Releases: l3uddz/crop
ab6b8b3 change(readme): add --dedupe-mode=newest to example config
57b92ee change(readme): update
bb22e08 change(syncer/uploader/deduper): decouple from gclone, deduper will use a random service account when there are service accounts associated with it
a981598 change(sa): temporary sa cache use 60 mins
aae09d9 change(reutils): trim 0 from start of GetEveryNumber result
f2606ef change(cmd): show how long it took from start to finish for: clean, manual, sync and upload commands
4790ff6 change: remove redundant time.Duration to addServiceAccountsToTempCache function
b2a486a change(syncer): add --no-dedupe command to bypass dedupes for all syncers
dedbc9c change(rclone/sa): use ttl memory cache of sa issued, store for 30 minutes.
f8410ca change(service-account-server): refactor into own package and implement for uploader
44dd989 change(service-account-server): more adjustments r.e. cache
c34dd39 change(service-account-server): cache the new service account for N seconds
da06a90 change(service-account-server): cache service account responses for N duration or N hits
71276f9 change(syncer): only remove temporary bans when service account server is not running
e989d56 change(service-account-server): use a random free port
2c5a43e change(syncer): initial code for gclone fork support
2c83faa change(rclone): use rclones ConfigToEnv for service account file env variable name
6bce312 change(syncer): ensure a service account is only used by 1 running syncer
c432d27 change(sa): only add sa to temporary cache when no errors finding available sa's
c19cff9 change(syncer): parallel via worker pool
4c8a8cd change(syncer): parallel via waitgroup
95f828d change(uploader): include forced option in check object of an uploader.
cfd8cf5 change(readme): adjust formatting on config example
afc94cf change(config): add support for defining global rclone params
368ab1d Merge pull request #3 from l3uddz/renovate/
480e70f chore(deps): update module sirupsen/logrus to v1.6.0