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vLLM offers Lark style EBNF grammars via vllm.grammar.GrammarLogitsProcessor.

GrammarLogitsProcessor ensures generated text follows the rules of a grammar. This provides the ability to guarantee your output is syntactically valid JSON, SQL, Python, RegEx, etc.

json_grammar = r"""
start: value
value: WS* object WS*
object: dict
      | list
      | string
      | signed_number      -> number
      | "true"             -> true
      | "false"            -> false
      | "null"             -> null

list : "[" [value ("," value)*] "]"

dict : "{" [pair ("," pair)*] "}"
pair : WS* string WS* ":" value

string : "\"" escaped_string_char* "\""
escaped_string_char: _STR_INNER_CHAR | _ESCAPED_CHAR
_STR_INNER_CHAR: /[^\\\"]/
_ESCAPABLE_CHAR: /[\\\/bfnrtu]/

signed_number: ["+"|"-"] number
number: float | int
float: int exp | decimal exp?
decimal: int "." int? | "." int
exp: ("e"|"E") signed_int
signed_int: ["+"|"-"] int
int: DIGIT+
DIGIT: "0".."9"

WS: /[ \t\f\r\n]/
grammar_logits_processor = GrammarLogitsProcessor(

For the provided JSON grammar in the subsection below, constrained to only keyboard characters, on the authors mid-end laptop using codeLlama-7b's vocabulary, generation occurred at the following rates:

  • first 10 tokens: 3.47 tokens / second
  • first 100 tokens: 8.61 tokens / second
  • first 1,000 tokens: 14.41 tokens / second
  • first 10,000 tokens: 23.80 tokens / second

There is a "warmup" period where token legality is cached based on parser state. The first generation and first tokens within that generation are the slowest.

Design your EBNF grammar with minimal regexp

Regexp processing is the most expensive task for GrammarLogitsProcessor. When designing your EBNF, it's better to keep your regexp short and simple if at all possible.

Breaking down the following expressions ESCAPE_STRING into an expression with many faster-terminating regex resulted in a dramatic speedup:

start: value
?value: dict
      | list
      | string
      | signed_number      -> number
      | "true"             -> true
      | "false"            -> false
      | "null"             -> null
python parser test case

list : "[" [value ("," value)*] "]"

dict : "{" [pair ("," pair)*] "}" pair : string ":" value

string : """ escaped_string_char* """ escaped_string_char: STR_INNER_CHAR | ESCAPED_CHAR ESCAPED_CHAR: "\" ANY_CHAR STR_INNER_CHAR: /[^\"]/ ANY_CHAR: /[.]/

signed_number: ["+"|"-"] number number: float | int float: int exp | decimal exp? decimal: int "." int? | "." int exp: ("e"|"E") signed_int signed_int: ["+"|"-"] int int: DIGIT+ DIGIT: "0".."9"

WS: /[ tfrn]/ %ignore WS

# old slow regex-based expressions:

# %import common.ESCAPED_STRING # %import common.SIGNED_NUMBER # %import common.WS

Constrain legal characters

Every legal character in the alphabet must be checked against the parser by default. Mistral tokenizer, for example, has an alphabet of 3,298 characters, here are 40 random examples:

[ '堂', 'ู', 'ɔ', '🙌', 'Б', '레', '允', 'ả', '\ue934', '如', '試', 'K', '¯', '卷', '園', 'ए', '\\', '酒', 'थ', 'グ', '터', '연', 'Ș', 'ブ', '星', 'ြ', 'å', '軍', '案', '题', '银', '映', '표', '\x11', '級', '醒', 'ေ', '✭', '約', '😤']

Likely many of these characters aren't useful in your generation.

Expect increased performance if you constrain your generation to UTF-8, eliminating 3,042 unnecessary characters.

    legal_chars=set(map(chr, range(256))),,

Example 2: constrain the grammar to the set of keyboard typeable characters:

def keyboard_chars():
    keyboard_chars = ""
    keyboard_chars += "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
    keyboard_chars += "0123456789"
    keyboard_chars += "`~!@#$%^&*()-_=+[{]}\\|;:'\",<.>/? "
    keyboard_chars += "\t\n"
    return keyboard_chars

Note: These grammars should