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Preparing the Environment on Your Machine

Install nodeenv ("Node Env")

Install nodeenv globally. For instructions installing it locally, see:

$ cd ~
$ sudo pip install nodeenv

Create a place for your WebApp virtual environment to live on your hard drive. We recommend installing it away from the WebApp source code:

$ mkdir /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/NodeEnvironments/
$ cd /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/NodeEnvironments/

Now create a new virtual environment in that 'NodeEnvironments' folder. This can take many minutes.

$ nodeenv WebAppEnv

Now activate this new virtual environment:

$ cd /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/NodeEnvironments/WebAppEnv/
$ . bin/activate

Confirm the versions of your main packages are >= to these versions:

(WebAppEnv) $ node -v

(WebAppEnv) $ npm -v

Set up your environment

Create a place to put all of the code from Github:

$ mkdir /Users/<YOUR NAME HERE>/MyProjects/

Next: Bringing Code to Your Machine

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