This repository contains all of the projects I have completed to learn more about the areas of web development, data analysis, machine learning, scientific computing and ethical hacking.
I learnt the basics of web development from Angela Yu's Udemy course and a bit of mobile app development using React Native from The Net Ninja's YouTube channel.
I learnt the basics of ethical hacking from Heath Adam's Udemy course
I learnt about machine learning, data analysis and scientific computing using python from freeCodeCamp's courses of the same name.
I would recommend all of the courses mentioned above to anyone who is interested in these fields. They helped me understand what I liked doing the most and what I wanted to pursue as a profession.
- Hotel Brochure : A hotel Brochure designed using Canva.
- Personal CV HTML Website : My CV in HTML.
- Professional Website : Professional Web Developer website using HTML & CSS.
- TinDog : Tinder for dogs product home page made using Bootstrap.
- The Dicee Game : A dicee game website.
- The Simon Game : A simon game website.
- Drum Kit : A drum kit website.
- DOM Challenge : Code for the DOM challenge.
- JavaScript Challenges : Code for the various JavaScript challenges.
- Mental Health Analysis : Analysis of Mental Health with several socioeconomic factors
- jQuery Playground : A playground to learn jQuery.
- Emojipedia React : A React website for meanings of different emojis.
- Real Time Clock React : A React website to display the time.
- Registration Screen React : A registration screen made using React.
- ToDo List React : A ToDo list made using React.
- Keeper App : A note taking app similar to Google Keep made using React.
- Financial Logger TS : A financial logger website made using HTML, CSS & TypeScript.
- Gamezone Review App : A game review app made using React Native with Expo CLI.
- Blog Website EJS : A blog website made using EJS, Node.js and Express.
- ToDo List EJS : A ToDo List made using EJS, Node.js and Express.
- Calculator Express : A calculator made using Express.
- Express Server : A simple Express server.
- Newsletter-Signup Express : A newsletter sign up page that uses Mailchimp's email sign up API.
- Weather Express : A web page that displays the weather of a location using OpenWeatherMap's API.
- Fruits MongoDB : A fruits MongoDB database connected with application code using Mongoose.
- Wiki RESTful API : A RESTful API to serve wiki stored in a MongoDB database.
- Blog Website with DB : A full stack blog webapp.
- Secrets Web App Authentication : A full stack webapp to post secrets as a registered user.
- ToDo List Mongoose : A ToDo List with a MongoDB database.
- Decentralized Bank : A decentralized app for simple banking.
- Decentralized Keeper : A decentralized note taking app similar to Google Keep.
- Arithmetic Formatter : Formatting of simple arithmetic problems.
- Budget App : Budget category creator and tracker.
- Polygon Area Calculator : Area calculator of a square and rectangle.
- Probability Calculator : Calculating the probability of choosing a ball of a specific colour.
- Time Calculator : Time calculator that returns the added time to a specific start time.
- Demographic Data Analyzer : Calculating demographic data from a dataset.
- Mean Variance Standard Deviation Calculator : Calculating the mean, variance and standard deviation of data using NumPy.
- Medical Data Visualizer : Calculating medical data from a dataset and drawing a categorical plot and a heat map.
- Page View Time Series Visualizer : Analyzing freeCodeCamp page view data and plotting a bar chart, a box plot and a line plot.
- Sea Level Predictor : Creating a line of best fit to predict the sea level change through 2050.
- Book Recommendation Engine : Recommending books using KNN.
- Cat & Dog Image Classifier : Classifying cat and dog images using a CNN.
- Digit Recognizer : Digit recognition using a CNN. The Hello World program of ML.
- Health Costs Calculator : Predicting health costs using linear regression.
- SMS Text Classification : Ham/Spam SMS Text classification using an LSTM RNN.
- Rock Paper Scissors Game : Player script to defeat other players in a game of rock, paper & scissors.
- Vulnerable Machines : HackTheBox machines of varying difficulty rooted using different techniques.