We want to build a drone that cannot be trapped in a room, a drone that will actively search for and escape its bounds thorugh an exit be it a door or a window. With this as our motivation we would build a robust system that detects and navigates through narrow passages.
- Write and test a code that would detect and relay information like size and distance from a rectangular frame fitted with Aruco Tags.
- Make a controller that generates trajectory and inputs to pass through the given frame.
- Try out the above on DJI Tello Drone and make adjustments to make it robust.
- Develop a system that won't require the use of Aruco Tags for frame detection.
- Implement it on DJI Tello.
- Build a stable and well-performing drone upon which all of the above steps are implemented.
- End of January: Complete implementation of Stage 1, i.e. Tello is able to detect and traverse through a rectagular frame marked with Aruco Tags.
- End of February: The code for identification of frame without the use of Aruco Tags is completed. Stage 2 is completed.
- 1st Week of March: Finalization of our project as Stage 3 - Final Stage is completed and the project is now closed.
Hardik Bhardwaj, Aritra Mahata, Owais Makroo, Kaustubh Bharadwaj, Amaresh Kumar Dey