- use js2-refactor prefix in web-mode jsx files
- kill/copy current line if region is empty
- M-; comments current line if region is empty
- remove confirm when creating temp buffers
- configure basic IDO for times when Helm is overkill
- force Helm to always open in the bottom of the frame
- org-present
- engine-mode
- add custom sml replacer list (ignored from git due to work project paths)
- configure yasnippet properly
- add extra snippet packages (mocha, react)
- fix non-hex color highlighting in rainbow-mode
- fix sass executable warnings in scss-mode
- expand/contract json region (using python -mjson.tool ?)
- defer builtin package requires that use IO to make startup faster (bookmarks, save-place, recentf, etc.)
- add file suffix pairs for switching between similar files with projectile-find-other-file (e.g. Component.jsx <-> Component.less)
- function to evaluate last sexp and replace it with the value
- assert Emacs version, issue a warning/error when using an old version
This repository has been archived by the owner on Aug 3, 2021. It is now read-only.