diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index de4b5e7..65912f7 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -26,30 +26,66 @@ All you need to do is put the following in `Capfile` file:
require 'capistrano/wpcli'
-### How it works
-The following tasks are added to Capistrano:
-* `wpcli:run`
-Executes the WP-CLI command passed as parameter.
-Example: `cap production wpcli:run["core language install fr_FR"]`
-* `wpcli:db:push`
-Pushes the local WP database to the remote server and replaces the urls.
-Optionally backs up the remote database before pushing (if `wpcli_backup_db` is set to true, see Configuration).
-Example: `cap production wpcli:db:push`
-* `wpcli:db:pull`
+### How it works (Tasks)
+ wpcli:run
+Executes the WP-CLI command passed as parameter.
+ cap production wpcli:run["core language install fr_FR"]
+- - -
+ wpcli:db:push
+Pushes the local WP database to the remote server and replaces the urls.
+Optionally backs up the remote database before pushing (if `wpcli_backup_db` is set to true, see Configuration).
+ cap production wpcli:db:push
+- - -
+ wpcli:db:pull
Pulls the remote server WP database to local and replaces the urls.
-* `wpcli:db:backup:remote`
+ cap production wpcli:db:pull
+- - -
+ wpcli:db:backup:remote
Pulls the remote server WP database to localhost, uses `wpcli_local_db_backup_dir` to define the location of the export.
-* `wpcli:db:backup:local`
-Backs up the local WP database, uses `wpcli_local_db_backup_dir` to define the location of the export.
-* `wpcli:rewrite:flush`
+- - -
+ wpcli:db:backup:local
+Backs up the local WP database to localhost, uses `wpcli_local_db_backup_dir` to define the location of the export.
+- - -
+ wpcli:rewrite:flush
Flush rewrite rules.
-* `wpcli:rewrite:hard_flush`
-Perform a hard flush - update `.htaccess` rules as well as rewrite rules in database.
-* `wpcli:uploads:rsync:push`
+- - -
+ wpcli:rewrite:hard_flush
+Perform a hard flush - updates `.htaccess` rules as well as rewrite rules in database.
+- - -
+ wpcli:uploads:rsync:push
Push local uploads delta to remote machine using rsync.
-* `wpcli:uploads:rsync:pull`
+- - -
+ wpcli:uploads:rsync:pull
Pull remote uploads delta to local machine using rsync.
### Configuration
@@ -58,43 +94,83 @@ This plugin needs some configuration to work properly. You can put all your conf
Here's the list of options and the defaults for each option:
-* `set :wpcli_remote_url`
+- - -
+ set :wpcli_remote_url
Url of the WP root installation on the remote server (used by search-replace command).
-* `set :wpcli_local_url`
+- - -
+ set :wpcli_local_url
Url of the WP root installation on the local server (used by search-replace command).
-* `set :local_tmp_dir`
-Absolute path to local directory temporary directory which is read and writeable. Defaults to `/tmp`.
+- - -
+ set :local_tmp_dir
+Absolute path to local directory temporary directory which is read and writeable.
+Defaults to `/tmp`
+- - -
+ set :wpcli_backup_db
-* `set :wpcli_backup_db`
Set to true if you would like to create backups of databases on each push. Defaults to false.
-* `set :wpcli_local_db_backup_dir`
-Absolute or relative path to local directory for storing database backups which is read and writeable. Defaults to `config/backup`.
-IMPORTANT: Make sure to add the folder to .gitignore to prevent db backups from being in version control.
+- - -
+ set :wpcli_local_db_backup_dir
+Absolute or relative path to local directory for storing database backups which is read and writeable.
+Defaults to `config/backup`
+**IMPORTANT: Make sure to add the folder to .gitignore to prevent db backups from being in version control.**
+- - -
+ set :wpcli_args
+You can pass arguments directly to WPCLI using this var.
+Defaults to `ENV['WPCLI_ARGS']`
+- - -
+ set :wpcli_local_uploads_dir
+Absolute or relative path to local WP uploads directory.
