Conf - Has a conf file with global variables:
Telegram Bot Settings:
- TELEGRAM_BOT_API_KEY: API key for connect to bot
- TLEGRAM_BOT_UPDATE_OFFSET: time of long polls
- TELEGRAM_BOT_UPDATE_TIMEOUT: timeout of new updates
Monbodb settings:
- MONGODB_CONNECTION_URL: End Point to connect DB
- MONGODB_COLLECTION_USERS: Name collection of users
Redmine settings:
- REDMINE_ENDPOINT: End Point for connect
- REDMINE_APIKEY: API key of user which has credentials to create new issue
- REDMINE_PROJECTID: ID of project IT outsorsing
- Bot struct: Contains API, connect parameters and link on Worker of user
- Init(): Initial connect to bot and set parameters of updates, Api and timeouts channelsDistrib.go
- addChannelsToMap(): add new channels to map for monitoring (open or close)
- checkOpenChannels(): check open channels else close them
- getStatusChannels(): get status if channel from user mongo collection
- distributionCallbackBetweenUsersChannels(): distribution of User Callbacks(update of channel when user click on the InlineButton)
- distributionMessagesBetweenUsersChannels(): distribution of User Messages(update of channel when user click on 'Предоставить номер') processUpdate.go
- Start(): start of handle updates of channel
- processCallback(): handle input Callback of user. Send an update to a specific channel from the channel map. "waitSubject", "waitDesc" , etc - step where needet data from user
- processMessage(): handle input Message of user. Send an update to a specific channel from the channel map. "reg", "waitAttach", etc - step where needet data from user
- getStatusUser(): get current step of user
- CreateButtonsMainMenu(): Send mess with buttons for main menu
- CreateButtonsStatIssMenu(): Send mess with buttons for menu after getting status of iss
- CreateButtonsNewIssMenu(): Send mess with buttons for menu after create new iss
- editNewIss(): rewrite created iss
- NewFlow(): create new flow for user request
- SetApiAndUpdates(): set API for communication with user
- Close(): close active flow
- getSelectedTask(): get specific iss object form RM
- SendMessage(): send specific string as message to user
- SendMessageWithButtons(): send cpecific message with specific buttons to user
- sendInfoAboutTask(): send info about specific iss form RM
- faqAboutNewIss(): send FAQ "How to create new iss"
- FlowProcessCreateIssue(): create new iss in RM. Steps:
- Title
- Description of new iss
- Upload Files
- SetStepUser(): set cpecific step of user in mongo collection
- SetChannelclosedState(): set status "close" in mongo collection
- getSendButton(): create marcup with buttons for send of reedit iss
- setAuthors(): set author RM ID in created iss
- FlowProcessStatusIssue(): get info about specific iss from RM Steps:
- Get all iss of current user
- Whait data from user(the number of necessary iss)
- Send info in chat with user
- checkAmountIssues(): if amount iss = zero, then send mess obout zero iss
- getReplMarkupStatusIssue(): get markup with iss as buttons
- pushDocuments(): push docs to RM server
- pushPhotos(): push photos to RM server
- whaitSubjectMessage(): wait data from user on "waitSubject" step
- waitDeskMessage(): wait message with desk created iss
- waitResponceCallback(): wait Callback update
- waitResponceWithFiles(): wait message with files
/app/ldap ldap.go:
- NewLdapConnection(): create new conn with DC
- userSearchRequest(): create new search request for get user data
- GetAuthResult(): return auth result
- GetMail(): return mail of user
- User sruct: Contain mongo user data
- DatabaseConnection struct: DB connection data
- Init(): Init connection
- FindUser(): Find user in DB
- GetUser(): Get collection of user
- CreateUser(): Create new user in DB
- UpdateUser(): Update user collection
- DeleteIssue(): Delete issue monitoring
- GetIssues(): Get all issues of user
/app/redmine: addNewTask.go:
- AddNewTask(): create new iss in RM
- DeleteClosedIssuesFromCollection(): check closed iss and set 'false' in mongo collection
- AddNewTaskWithFiles(): create iss with attachments from user
- Init(): new RM connection
- DownloadfilesForIssue(): download files for created new iss
- GetInfoTask(): return Iss object
- issueCheckStatus(): return false if iss is close
- GetRMUserID(): return ID and name of user with specific mail address
/app/uploadFiles: createDir.go:
- createDirOfUser(): create dir for store files from user
- createFileObject(): save file in file system of host
- createPhotoObject(): save photo in file system of host
- dowloadDocsFromUserToServer(): download file from TG URL on 555 host
- downloadPhotosFromUserToServer(): download photo from TG URL on 555 host
- getPhotoFileID(): get ID photo from TG
- NewFileFlow(): create flow for process photos
- NewDocsFlow(): create flow for process docs
- setDocsSizeAndApi(): set doc data in flow
- PushDocsToRedmine(): return attachments with files for create iss
- PushPhotoToRedmine(): return attachments with photos for create iss
- downloadDocOnServer(): download files on RM server
- downloadPhotosOnServer(): download photos on RM server
- ProcessCallback(): handle request for create iss or get iss info
- ProcessStartMessage(): hande start message
- tryRegister(): create new user in mongo if ad auth ok
- whaitContact(): wait data with telephone number form user
- sendMessage(): send specific message to user
- NewWorker(): create new worker for user
- userExist(): check user in mongo collections
Bot work scheme:
main (start bot)
Create new Worker
AD Auth ok? NO >---------------------- Deny
| OK
Process Message <--------------------------<|
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v |
Exist <--- If user is ---> Not exist |
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| | |
| | |
| | |
v v |
| Register |
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v v |
------------------------------ |
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v |
New Flow of User |
_________________________________________ |
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| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
v v v |
Create new issue See status of issue Back to main |
| | |
Another New Iss? See Status Another Iss? Back to main? |
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v |
IF |
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v--------v |
Wait new message <----NO YES ------------------------^