Vuestrap Icons Component complements vuestrap web components with svg icons. SVG sprite consists of 223 icons from Iconic — plus two custom ones: circle-fill and circle-outline
bower install vuestrap-icons
- add script in your html document:
<script src="bower_components/vuestrap-icons/dist/vuestrapIcons.min.js"></script>
- use it within your Vue instance like this:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: { 'vs-icon': vuestrapIcons.icons }
From source:
npm install vuestrap-icons
- import* desired component like so:
import icons from 'vuestrap-icons/src/components/icons'
- load it in your Vue instance:
new Vue({
el: '#app',
components: { 'vs-icon': icons }
*Note: You will need Babel Loader in your Webpack config file to support ES6 syntax.
You can then use icon component in your html, like so:
<vs-icon name="cog"></vs-icon>
- create html page with list of icons
- testing