îles — french word for "islands" |
- 🏝 Partial Hydration - zero JS by default, hydrates the interactive bits
- 🔌 Batteries Included - layouts, components, site-wide data
- 🧱 Multi-Framework - vue, preact, svelte, solid
- 📖 Markdown - use components in markdown and viceversa
- 🛣 Routing - automatically configured from files
- 🛠 Devtools - debug panel and hydration timeline
- ⚡️ Fast - instant reloading powered by Vite
pnpm init iles@next # or npm or yarn
Visit the documentation website to check out the guides and searchable configuration reference.
Follow me or the official îles account on Twitter.
- Vite and Vue: for enabling an amazing development experience
- Astro: for sharing a novel way to define islands
- MDX: provides amazing flexibility when processing Markdown
- vue-router, @vueuse/head, and vite-plugin-pages: the backbone of this library
- unplugin-vue-components: allows you to avoid the boilerplate
- VitePress and vite-ssg: for their different ideas on SSR