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Folkul API

Team Members

  • Jordan Castillo
  • Scott Lingner
  • Kraig Williams


Checkout Folkul's client repo here Or the live product here

What is Folkul?

  • Fokul is a place where you can privately gather your thoughts - this can be small ideas to the next greatest invention. You can connect to other users and then share this idea with them - getting criticism, feedback and overall collaboration.

Technology being used

  • Node
  • Express
  • Knex
  • PostgreSQL
  • Supertest

Local dev setup

mv example.env .env
createuser dunder_mufflin //if you don't have one
createdb -U dunder_mufflin motive
createdb -U dunder_mufflin motive-test

If your dunder-mifflin user has a password be sure to set it in .env for all appropriate fields. Or if using a different user, update appropriately.
npm install
npm run migrate
env MIGRATION_DATBASE_NAME=motive-test npm run migrate


Start the application npm start
Start nodemon for the application npm run dev
Run the tests mode npm test
Run the migrations up npm run migrate
Run the migrations down npm run migrate -- 0 Deploying: npm run deploy which will push to this remote's master branch.


User Endpoints /api/user


  • Hit when a user signs up
  • Request body: first_name, last_name, username and password
  • Takes the posted user, serializes the data
  • Returns: the user id, username, first_name, last_name

Thought Endpoints /api/thought


  • Getting all thoughts for a specific user
  • Request body: user id
  • Returns: an array of thought objects
  • A thought consists of: id, thought_title, thought_content, thought_owner, thought_topic, level, date_modified


  • Hit when creating/posting a new thought
  • Request body: user id, thought_title, thought_content, thought_topic
  • Returns: the created thought (client uses this thought id to push the user to the next page)

GET /:thoughtId

  • Getting specific details for the expanded thought view
  • Uses thoughtId from params
  • Returns: thought id, thought_title, thought_content, thought_owner, thought_topic, level, date_modified from the THOUGHT table and id, username, first_name and last_name from the FOKUL_USERS table

PATCH /:thoughtId

  • Hit when updating a specific thought
  • Request body: thought_title, thought_content, thought_topic, date_modifed
  • Returns: the updated thought details

DELETE /:thoughtId

  • Takes a thought id and removes it from the database
  • Sends status of 204

GET /:thoughtId/level

  • Hit when getting the "share" level of thought
  • This level can be 1 (private), 2 (collaboaration), 3 (shared)
  • Takes the thoughtId from the params and returns the level for that thought

GET /share/:thoughtId

  • Hit when getting the users this thought was shared with
  • Takes the thoughtId from the params and returns the shared users

POST /share/:thoughtId

  • Hit when sharing a thought with a user
  • Take the thoughtId from the params and the user id from the request body
  • Returns: the shared thought

Topic Endpoints /api/topic


  • Getting all topicss for a specific user
  • Request body: user id
  • Returns: an array of topic objects
  • A topic consists of: id, topic_title, topic_content, topic_owner, level


  • Hit when creating/posting a new topic
  • Request body: user id, topic_title, topict_content
  • Returns: the created topic (client uses this topic id to push the user to the next page)

GET /:topicId

  • Getting specific details for the expanded topic view
  • Uses topicId from params
  • Returns: topic id, topic_title, topict_content, topic_owner, level

DELETE /:topicId

  • Takes a topic id and removes it from the database
  • Sends status of 204

GET /:topicId/level

  • Hit when getting the "share" level of topic
  • This level can be 1 (private), 2 (collaboaration), 3 (shared)
  • Takes the topicId from the params and returns the level for that topic

POST /share/:topicId

  • Hit when sharing a topic with a user
  • Take the topicId from the params and the user id from the request body
  • Returns: the shared topic

GET /:topicId/thoughts

  • Hit when in the expanded topic view, to display all thoughts within that topic
  • Take the topicId from the params and the user id from the request body
  • Returns: all thoughts within a specific topic

GET /:topicId/thoughts/:sort_option

  • Hit when sorting the thought in the topic view
  • Takes the topicId and sort_option from the params
  • sort_option can be 1 (recent modified) or 2 (alphabetical)
  • Orders the thoughts via knex query
  • Returns: all thought within a specific topic in specific order

Comment Endpoints /api/comments

GET /:thoughtId

  • Hit when getting all comments for a specific thought
  • Takes the thoughtId from the params
  • Returns: all comments on that thought
  • Comment consists of: id, thought_id, commenter_id, comment_content, date_posted

POST /:thoughtId

  • Hit when posting a new comment on a specific thought
  • Takes the thoughtId from the params and the comment_content and the (commenter_id) from the request body
  • Posts the comment in the comment table
  • Returns: the comment just created

Connection Endpoints /api/connection


  • Hit when getting all existing connections for a specific user
  • Takes the user id from the request body
  • Returns: all connections - this includes users that the logged in user has added AND the all users that added the logged in user

POST /:userId

  • Hit when a user adds a new connection from the connections page
  • Takes the user id and the connectionId from the request body
  • The connectionId is the id of the user they want to connection with
  • Returns: message saying 'Succesfully added connection'

GET /new

  • This is getting all users the logged in user is NOT connected with for the search on the connections page
  • Takes the user id from the request body
  • Returns: An array of user objects
  • A user object contains: id, first_name, last_name and username