#include<cstring> #include<string> #include<iostream> class Explicit { private: public: Explicit(int size) { std::cout << " the size is " << size << std::endl; } Explicit(const char* str) { std::string _str = str; std::cout << " the str is " << _str << std::endl; } Explicit(const Explicit& ins) { std::cout << " The Explicit is ins" << std::endl; } Explicit(int a,int b) { std::cout << " the a is " << a << " the b is " << b << std::endl; } }; int main() { Explicit test0(15); Explicit test1 = 10;// 隐式调用Explicit(int size) Explicit test2("RIGHTRIGHT"); Explicit test3 = "BUGBUGBUG";// 隐式调用Explicit(const char* str) Explicit test4(1, 10); Explicit test5 = test1; }
原因 上面的程序虽然没有错误,但是对于Explicit test1 = 10;和Explicit test2 = "BUGBUGBUG";这样的句子,把一个int类型或者const char*类型的变量赋值给Explicit类型的变量看起来总归不是很好,并且当程序很大的时候出错之后也不容易排查。所以为了禁止上面那种隐式转换可能带来的风险,一般都把类的单参构造函数声明的显示调用的,就是在构造函数加关键字
。如下:#include<cstring> #include<string> #include<iostream> class Explicit { private: public: explicit Explicit(int size) { std::cout << " the size is " << size << std::endl; } explicit Explicit(const char* str) { std::string _str = str; std::cout << " the str is " << _str << std::endl; } Explicit(const Explicit& ins) { std::cout << " The Explicit is ins" << std::endl; } Explicit(int a,int b) { std::cout << " the a is " << a << " the b is " << b << std::endl; } }; int main() { Explicit test0(15); Explicit test1 = 10;// 无法调用 Explicit test2("RIGHTRIGHT"); Explicit test3 = "BUGBUGBUG"; // 无法调用 Explicit test4(1, 10); Explicit test5 = test0; }