This is a simple reverse proxy that fetches an html page from remote resource and splits it in terms of header and body. Two environment variables are created:
- app_proxy.head - contains inner part of
- app_proxy.body - similiary it's of the
This is useful for embedding a foreign app into our own. In production, you can see as it serves merging phpBB forum with the Rails application right here.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
gem 'rack_simple_app_reverse_proxy'
And then execute:
$ bundle
Or install it yourself as:
$ gem install rack_simple_app_reverse_proxy
When used in Rails environment, include it as middleware. Add to your application.rb
the following:
config.middleware.use "Rack::SimpleAppReverseProxy",
:uri => "",
:expand_paths => %w(styles)
The expand_paths
options is an array of relative paths that should be expanded. For the example above it means rewriting as following:
./styles/x/y/z ->
Next, you need to enhance your layout by including header part. In the layout in <head>
section you will want to add:
<%= request.env["app_proxy.head"] %>
And into the view that renders remote app's body you simply add:
<%= request.env["app_proxy.body"] %>
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