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Mock Exam 1

Solutions for lab - Mock Exam 1:

With questions where you need to modify API server, you can use this resource to diagnose a failure of the API server to restart.

  1. A pod has been created in the omni namespace. However, there are a couple of issues with it.
    1. The pod has been created with more permissions than it needs.
    2. It allows read access in the directory /usr/share/nginx/html/internal causing an Internal Site to be accessed publicly.

    To check this, click on the button called Site (above the terminal) and add /internal/ to the end of the URL. Use the below recommendations to fix this.

    1. Use the AppArmor profile created at /etc/apparmor.d/frontend to restrict the internal site.
    2. There are several service accounts created in the omni namespace. Apply the principle of least privilege and use the service account with the minimum privileges (excluding the default service account).
    3. Once the pod is recreated with the correct service account, delete the other unused service accounts in omni namespace (excluding the default service account).

    1. Use the omni namespace to save on typing

      kubectl config set-context --current --namespace omni
    2. AppArmor Profile

      Load the AppArmor profile into the kernel

      apparmor_parser -q /etc/apparmor.d/frontend
    3. Service Account

      To find the service account with the least privileges, we need to examine the roles that are bound to these service acccounts. This will determine what privilege they have.

      1. Find the service accounts

        kubectl get sa

        There are 3 service accounts exculding the default. These are the ones we are concerned with.

      2. Find the bindings

         kubectl get rolebindings

        Notice there are 2 bindings, to the roles fe and frontend

      3. Examine permissions of roles

        kubectl describe role fe
        kubectl describe role frontend
      4. See which service accounts these roles are bound to

        kubectl describe rolebinding fe
        kubectl describe rolebinding frontend

        Notice that these roles are bound to service accounts fe and frontend respectively. No role is bound to service account frontend-default. This means that this service account is the one with least privilege by virtue of the fact that it has no binding and therefore no permissions at all.

      5. Recreate the pod with the correct service account, and also apply the AppArmor profile

        apiVersion: v1
        kind: Pod
            run: nginx
          name: frontend-site
          namespace: omni
            appArmorProfile:                          # Apply apparmor profle
              localhostProfile: restricted-frontend
              type: Localhost
          serviceAccount: frontend-default            # Use the service account with least privileges
          - image: nginx:alpine
            name: nginx
            - mountPath: /usr/share/nginx/html
              name: test-volume
          - name: test-volume
              path: /data/pages
              type: Directory

        Note that older versions of Kubernetes used the following annotation to apply profiles, however now it is part of securityContext and can be applied at pod or container level. Note that while the annotation still works, a warning will be printed when the pod is created.<container-name>

    4. Delete the unused service accounts in the omni namespace.
      kubectl -n omni delete sa frontend
      kubectl -n omni delete sa fe
  1. A pod has been created in the orion namespace. It uses secrets as environment variables. Extract the decoded secret for the CONNECTOR_PASSWORD and place it under /root/CKS/secrets/CONNECTOR_PASSWORD.

    You are not done, instead of using secrets as an environment variable, mount the secret as a read-only volume at path /mnt/connector/password that can be then used by the application inside.

    1. Extract the secret
      mkdir -p /root/CKS/secrets/
      kubectl -n orion get secrets a-safe-secret -o jsonpath='{.data.CONNECTOR_PASSWORD}' | base64 -d > /root/CKS/secrets/CONNECTOR_PASSWORD
    2. Mount the secret

      Recreate the pod, mounting the secret as a read-only volume at the given path

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
          name: app-xyz
        name: app-xyz
        namespace: orion
        - image: nginx
          name: app-xyz
          - containerPort: 3306
          - name: secret-volume
            mountPath: /mnt/connector/password
            readOnly: true
        - name: secret-volume
            secretName: a-safe-secret
  2. A number of pods have been created in the delta namespace. Using the trivy tool, which has been installed on the controlplane, identify and delete pods except the one with least number of CRITICAL level vulnerabilities.
    1. List pods with images for reference
      kubectl get pods -n delta -o custom-columns='NAME:.spec.containers[0].name,IMAGE:.spec.containers[0].image'
    2. Scan each image using trivy image scan

      For each image, replace <image-name> with image from the step above and run the command:

      trivy i --severity CRITICAL <image-name> | grep Total

      Or, do it using a one-liner for loop.

      for i in $(kubectl -n delta get pods -o json | jq -r '.items[].spec.containers[].image') ; do echo $i ; trivy i --severity CRITICAL $i 2>&1 | grep Total ; done
    3. Delete vulnerable pods If the image has HIGH or CRITICAL vulnerabilities, delete the associated pod.

      Notice that image httpd:2-alpine has zero vulnerabilities, so we must delete the pods that do not use this image

      kubectl -n delta delete pod simple-webapp-1
      kubectl -n delta delete pod simple-webapp-3
      kubectl -n delta delete pod simple-webapp-4
  1. Create a new pod called audit-nginx in the default namespace using the nginx image. Secure the syscalls that this pod can use by using the audit.json seccomp profile in the pod's security context.

    The audit.json is provided at /root/CKS directory. Make sure to move it under the profiles directory inside the default seccomp directory before creating the pod

    1. Place audit.json into the default seccomp directory.

      Know that this directory is in kubelet's configuration directory which ia nomally /var/lib/kubelet. You can verify this by looking for where it loads its config file from

      ps aux | grep kubelet | grep -- --config

      Copy the audit.json seccomp profile to /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp/profiles:

      cp /root/CKS/audit.json /var/lib/kubelet/seccomp/profiles
    2. Create the pod
      apiVersion: v1
      kind: Pod
          run: nginx
        name: audit-nginx
        namespace : default
            type: Localhost
            localhostProfile: profiles/audit.json
        - image: nginx
          name: nginx
  1. The CIS Benchmark report for the Controller Manager and Scheduler is available at the tab called CIS Report 1.

