Red Hat Konflux update namespace-lister (#15) #9
8 warnings
Lint with yamllint:
30:101 [line-length] line too long (133 > 100 characters)
Lint with yamllint:
32:101 [line-length] line too long (517 > 100 characters)
Lint with yamllint:
33:101 [line-length] line too long (154 > 100 characters)
Lint with yamllint:
102:101 [line-length] line too long (128 > 100 characters)
Lint with yamllint:
33:101 [line-length] line too long (133 > 100 characters)
Lint with yamllint:
35:101 [line-length] line too long (517 > 100 characters)
Lint with yamllint:
36:101 [line-length] line too long (154 > 100 characters)
Lint with yamllint:
105:101 [line-length] line too long (128 > 100 characters)