A simple tool to enumerate various info about a single or multiple IP addresses
The tool relies on IPINFO, implementing a client to interact and extract interesting information regarding geolocation and general information.
Additionally, the tool uses phpwhois/phpwhois
as the WhoIs library, while the TorChecker and BLChecker use a custom implementation to check the presence of the IP into publicly available lists.
Currently, the features implemented in php-ipfinder are:
- Geolocation
- WhoIs Information
- Tor Exit-Node Identification
- Public Blacklisted IP Identification
The tool takes a single IP or a list (file), and return the analysis output as an Excel file or a console table. Additionally, the tool permits to specify an API key to be used against IPINFO.
php php-ipfinder [-i <IP>] [-f <IP List file>] [-o <Output File>] [-k <API-KEY>]
-i: Single IP Address to search
-f: File with a list of IP Address to search
-o: Output file name without extension (the format is .xlsx)
-k: API Key for https://ipinfo.io (free account gives 50k monthly requests)
IPFinder is provided with two additional utils:
- merger: Merge multiple results files into a single file (xlsx)
php merger.php -t <target_directory>
- splitter: Old utility that tries to take a file and extract an IP list from them.
- Supports: xls, txt and csv files
php splitter.php <target_file> <limit>
- Table output: Column values get truncated if length > 24 chars
- Low performance: The script takes ~20s for single IP
This is quite an old tool used for a brief initial recon of an IP Addresses from a defensive perspective. While it still does its work, it's quite slow and needs some major performance improvement in order to be effective.