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Lab Kubernetes kubectl CLI plugin


The focus of this lab is to become familar with kubectl plugin development. Through this lab you great a plugin that will interact with a Kubernetes cluster.


  • Running Kubernetes 1.15+ cluster
  • kubectl installed

Step 1: clone

git clone

Or fork and clone

Step 2: Compile

Make sure the environment is setup correct by make cli which will build the cli or make which will build and test.

Step 3. Run CLI from Go

go run cmd/kubectl-example/main.go


go run cmd/kubectl-example/main.go version will run the project.

Step 3: Build and Install

make cli-install will build and install the new example plugin into $GOPATH/bin. Assuming that is in your $PATH, the following should now be possible.

k example version
Example Version: version.Info{GitVersion:"0.1.0", GitCommit:"64e04046", BuildDate:"2020-01-30T22:00:17Z", GoVersion:"go1.13.7", Compiler:"gc", Platform:"darwin/amd64"}

Step 4: Test against your cluster

Running k example resources while kubectl context is set to an active cluster should result in the following:

k example resources
Name                           	Namespaced	Kind                          
replicationcontrollers         	true      	ReplicationController         
namespaces                     	false     	Namespace                     
resourcequotas                 	true      	ResourceQuota                 
configmaps                     	true      	ConfigMap                     
pods                           	true      	Pod                           
nodes                          	false     	Node                          
services                       	true      	Service                       
persistentvolumeclaims         	true      	PersistentVolumeClaim         
secrets                        	true      	Secret                        
serviceaccounts                	true      	ServiceAccount                
persistentvolumes              	false     	PersistentVolume   

Step 5: Explore the Project

Start with root.go and understand how commands in Go are created. Look at main.go which is the starting point but for this project isn't very interesting.

Step 6: Add pod listing code which uses structure object references in go.

At line 71 of pod_list.go replace fmt.Printf("add pod list code using direct object references\n") with the following:

First acquire a kube client and a pods client:

	client := env.NewClientSet(&Settings)
	podsClient := client.CoreV1().Pods(apiv1.NamespaceDefault)

With the podClient we can query for a list

	list, err := podsClient.List(metav1.ListOptions{})
	if err != nil {
		return err

The list that is return is an object which has type information AND contains a list of the pod objects we are interested in. This is a common pattern in kubernetes object access. The follow code checks to see if there are any objects and prints a line for each pod found.

	if len(list.Items) == 0 {
		fmt.Printf("no pods discovered\n")
		return nil
	for _, item := range list.Items {
			fmt.Fprintf(p.out, "pod %v in namespace: %v\n", item.Name, item.Namespace)		

Step 7. Command Flags and Pod Status

Lets add a new command flag for this list command.

Find in the pod_list.go file where it reads // status boolean and add the following code status bool to the struct.

Find in the pod_list.go file where it reads // status flag and add the following code to add a flag

	f := cmd.Flags()
	f.BoolVarP(&pkg.status, "status", "i", true, "display status info")

Now lets change the previous steps code such that a flag will provide a different output.

		if p.status {
			fmt.Fprintf(p.out, "pod %v in namespace: %v, status: %v\n", item.Name, item.Namespace, item.Status.Phase)

		} else {

Now a --status flag will provide additional output for the list.

go run cmd/kubectl-example/main.go  pod list --status
pod at-sample2-pod in namespace: default, status: Succeeded
pod foo in namespace: default, status: Running

Step 8. Using Rest Client

Lets add another pod list, but using the rest client. Find the code fmt.Printf("add pod list code using the rest client\n") in pod_list.go and replace with the following:

First lets get a client, but in this case we are going to use the rest client. Look in the environment.go file at the differences.

	client := env.NewRestClient(&Settings)
	result := &v1.PodList{}

The REST API is more generic and it is coded using the builder pattern.

	err := client.Get().
	if err != nil {
		return err

At this point the PodList object is the same and can be displayed the same way as in the first part of this lab.

	if len(result.Items) == 0 {
		fmt.Printf("no pods discovered\n")
		return nil
	for _, item := range result.Items {
			fmt.Fprintf(p.out, "pod %v in namespace: %v\n", item.Name, item.Namespace)

Step 9: Adding a Pod

Up to this point in the lab, you have only queried Kubernetes for information. In this part of the lab, you will add a pod programmically. You will be working with the pod_add file. Find code that reads fmt.Printf("adding a pod\n") and replace with the following:

This step in the lab will require the following additions to the imports:

	apiv1 ""
	metav1 ""


Similar to the first pod list, we need a client and a podClient.

	client := env.NewClientSet(&Settings)

	podsClient := client.CoreV1().Pods(apiv1.NamespaceDefault)

Next we need to define the pod using the v1.Pod API.

	pod := &apiv1.Pod{
		ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
			Name:   name,
			Labels: map[string]string{"app": "demo"},
		Spec: apiv1.PodSpec{
			Containers: []apiv1.Container{
					Name:  name,
					Image: p.image,

Notice the setting of Name, Image and Labels.

Now lets create it!

	pp, err := podsClient.Create(pod)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	fmt.Fprintf(p.out, "Pod %v created with rev: %v\n", pp.Name, pp.ResourceVersion)

Notice we get another object back from create which contains updates to the object we passed.

Let's check the cluster k get pods.