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feat: show proof states after =>, and not after semicolons (#27)
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david-christiansen authored May 17, 2024
1 parent aa1d3c1 commit 866dd83
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Showing 6 changed files with 267 additions and 49 deletions.
80 changes: 80 additions & 0 deletions InternalTests.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,80 @@

import SubVerso.Examples
import SubVerso.Highlighting.Highlighted

/-! These are SubVerso tests that don't involve a subprocess, to make development easier. -/

open SubVerso Examples

partial def SubVerso.Highlighting.Highlighted.asString (hl : Highlighted) : String := do
let mut out := ""
match hl with
| .seq hls =>
for x in asString do
out := out ++ x
| .span _ hl' =>
out := out ++ hl'.asString
| .tactics _ _ _ hl' =>
out := out ++ hl'.asString
| .point .. => pure ()
| .text s => out := out ++ s
| .token t => out := out ++ t.content

partial def SubVerso.Highlighting.Highlighted.proofStates (hl : Highlighting.Highlighted) : Array (String × Array (Goal String)) := do
let mut out := #[]
match hl with
| .seq hls =>
for x in proofStates do
out := out ++ x
| .span _ hl' =>
out := out ++ hl'.proofStates
| .tactics info _ _ hl' =>
out := out.push (hl'.asString, (·.map (·.asString)))
| _ => pure ()

%example proof
theorem test (n : Nat) : n * 1 = n := by
induction n with
| zero => rfl
| succ n ih =>
rw [← ih]
cases n
next => simp
case' succ =>
case succ =>
. skip; simp

%dump proof into proofJson

%dumpE proof into proofEx

-- We don't have #guard_msgs in all supported Lean versions, so here's a dumb replacement:

open Lean Elab Command in
elab "#evalString" s:str e:term : command => do
let msgs ← MonadMessageState.getMessages
MonadMessageState.setMessages {}
elabCommand <| ← `(#eval $e)
let msgs' ← MonadMessageState.getMessages
let [msg] := msgs'.toList
| throwError "Too many messages"
if (← msg.toString) != s.getString then
throwErrorAt e "Expected {s.getString}, got {← msg.toString}"
MonadMessageState.setMessages msgs

#evalString "[[some `zero], [some `succ], [none], [some `succ.succ], [none]]\n"
(proofEx.highlighted[0] (·.fst == "=>") |>.map (· (·.name)))

def main : IO Unit := pure ()
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions lakefile.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -21,6 +21,11 @@ lean_exe «subverso-tests» where
root := `Tests
supportInterpreter := true

lean_exe «subverso-internal-tests» where
root := `InternalTests
supportInterpreter := true

lean_exe «subverso-extract» where
root := `Extract
Expand Down
78 changes: 77 additions & 1 deletion src/examples/SubVerso/Examples.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -137,7 +137,7 @@ elab_rules : command
logMessage msg

scoped syntax "%dump" ident : command
scoped syntax "%dump " ident : command

elab_rules : command
| `(%dump%$kw $name:ident) => do
Expand All @@ -148,6 +148,82 @@ elab_rules : command
throwErrorAt name "No highlighting found for '{name}'"

scoped syntax "%dump " ident &" into " ident: command
scoped syntax "%dumpE " ident &" into " ident: command

open Syntax in
private scoped instance : Quote Int where
| .ofNat n => mkCApp ``Int.ofNat #[quote n]
| .negSucc n => mkCApp ``Int.negSucc #[quote n]

open Syntax in
instance : Quote JsonNumber where
| ⟨mantissa, exponent⟩ => mkCApp `` #[quote mantissa, quote exponent]

