All structural additions and notes relevant to the documentation for the project's second semester are emboldened with an [S2] tag.
This repository hosts the resources for a static-site generated by GitHub pages and Jekyll. The site is intended as a landing page for the project and a host for the project documentation resources. As such, the generated site contains both marketing-style information and detailed documentation. The documentation alone is the responsibility of project members.
The documentation is structured as follows:
[S2] Please note semester two additions with suggested responsibilities and word counts below.
|-- Overview |-- Introduction to the project. |-- Project goals. |-- Organization and timeline. |-- Additional resources. |-- Semester Two Overview [S2] (Christian) ~500 words |-- General goals and achievements. |-- Organization and timeline. |-- Additional resources, reference to conference. |-- Design |-- Problem description. |-- Design process. |-- Summary of functional requirements. |-- Discussion Task Design [S2] (New Task Group) ~2000 words |-- Motivation |-- Design process |-- Implementation |-- Technical description. |-- Additional information. |-- Summary and Evaluation |-- Test strategy overview. |-- Evaluation. Based on tests, was the application accepted by the target user and did it meet the requirements? |-- Summary. General reflection on the applications successes/failures. |-- Outlook. Next steps and suggested changes for semester two. |-- Semester Two Evaluations [S2] (Test) ~2000 words |-- Adaptive Module [S2] (Adaptive Group) ~1000 words |-- Storytelling [S2] (Storytelling Group) ~? words |-- Achievements [S2] (Achievements Group) ~1500 words
Each group is responsible for the above-delegated section and each member must contribute an appropriate number of words for his/her project commitment. Study project participants should contribute approximately 750 words each. Interdisciplinary participants should contribute approximately 500 words each. Each group must create a new repository branch from the semester_two feature branch and collaboratively finish their section. By 15 March 2021 each group must submit a pull request to merge their branch with the semester_two branch and include in the pull request a comment which details the approximate word-count contributions of each project member. The pull requests will then be reviewed and merged. The final site will then be collectively reviewed before grading submission at the end of March.
Submitted Documentation (50)
- approx 500 words interdisciplinary, 750 words study project
- Formal aspects (length, scientific language, consistent formatting, proper referencing, good use of figures, screenshots etc.) (20)
- Clear description of implementation/conception/results (20)
- Discussion of limitations, possible additions (10)
As the site is deployed by GitHub Pages and generated with a Jekyll integration, we do not need to install Ruby or mess with css, we can directly modify Markdown files and quickly see the results on our site. As stated, group members are only responsible for the raw text/images of their documentation sections, but if you would like to modify the site template please raise this issue during a group meeting and we will implement a workflow to facilitate this change.
This GitHub pages site is based off the free template 'Spectral,' created by HTML5 UP and Andrew Banchich. Further information on this theme can be found here.