Module for building images of current news
Creates an image based on news from sources<key>
A key is required to use the service. The key is passed in as a parameter to the module.
sample sources
- cnn
- the-verge
- wired
Not all sources have images or are as up to date as others.
test.ts shows how to use the module
The normal use of this module is to build an npm module that can be used as part of a bigger progress.
index.d.ts describes the interface for the module
The LoggerInterface, KacheInterface and ImageWriterInterface interfaces are dependency injected into the module. Simple versions are provided and used by the test wrapper.
Once instanciated, the CreateImages() method can be called to create a series of images.
To use the test wrapper to build a screen, run the following command.
$ npm start
$ node app.js
Usage: app [options]
Example: app -s cnn -k <key> -c 10
-l, --loglevel <level> set the log level (error, warn, info, debug, verbose (default: "info")
-s, --source <source> News source ('google-news')
-k, --key <key> default, uses KEY env variable (default: "default"), or pass in a key or 'test' for canned data
-c, --count <count> number or screens (default: "10")
-h, --help display help for command
First check in changes and make sure the version number is updated in package.json
$ npm publish