Lighthouse is a lightning-fast advanced search engine API for publications on the lbrycrd with autocomplete capabilities. The official lighthouse instance is live at
- Elasticsearch as a backend db server.
- LBRYimport, an importer that imports the claims into the Elasticsearch database.
- Lighthouse API server, which serves the API and does all calculations about what to send to the end user.
To make a simple search by string:
To get autocomplete suggestions:
To get started you should clone the git:
git clone
Make sure elasticsearch is running and run (from the lighthouse dir):
Install dependencies:
npm run install --production=false
Build and run Lighthouse:
npm run prod
You are now up and running! You can connect to lighthouse at http://localhost:50005, api documentation is here. Lighthouse will continue syncing in the background. It usually takes ~15 minutes before all claims are up to date in the database.
Contributions to this project are welcome, encouraged, and compensated. For more details, see
This project is MIT Licensed © LBRYio, Filip Nyquist
We take security seriously. Please contact [email protected] regarding any security issues. Our PGP key is here if you need it.
The primary contact for this project is @tiger5226 ([email protected])