+Defaults to `web/app/uploads/`.
+**IMPORTANT: Add trailing slash!**
+- - -
+ set :wpcli_remote_uploads_dir
+Absolute path to remote wordpress uploads directory.
-* `set :wpcli_args`
-You can pass arguments directly to WPCLI using this var. By default it will try to load values from `ENV['WPCLI_ARGS']`.
+Defaults to `#{shared_path.to_s}/web/app/uploads/`
-* `set :wpcli_local_uploads_dir`
-Absolute or relative path to local WP uploads directory. Defaults to 'web/app/uploads/'.
-IMPORTANT: Add trailing slash!
+**IMPORTANT: Add trailing slash!**
-* `set :wpcli_remote_uploads_dir`
-Absolute path to remote wordpress uploads directory. Defaults to "#{shared_path.to_s}/web/app/uploads/".
-IMPORTANT: Add trailing slash!
+### FAQ
-* `set :wpcli_rsync_port`
-If you for whatever reason need to set a different port for rsync you can do so by setting this var. Defaults to undefined.
+- What if i want to use a custom port for rsync?
+ You can by setting your port somewhere inside the :ssh_options precedence.
+ See here: http://capistranorb.com/documentation/advanced-features/properties/#precedence
### Vagrant
If you are using another machine as a development server (Vagrant for example), you should define a `dev` role and indicate the path where the project lives on that server. This normally goes on `deploy.rb` file. Here's an example:
-`server "example.dev", user: 'vagrant', password: 'vagrant', roles: %w{dev}`
+ server "example.dev", user: 'vagrant', password: 'vagrant', roles: %w{dev}
-`set :dev_path, '/srv/www/example.dev/current'`
+ set :dev_path, '/srv/www/example.dev/current'
## Contributing
diff --git a/lib/capistrano/tasks/wpuploads.rake b/lib/capistrano/tasks/wpuploads.rake
index f34ad66..c3e59b2 100644
--- a/lib/capistrano/tasks/wpuploads.rake
+++ b/lib/capistrano/tasks/wpuploads.rake
@@ -1,21 +1,10 @@
namespace :load do
task :defaults do
- class Object
- def blank?
- respond_to?(:empty?) ? empty? : !self
- end
- end
# These options are passed directly to rsync
# Append your options, overwriting the defaults may result in malfunction
# Ex: --recursive --delete --exclude .git*
- set :wpcli_rsync_options, "-avz --rsh=ssh"
- # To use a different port for ssh use the wpcli_rsync_port variable.
- unless fetch(:wpcli_rsync_port).blank?
- set :wpcli_rsync_options, "-avz --rsh=ssh -e 'ssh -p #{fetch(:wpcli_rsync_port)}'"
- end
+ set :wpcli_rsync_options, "-avz --rsh=ssh --progress"
# Local dir where WP stores the uploads
# IMPORTANT: Add trailing slash!
@@ -31,9 +20,13 @@ end
namespace :wpcli do
namespace :uploads do
namespace :rsync do
desc "Push local uploads delta to remote machine"
task :push do
roles(:web).each do |role|
+ puts role.netssh_options[:port]
+ port = role.netssh_options[:port] || 22
+ set :wpcli_rsync_options, fetch(:wpcli_rsync_options) + (" -e 'ssh -p #{port}'")
run_locally do
execute :rsync, fetch(:wpcli_rsync_options), fetch(:wpcli_local_uploads_dir), "#{role.user}@#{role.hostname}:#{fetch(:wpcli_remote_uploads_dir)}"
diff --git a/lib/capistrano/wpcli/version.rb b/lib/capistrano/wpcli/version.rb
index 44d040f..69eed99 100644
--- a/lib/capistrano/wpcli/version.rb
+++ b/lib/capistrano/wpcli/version.rb
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
module Capistrano
module Wpcli
- VERSION = "0.1.1"
+ VERSION = "0.1.2"