open Syntax in
partial instance : Quote Json where
quote := q
quoteArray {α : _} (_inst : Quote α) (xs : Array α) : TSyntax `term :=
mkCApp ``List.toArray #[quote xs.toList]
quoteField {α : _} (_inst : Quote α) (f : (_ : String) × α) : TSyntax `term :=
quote (f.fst, f.snd)
| .null => mkCApp ``Json.null #[]
| .str s => mkCApp ``Json.str #[quote s]
| .bool b => mkCApp ``Json.bool #[quote b]
| .num n => mkCApp ``Json.num #[quote n]
| .arr xs => mkCApp ``Json.arr #[(quoteArray ⟨q⟩ xs)]
| .obj fields =>
let _fieldInst : Quote ((_ : String) × Json) := ⟨quoteField ⟨q⟩⟩
let fieldList := quote fields.toArray.toList
mkCApp ``Json.mkObj #[fieldList]

elab_rules : command
| `(%dump $name:ident into $x) => do
let mod ← getMainModule
let st := highlighted.getState (← getEnv) |>.find? mod |>.getD {}
if let some json := st.find? name.getId then
elabCommand <| ← `(def $x : Json := $(quote json))
throwErrorAt name "No highlighting found for '{name}'"

open Syntax in
instance : Quote MessageSeverity where
quote s :=
let n :=
match s with
| .error => ``MessageSeverity.error
| .information => ``MessageSeverity.information
| .warning => ``MessageSeverity.warning
mkCApp n #[]

open Syntax in
instance : Quote Lean.Position where
quote s :=
mkCApp `` #[quote s.line, quote s.column]

open Syntax in
instance : Quote Example where
quote ex :=
mkCApp `` #[quote ex.highlighted, quote ex.messages, quote ex.original, quote ex.start, quote ex.stop]

elab_rules : command
| `(%dumpE $name:ident into $x) => do
let mod ← getMainModule
let st := highlighted.getState (← getEnv) |>.find? mod |>.getD {}
if let some json := st.find? name.getId then
match FromJson.fromJson? json with
| .ok (e : Example) =>
elabCommand <| ← `(def $x : Example := $(quote e))
| .error err =>
throwErrorAt name "Couldn't deserialize JSON: {err}"
throwErrorAt name "No highlighting found for '{name}'"

namespace Internals
scoped syntax "%show_name" ident : term
elab_rules : term
Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/examples/SubVerso/Examples/Env.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,13 +32,15 @@ instance : FromJson MessageSeverity where
theorem MessageSeverity.fromJson_toJson_ok (s : MessageSeverity) : fromJson? (toJson s) = .ok s := by
cases s <;> simp [toJson, fromJson?]

deriving instance Repr for MessageSeverity

structure Example where
highlighted : Array Highlighted
messages : List (MessageSeverity × String)
original : String
start : Lean.Position
stop : Lean.Position
deriving ToJson, FromJson
deriving ToJson, FromJson, Repr

initialize highlighted : PersistentEnvExtension (NameMap (NameMap Json)) (Name × Name × Example) (NameMap (NameMap Json)) ←
registerPersistentEnvExtension {
Expand Down
144 changes: 97 additions & 47 deletions src/highlighting/SubVerso/Highlighting/Code.lean
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Expand Up @@ -29,6 +29,20 @@ def infoForSyntax (t : InfoTree) (stx : Syntax) : List (ContextInfo × Info) :=
(ci, info) :: soFar
else soFar

-- Find the nodes whose canonical span includes the given syntax
def infoIncludingSyntax (t : InfoTree) (stx : Syntax) : List (ContextInfo × Info) :=
t.collectNodesBottomUp fun ci info _ soFar =>
if let some true := do
let start ← info.stx.getPos? true
let start' ← stx.getPos? true
let stop ← info.stx.getTailPos? true
let stop' ← stx.getTailPos? true
pure <| start ≤ start' && stopstop'
(ci, info) :: soFar
else soFar

partial def bestD (sems : Array Token.Kind) (default : Token.Kind) : Token.Kind :=
if let some m := sems.back? then
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -516,6 +530,71 @@ partial def _root_.Lean.Widget.TaggedText.indent (doc : TaggedText α) : TaggedT
| .append docs => .append ( indent')
.append #[.text " ", indent' doc]

def highlightGoals
(ids : HashMap Lsp.RefIdent Lsp.RefIdent)
(ci : ContextInfo)
(goals : List MVarId)
: HighlightM (Array (Highlighted.Goal Highlighted)) := do
let mut goalView := #[]
for g in goals do
let mut hyps := #[]
let some mvDecl := ci.mctx.findDecl? g
| continue
let name := if mvDecl.userName.isAnonymous then none else some mvDecl.userName
let lctx := mvDecl.lctx |>' {options := (← getOptions)}

