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This package is a conglomeration of web components built with stencil which wrap some of our library.bootstrap "css components".

Setup & Running

To setup and run this package run

npm install
npm run start

which installs all dependencies and runs development servers for stencil and storybook.

You can also run stencil and storybook in separate terminal instances with the commands

npm run start:stencil
npm run start:storybook

Storybook is a presentation ui and developing tool to easily test and manage web components.

More themes for the theme switcher

Out of the box the themeswitcher only knows about our kiwigrid theme. To let it know about other variants create a file named local-themes.json in the .storybook folder.

This file has to contain an array of objects and can look like this:

[{ "value": "kiwigrid", "title": "Kiwigrid" }]