- It will allow the user to look for places to travel to.
- Can plan travel.
- Can add previous travel.
- Can record location, pictures and videos.
- Can view these records in a map.
- Uses a web API to search for places to travel to.
- When planning a travel. Routes such as airports to use and road directions can be added. In the middle of the routes, stops can also be added.
- Previous travels can be added through the list of travels or directly place it on the map.
- Pictures and videos can be added to the travel by clicking the marker on the map or opening the travel in the travel list.
- These travels are recorded in a list but the user can open the app's map and see the travels there.
- A login activity for the user.
- A map activity to show traveled and planned places.
- A search activity that consumes an API to search for places to travel to.
- A fragment to edit a travel.
- A list of travels.
- A fragment to play media and view pictures.
- A navigation drawer to show user info.
- A settings fragment for utilities such as theme and notification.
- Notify the user when a certain location is reached, using service started in App
- Set custom sound when a certain location is reached
- A way to share travel records with other users.
- Will also have to add travel visibility, only me, friends and anyone.
- A way to create a travel with other users.
- A way to split travel fees with other users.
- A way for companies to integrate their business with this app so users can view their establishment.
- The app may be put on auto-mode so it can record the travel path automatically.
- In-app camera
Travel class.
- Name
- Fine/Coarse Location Name
- LatLng location. The location of this marker
- Video TravelMedia list
- Picture TravelMedia list
- Description
- Start date
- End date
- Completed
- origin point
- destination point
- Waypoint query
- Route. For history purpose only. Tell user this. User should use google map when navigating
- View
- Create travel view
- EditText
- origin/destination read only by user
- Created travel view
- TextView with edit button/view
- origin/destination read only by user
- Copy this travel, copy waypoint query
- Allow sending direction query to google map
- A list view of Travel
- Origin/destination can be set in the travel view, but will be overriden in the RouteEditorUI
- Setting Origin/destination in travel view will override(delete) route.
- open RouteEditorUI button
- Origin/destination icon. opens google places autocomplete
- Origin/destination can only be edited in here
- Create travel view
- type
- media uri
- Location LatLng
- Description
- Leg list
- Overview polyline. LatLng list
- Bounds
- Copyrights
- northeast LatLng
- southeast LatLng
- Step list
- instruction
- distance
- duration
- start Point
- end Point
- travel mode
- polyline. LatLng list
- Custom name
- LatLng
User profile
- first name
- last name
Nav drawer
- Shows user profile
- Menu items
- Travels
- Images
- Videos
- Logout
Toolbar menus
- Settings
TravelsMapUI. Activity
- Uses google map
- Shows Travels on the map
- List of travel in a collapsable view
- Can show selected Travel route
- Can show the latest media with a location in the map
- Can open a SearchLocationFragment to search for places to travel to
RouteEditorUI. Fragment.
- Uses google map
- Shows detailed Travel route on the map
- Add first opening warning that the user should not use this for navigation
ImagesUI. Activity
- Shows all images
- Shows details of the image
- Allow user to click a locate button and edit location button
VideosUI. Activity
- Shows all videos
- Shows details of the video
- Allow user to click a locate button and edit location button
- Google Maps, Direction, Places, Location.
- Google Maps Android API Utility Library
- Retrofit 2
- Gson