Value | example | required |
klustairfrontend.adminUser | admin | |
klustairfrontend.adminEmail | [email protected] | |
klustairfrontend.adminPassword | [autogenerated if empty] | |
klustairfrontend.apiToken | [generated in Frontend] | YES |
klustairJob.namespace | klustair,default | |
klustairJob.kubeaudit | all | |
klustairJob.serviceAccount.create | false | |
klustairJob.serviceAccount.annotations | {} | |
klustairJob.rbac.create | false | |
klustairJob.apiHost | (or empty for local frontend) | |
klustairJob.configKey | [generated in Frontend] |
The apiToken is required, since it it used to authenticate the runner. It can be generaten in the "config" section of the Frontend (only visible when logged in).
Prepare variables
export POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=$(kubectl get secret --namespace $NAMESPACE $NAMESPACE-postgresql -o jsonpath="{.data.postgresql-password}" | base64 --decode)
export POSTGRESQL_PVC=$(kubectl get pvc -l$NAMESPACE,role=master -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
Upgrade Subchart
kubectl delete statefulsets.apps $NAMESPACE-postgresql --cascade=false
helm upgrade \
-f ./klustair/ \
--set postgresql.postgresqlPassword=$POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD \
--set postgresql.persistence.existingClaim=$POSTGRESQL_PVC \
$NAMESPACE ./klustair
kubectl delete pod $NAMESPACE-postgresql-0