-- Tell the delaborator to tag functions that are being applied. Otherwise,
-- functions have no tooltips or binding info in tactics.
-- cf
let ci' := {ci with options := ci.options.set `pp.tagAppFns true}
let runMeta {α} (act : MetaM α) : HighlightM α := ci'.runMetaM lctx act
for c in lctx.decls do
let some decl := c
| continue
if decl.isAuxDecl || decl.isImplementationDetail then continue
match decl with
| .cdecl _index fvar name type _ _ =>
let nk ← exprKind ids ci lctx (.fvar fvar)
let tyStr ← renderTagged ids (← runMeta (ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars type))
hyps := hyps.push (name, nk.getD .unknown, tyStr)
| .ldecl _index fvar name type val _ _ =>
let nk ← exprKind ids ci lctx (.fvar fvar)
let tyDoc ← runMeta (ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars type)
let valDoc ← runMeta (ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars val)
let tyValStr ← renderTagged ids <| .append <| #[tyDoc].append <|
if tyDoc.oneLine && valDoc.oneLine then #[.text " := ", valDoc]
else #[.text " := \n", valDoc.indent]
hyps := hyps.push (name, nk.getD .unknown, tyValStr)
let concl ← renderTagged ids (← runMeta <| ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars mvDecl.type)
goalView := goalView.push ⟨name, Meta.getGoalPrefix mvDecl, hyps, concl⟩
pure goalView

partial def findTactics'
(ids : HashMap Lsp.RefIdent Lsp.RefIdent)
(trees : PersistentArray Lean.Elab.InfoTree)
(stx : Syntax)
(startPos endPos : String.Pos)
(endPosition : Position)
(before : Bool := false)
: HighlightM (Option (Array (Highlighted.Goal Highlighted) × Nat × Nat × Position)) := do
for t in trees do
-- The info is reversed here so that the _last_ state computed is shown.
-- This makes `repeat` do the right thing, rather than either spamming
-- states or showing the first one.
for i in infoForSyntax t stx |>.reverse do
if not i.2.isOriginal then continue
if let (ci, .ofTacticInfo tacticInfo) := i then
if !before && !tacticInfo.goalsBefore.isEmpty && tacticInfo.goalsAfter.isEmpty then
return some (#[], startPos.byteIdx, endPos.byteIdx, endPosition)

let goals := if before then tacticInfo.goalsBefore else tacticInfo.goalsAfter
if goals.isEmpty then continue
let goalView ← highlightGoals ids ci goals

if !Output.inTacticState (← get).output goalView then
return some (goalView, startPos.byteIdx, endPos.byteIdx, endPosition)
return none

partial def findTactics
(ids : HashMap Lsp.RefIdent Lsp.RefIdent)
(trees : PersistentArray Lean.Elab.InfoTree)
Expand All @@ -533,6 +612,23 @@ partial def findTactics
if stx.getKind ∈ [``Lean.Parser.Term.byTactic, ``Lean.Parser.Term.byTactic'] ||
stx matches .atom _ "by" then
return none
-- `;` is blacklisted as well - no need to highlight states identically
if stx matches .atom _ ";" then return none

-- Special handling for =>: show the _before state_
if stx matches .atom _ "=>" then
for t in trees do
for i in infoIncludingSyntax t stx |>.reverse do
if not i.2.isOriginal then continue
if let (_, .ofTacticInfo tacticInfo) := i then
match tacticInfo.stx with
| `(Lean.Parser.Tactic.inductionAlt| $_lhs =>%$tk $rhs )
| `(tactic| next $_* =>%$tk $rhs )
| `(tactic| case $_ $_* =>%$tk $rhs )
| `(tactic| case' $_ $_* =>%$tk $rhs ) =>
if tk == stx then
return (← findTactics' ids trees rhs startPos endPos endPosition (before := true))
| _ => continue

