This guide helps you to setup the required tooling to make any valuable contribution to this project. To contribute to DMJEDI we use the Anaconda Python distribution for Python 3. We simply chose this Python distribution because of our closeness to data centric workflows.
conda create env --file dmjedi
Alternatively we have also a requirement.txt for virtualenv and pip users. If you would like to use pip with conda you can do so as well.
conda create env --name dmjedi
conda activate dmjedi
conda install pip
pip install -f requirements.txt
Before submitting any pull request please make sure that the tests ar working. This makes our lifes a lot easier! :) Our test runner of choice is Pytest. You can start the tests with the following command:
pytest xyz
Another way to test DMJEDI is via the Makefile.
As you can see in the python files we use Google Style Docstrings and black as our linter of choice. Our Editor of choice is Visual Studio Code with the Anaconda Extension Pack. Of course you can also use any other text editor which is able to work with Python code as VIM, Emacs, PyCharme et cetera.
Styleguide to use?