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Customisable RAdioactive Decay for Low Energy Particle Physics: A C++ event generator

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.


  • BOOST - Linear algebra rotuines, and the program_options part of the library
  • GSL - Used for the calculation of the calculation of the complex Gamma function in the Fermi function
  • Geant4 Data - G4PhotonEvaporation and G4RadioactiveDecay files are used internally
  • ROOT - Used to generate ROOT file


Installing is done using CMake using the supplied CMakeLists.txt file

Perform an out of source build, for example:

mkdir build
cd build && cmake ..

Setting some environnement variables :

setenv Radiationdata ../RadiationData
setenv Gammadata ../GammaData
setenv AMEdata ../Nuclear_Databases/AMEdata.txt


Config file

This file is an input of CRADLE to setting the generator. You can configure verbosity, coupling constant Ci, cuts, $\beta$ decay type.

  • Verbosity : 0 or 1 to see more or less information in the terminal.
  • Verbosity_file : 0 to save only particles in the ouput file, 1 to save also the nucleus kinematics.
  • Ci : set all the coupling constant of the Lee Yang Lagragian.
  • a, b : if not NaN overwritting the Ci
  • Cuts : distance, time and energy limit of calculation
  • Beta Decay : Fermi or Gamow-Teller to impose $\beta$ decay type. Auto take into account real $\beta$ decay type extracted from Geant4 GammaData, only available for pure transition (set on Gamow-Teller if none pure transition)
  • FermiFunction : Simple or Advanced


Running command example for 32Ar :

./CRADLE++ nucleus --name 32Ar -Z 18 -A 32 -c [ConfigFileName] general -l [EventNumber] -o [OuputFileName]

Note that you can generate .txt file or .root file (TTree)


See Generator_Documentation.pdf for more details about the generator.



  • All feature working


  • New file writter, possibility to save .root or .txt file
  • Auto mode for $\beta$ decay type


  • Four body decay for radiative correction
  • Inlcude matrix nuclear data for correction in GT decay
  • Using NUDAT data
  • EC decay mode
  • Polarized nuclei
  • Inlcude R-Matrix data (for FSD of the light nuclei)


  • Leendert Hayen - KU Leuven
  • Lecanuet Samuel - LP2iB


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details