-- Only show tactic output for the most specific source spans possible, with a few exceptions
if stx.getKind ∉ [``Lean.Parser.Tactic.rwSeq,``Lean.Parser.Tactic.simp] then
Expand All @@ -544,54 +640,8 @@ partial def findTactics
if let some (goals, _startPos, _endPos, _endPosition) ← findTactics ids trees brak then
return some (goals, startPos.byteIdx, endPos.byteIdx, endPosition)

for t in trees do
-- The info is reversed here so that the _last_ state computed is shown.
-- This makes `repeat` do the right thing, rather than either spamming
-- states or showing the first one.
for i in infoForSyntax t stx |>.reverse do
if not i.2.isOriginal then continue
if let (ci, .ofTacticInfo tacticInfo) := i then
if !tacticInfo.goalsBefore.isEmpty && tacticInfo.goalsAfter.isEmpty then
return some (#[], startPos.byteIdx, endPos.byteIdx, endPosition)
findTactics' ids trees stx startPos endPos endPosition

let goals := tacticInfo.goalsAfter
if goals.isEmpty then continue

let mut goalView := #[]
for g in goals do
let mut hyps := #[]
let some mvDecl := ci.mctx.findDecl? g
| continue
let name := if mvDecl.userName.isAnonymous then none else some mvDecl.userName
let lctx := mvDecl.lctx |>' {options := (← getOptions)}

-- Tell the delaborator to tag functions that are being applied. Otherwise,
-- functions have no tooltips or binding info in tactics.
-- cf
let ci' := {ci with options := ci.options.set `pp.tagAppFns true}
let runMeta {α} (act : MetaM α) : HighlightM α := ci'.runMetaM lctx act
for c in lctx.decls do
let some decl := c
| continue
if decl.isAuxDecl || decl.isImplementationDetail then continue
match decl with
| .cdecl _index fvar name type _ _ =>
let nk ← exprKind ids ci lctx (.fvar fvar)
let tyStr ← renderTagged ids (← runMeta (ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars type))
hyps := hyps.push (name, nk.getD .unknown, tyStr)
| .ldecl _index fvar name type val _ _ =>
let nk ← exprKind ids ci lctx (.fvar fvar)
let tyDoc ← runMeta (ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars type)
let valDoc ← runMeta (ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars val)
let tyValStr ← renderTagged ids <| .append <| #[tyDoc].append <|
if tyDoc.oneLine && valDoc.oneLine then #[.text " := ", valDoc]
else #[.text " := \n", valDoc.indent]
hyps := hyps.push (name, nk.getD .unknown, tyValStr)
let concl ← renderTagged ids (← runMeta <| ppExprTagged =<< instantiateMVars mvDecl.type)
goalView := goalView.push ⟨name, Meta.getGoalPrefix mvDecl, hyps, concl⟩
if !Output.inTacticState (← get).output goalView then
return some (goalView, startPos.byteIdx, endPos.byteIdx, endPosition)
return none

partial def highlight'
(ids : HashMap Lsp.RefIdent Lsp.RefIdent)
Expand Down
5 changes: 5 additions & 0 deletions src/highlighting/SubVerso/Highlighting/Highlighted.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,6 +74,11 @@ structure Highlighted.Goal (expr) where
conclusion : expr
deriving Repr, BEq, Hashable, ToJson, FromJson

def (f : α → β) (g : Goal α) : Goal β :=
{g with
hypotheses := (fun (x, k, e) => (x, k, f e))
conclusion := f g.conclusion}

instance [Quote expr] : Quote (Highlighted.Goal expr) where
| {name, goalPrefix, hypotheses, conclusion} =>
Expand Down

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