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This repository has been archived by the owner on Feb 12, 2022. It is now read-only.

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211 lines (171 loc) · 8.66 KB

File metadata and controls

211 lines (171 loc) · 8.66 KB


  • Add zkLeader namer to allow discovery of services through ZooKeeper leader election.
  • Add HTTP path request identifier, which builds destinations from a configurable number of HTTP URI path segments.
  • Breaking Change! The path prefix /# now indicates that the path should be processed by a namer. A namer matches a path starting with /#/<prefix>.
  • Breaking Change! Rename many plugin kind names.
  • Breaking Change! Experimental plugins now require the experimental: true property to be set.
  • Breaking Change! Change the format for ZooKeeper hosts in the ZK storage config.


  • Add a debugTrace parameter to the tracers config section, which enables printing all traces to the console.
  • Add etcd backed dtab storage.
  • Introduce a default HTTP response classifier so that 5XX responses are marked as failures.
  • Add a retries client config section supporting configurable retry budgets and backoffs.
  • Automatically retry certain types of failures, as determined by response classifiers.
  • Remove TLS support from the k8s namer in favor of using kubectl proxy for securely communicating with the k8s cluster API.
  • Add an /admin/metrics/prometheus stats endpoint.


  • Add a bindingTimeoutMs router parameter to configure the maximum amount of time to spend binding a path.
  • Add experimental support for storing dtabs in Kubernetes via the ThirdPartyResource API (which must be enabled in your cluster).
  • Breaking api change in namerd: dtabs are now string-encoded rather than thrift-encoded.
  • Add /api/1/bind, /api/1/addr, and /api/1/delegate HTTP APIs to namerd
    • Most HTTP APIs now support ?watch=true for returning updates via a streaming response.
  • Add ACL and authentication support to the ZooKeeper DtabStore.
  • Support wildcards in dtabs!
  • New linkerd dashboard is now enabled by default!! 📈


  • Add beta version of linkerd dashboard version 2.0. Try it out at /dashboard on the linkerd admin site. 📈
  • Support Zipkin tracer configuration via config file, to enable automatic export of tracing data from linkerd to a Zipkin collector.
  • namerd's HTTP dtab API now supports the HEAD and DELETE methods
  • Tear-down address observations in namerd if a service is deleted


  • Added ✨ namerd ✨ : a service for managing linkerd (and finagle) name delegation.
  • Breaking change to configs: httpUriInDst is now specified under the identifier header (see linkerd/docs/ for add'l info)
  • Add a ttlMs marathon namer config option to configure the polling timeout against the marathon API.
  • Add a enableProbation config option for configuring a client's load balancer probation setting


  • Configs may now include a tracers section with pluggable tracers (although we don't provide any out of the box just yet)
  • namers configurations may now configure Namers or NameInterpreters to support richer namer behavior.
  • Add a loadBalancer section to the client config where a load balancer can be specified and configured. The load balancers that are currently supported are p2c, ewma, aperture, and heap.
  • Add a config.json admin endpoint which re-serializes the parsed linkerd config.
  • Add a maxConcurrentRequests config option to limit number of concurrent requests accepted by a server.
  • Add a hostConnectionPool client config section to control the number of connections maintained to destination hosts.
  • Add a attemptTTwitterUpgrade thrift client config option to control whether thrift protocol upgrade should be attempted.


  • This release contains breaking changes to the configuration file format. linkerd config files are now a bit more explicit and less "magical", in the following ways:
    • Router configuration options can no longer be specified globally at the root level of the config file, but must be specified per-router.
    • All routers must now include a servers section; previously, a default server port would be used if none was provided.
  • New thriftProtocol config option allows the thrift protocol to be specified. We currently support binary (default) and compact.
  • Added traffic routing support for marathon apps with slashes in their ids.
  • Resolved a browser-compatibility issue in the admin page for those not using the latest-and-greatest Chrome/Firefox/Safari.


  • Introduce Marathon-backed service discovery, for routing traffic in Mesos.
  • Add new boundPath client TLS module for per-service TLS authentication.
  • Upgrade to Finagle 6.33, the latest and greatest in Finagle-based technology.


  • TLS, for real this time.
  • Configuration updates: config now includes a client section, where you can configure client-specific parameters.


  • We now support end-to-end TLS! However, verification is currently limited to global certs. See linkerd#64 for more on the upcoming roadmap.
  • Prep work for "transparent TLS". Look for this in upcoming releases.
  • Prep work for being able to generate Docker images from the repo, in service of a glorious containerized future.
  • Dashboard improvements! Now harder, faster, better, and also stronger!


  • Include ZooKeeper ServerSet support, for real this time.


  • Big new feature alert! We now have Zookeeper ServerSet support.
  • Server-side TLS support! Stay tuned for more security features coming in future releases...
  • Added with Contributor License Agreement. We are ready to receive your honorable pull requests!
  • New thriftMethodInDst config option to allow for routing based on thrift method names.
  • Admin port now configurable via an admin/port config parameters, for those of you who have Opinions About Ports.
  • DTab explorer admin page now supports inspecting DTabs for all configured routers.
  • New /routers.json endpoint with runtime router state.
  • We now have a slack channel! Operators are standing by to field YOUR questions today.
  • Admin site redesign to match, now with favicon!


This is a big release! Get ready.

  • Brand new name: 🌅 linkerd 🎈
  • We're open source! This release is under Apache License v2.
  • Tons of documentation on!
  • This release adds config file support! You can express all your routing, listening, and protocol configuration needs in one convenient YAML file! See docs for how this works.


  • Admin UI now features 25% more amazingness. 🌈
  • Preliminary "pure" thrift support.
    • Default is framed transport with binary encoding; buffered transport also supported.
    • Out of the box, the router is configured to listen for thrift on port 4141 (i.e. in addition to HTTP on port 4140), and forwards thrift calls to localhost:9998. This will almost definitely change in the future.
  • Tons of performance tuning. We're benchmarking sub-1ms p99 request latency and 40k+ qps throughput. Working on memory footprint reduction next.
  • By popular demand, HTTP response code stats are now exported in metrics.json.
  • Configurability still limited to what you can change in and disco/. Expect improvements here soon.


  • Fancy Request Volume graph in the Admin page.
  • Hide some internal interfaces from the Admin page.
  • Modified interface labels to work in twitter-server's admin.


  • Experimental Mux protocol support, for Advanced Users Only.
  • New Admin UI that tries to not look like it was built by engineers.


  • Using sophisticated shell script technology, we now ensure you have a sufficient Java version (we require JDK 8) before attempting to start the router.
  • Upgrades to a newer version of the Finagle library.
  • More information added to HTTP tracing:
    • Host header
    • Transfer-Encoding header
  • New configuration options for HTTP routing
    • Routing by URI can be disabled, which simplifies many common use-cases
    • Allow internal and external http service prefixes to be specified on the command-line
  • Fixed the "downstream clients" admin interface


  • Router start/stop commands now detect if the router is currently running, easily preventing a whole class of easily-preventable errors.
  • Tarball permissions are fixed.
  • New support for Consul-backed service discovery, if files aren't good enough for ya.


First release of the Buoyant Application Router.

  • Complete with router script to start/stop/restart the router!
  • Router is pre-configured with sane defaults for running locally.
  • Filesystem-backed service discovery mechanism.