    Inspect this report and fix the issues reported as FAIL.

    1. Examine report

      Click on CIS Reoprt 1 above the terminal

      Note the failures at 1.3.2 and 1.4.1

    2. Fix issues

      For both kube-controller-manager and kube-scheduler, edit the static manifest file in /etc/kubernetes/manifests and add the following to the command arguments:

          - --profiling=false

      Make sure both pods restart

  1. There is something suspicious happening with one of the pods running an httpd image in this cluster.
    The Falco service shows frequent alerts that start with: File below a known binary directory opened for writing.

    Identify the rule causing this alert and update it as per the below requirements:

    1. Output should be displayed as: CRITICAL File below a known binary directory opened for writing (user_id=user_id file_updated=file_name command=command_that_was_run)
    2. Alerts are logged to /opt/security_incidents/alerts.log

    Do not update the default rules file directly. Rather use the falco_rules.local.yaml file to override.

    Note: Once the alert has been updated, you may have to wait for up to a minute for the alerts to be written to the new log location.

    1. Create /opt/security_incidents
      mkdir -p /opt/security_incidents
    2. Enable file_output in /etc/falco/falco.yaml
        enabled: true
        keep_alive: false
        filename: /opt/security_incidents/alerts.log
    3. Add the updated rule under the /etc/falco/falco_rules.local.yaml

      Find the relevant rule in falco_rules.yaml, copy it, paste it into falco_rules.local.yaml and then modify it to get the requested output:

      Refer to the field reference:

      - rule: Write below binary dir
        desc: an attempt to write to any file below a set of binary directories
        condition: >
          bin_dir and evt.dir = < and open_write
          and not package_mgmt_procs
          and not exe_running_docker_save
          and not python_running_get_pip
          and not python_running_ms_oms
          and not user_known_write_below_binary_dir_activities
        output: >
          File below a known binary directory opened for writing (user_id=%user.uid command=%proc.cmdline)
        priority: CRITICAL
        tags: [filesystem, mitre_persistence]
    4. To perform hot-reload falco use `kill -1` (SIGHUP) on controlplane node
      kill -1 $(pidof falco)
    5. Verify falco is running, i.e. you didn't make some syntax error that crashed it
      systemctl status falco
    6. Check the new log file. It may take up to a minute for events to be logged.
      cat /opt/security_incidents/alerts.log
  1. A pod called busy-rx100 has been created in the production namespace. Secure the pod by recreating it using the runtimeClass called gvisor. You may delete and recreate the pod.

    Simply recreate the pod using the YAML file as below. We onlt need to add runtimeClassName

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Pod
        run: busy-rx100
      name: busy-rx100
      namespace: production
      runtimeClassName: gvisor
      - image: nginx
        name: busy-rx100

    Note that the pod may not start due to the fact that gvisor runtime is not installed on this system. That's OK as what is being marked is that the pod YAML is correct.

  2. We need to make sure that when pods are created in this cluster, they cannot use the latest image tag, irrespective of the repository being used.

    To achieve this, a simple Admission Webhook Server has been developed and deployed. A service called image-bouncer-webhook is exposed in the cluster internally. This Webhook server ensures that the developers of the team cannot use the latest image tag. Make use of the following specs to integrate it with the cluster using an ImagePolicyWebhook:

    1. Create a new admission configuration file at /etc/admission-controllers/admission-configuration.yaml
    2. The kubeconfig file with the credentials to connect to the webhook server is located at /root/CKS/ImagePolicy/admission-kubeconfig.yaml. Note: The directory /root/CKS/ImagePolicy/ has already been mounted on the kube-apiserver at path /etc/admission-controllers so use this path to store the admission configuration.
    3. Make sure that if the latest tag is used, the request must be rejected at all times.
    4. Enable the Admission Controller.

    1. Create the admission-configuration inside /root/CKS/ImagePolicy directory as admission-configuration.yaml
      kind: AdmissionConfiguration
      - name: ImagePolicyWebhook
            kubeConfigFile: /etc/admission-controllers/admission-kubeconfig.yaml
            allowTTL: 50
            denyTTL: 50
            retryBackoff: 500
            defaultAllow: false

      Just create the file. You cannot apply an AdmissionConfiguration with kubectl. It's configuration, not a resource!

      Note that the /root/CKS/ImagePolicy is mounted at the path /etc/admission-controllers directory in the kube-apiserver. So, you can directly place the files under /root/CKS/ImagePolicy.
      Snippet of the volume and volumeMounts (Note these are already present in apiserver manifest as shown below, so you do not need to add them)

      - # other stuff omitted for brevity
        - mountPath: /etc/admission-controllers
            name: admission-controllers
            readOnly: true
      - hostPath:
          path: /root/CKS/ImagePolicy/
          type: DirectoryOrCreate
        name: admission-controllers
    2. Update the kube-apiserver command flags and add ImagePolicyWebhook to the enable-admission-plugins flag
          - --admission-control-config-file=/etc/admission-controllers/admission-configuration.yaml
          - --enable-admission-plugins=NodeRestriction,ImagePolicyWebhook
    3. Wait for the API server to restart. May take up to a minute.

      You can use the folloowing command to monitor the containers

      watch crictl ps

      CTRL + C exits the watch.

    4. Finally, update the pod with the correct image
      kubectl set image -n magnum pods/app-0403