).
- Code cleanup
- Change loading screen to show full height of device.
- Added following and followers to profile page.
- Like button for Bringing items.
- Added Travel Crew social media links.
- Changed preview trip card layout.
- Added transportation page.
- Changed layout of activities, lodging, and transportation to match.
- Added Theme Provider to change between light and dark themes.
- Adjusted Activity and Lodging notifications
- Added settings page for changing the theme.
- Reversed past trips list.
- Made all dismissible items one directional.
- Users can now search by display names too.
- Added image preview for Member list.
- Redesigned UI for DM chat and trip chat page.
- Fixed trip creation feature.
- Added push notification capability
- Adjusted users profile picture.
- Enable users to delete trips.
- Signup changes following Apple's guidelines.
- UI modification for email and password on Login screen.
- Additional event triggers for Google Analytics.
- Forgot Password functionality implemented.
- Added Icons for crew trips - Chats - Likes - Needed items.
- Notifications on Icon Launcher
- Admin additions: Check feedback & send custom Notifications
- Code cleanup.
- UI Space Theme change.
- Added new font.
- Removed image upload functionality from Activity and Lodging.
- UI Changes to Profile page.
- Added Follow Back feature.
- Feedback Page fixed.
- Persistent keyboard error fixed.
- Removed Add Vote feature for Activities and Lodging.
- Added Drawer for app menu.
- Custom option for basket feature.
- Added Google Fonts Changed
- Flight page to Crew page.
- Added functionality to block and report users.
- Upgraded to iOS14 and tested on device.
- Added delete chat message feature.
- Deployment min target is now 9.0 manual override.
- UI adjustments.
- Upgraded Flutter packages.
- Removed Main Explore page with covid stats.
- Added flagging feature for objectionable content.
- Updated iOS camera roll access request.
- Updated to iOS 14.
- Added Terms of Service.
- Updated Android target SDK to 29
- Added Cloud Functions link directly to trip from notifications.
- Layout Adjustments for Android and iPad.
- Apple Sign in Available.
- Added Help & Feedback pages to view privacy policy and submit feedback.
- Google Vision Cloud Function enabled.
- Fixed chat to wrap messages.
- Fixed user signup to show on users page.
- Adjusted Explore Basic page to show request button.
- Adjusted Explore member page to show how many members.
- Fixed activity on-click.
- Included badges for Notifications.
- Notifications are dismissible; swipe left or right.
- User can delete activities and lodging options they created.
- Privacy statement is viewable on login screen.