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class: center, middle, inverse

The Spirit of C++

Sundaram Ramaswamy

.footnote[Press f for full-screen, ? for presentation controls.]

class: center, middle, inverse

.left[Within C++, there is a much smaller and cleaner language struggling to get out.]

.right[— Bjarne Stroustrup, creator of C++]

It’s easy to get lost in the details; don’t.

Look for intuitions and at the big picture.

We want to build a mental model, not a rule book.

class: center, middle, inverse


## Anything you[1] can and will probably be taken offline
### .left[When starting out, detailing every nook and cranny of a concept would be detrimental.]

.footnote[.red[¹]: that goes too deep, deviates from the topic or only shows our prowess]


Why Use C++?

Why not Python, JavaScript, …?


.right-column[ Why go through …

  • crude data types
  • raw pointers, contorted references
  • manual memory management

.pull-left[ … just be cool and use Python ➜ ]


print(2 ** 63) # 2⁶³
print(2 ** 80) # 2⁸⁰

> 9223372036854775808
> 1208925819614629174706176


How C++ fares against Python here?

int      x1 = pow(2, 63); // Warning: overflow (GCC)
unsigned x2 = pow(2, 63); // Warning: overflow (GCC)
uint64_t x3 = 1   << 63;  // Warning: shift count ≥ width
*uint64_t x4 = 1ul << 63;  // finally!
//  2⁸⁰?  Hmmm... all in good time!

.pull-left[ Results with GCC




Results with Clang




class: center, middle, inverse

So many retries! Aargh!! 🤦

Intuitiveness: Epic fail!

Output varies between compilers for same program?! Oh mama! 😲

class: center, inverse name: ipow2-1

Let’s write an ipow2()

template: ipow2-1 name: ipow2-2

## Pop quiz: **What’s the size of `int`?**

template: ipow2-2

## Answer: **No fixed size!**

Ask your compiler: sizeof(int); never assume 🤔

1. Built-in Data Types



  • char .little[(≥ 8-bits = 1 byte)].red[2]
  • short .little[(≥ 16-bits)]
  • int .little[(≥ 16-bits)]
  • long .little[(≥ 32-bits)]
  • long long .little[(≥ 64-bits)] ]


Floating-point Types

  • float .little[(32-bit)].red[3]
  • double .little[(64-bit)].red[3]
  • long double .little[(usually 80, 96 or 128 bits)]

.little[ Only the below rule about integers is well-defined; assuming more is risky!] ]

sizeof(char) ≤ sizeof(short) ≤ sizeof(int) ≤ sizeof(long) ≤ sizeof(long long)

.left[### Other Types]

  • void
  • bool
  • Pointer types e.g. int*, unsigned char**, void (*)(float)
    .little[Arithmetic based on pointed-to type e.g. int *p; ++p; moves p by sizeof(int)]
  • Array types e.g. int[2], char[6][5]

.footnote[.red[¹]: variants of unsigned and signed (two’s complement)] .footnote[.red[²]: A byte needn’t be 8 bits; it’s whatever char’s bit width is 😳] .footnote[.red[³]: Not guaranteed to be, but mostly, IEEE-754 float]

C++ Standard .little[(ISO/IEC 14882:2017)]

  • Many modern language users are at the mercy of one implementation

  • The ISO C++ standard guards C++ programmers with certain guarantees
    .little[A contract between language users and compiler writers ] 🤝

  • Programs adhering to the standard always work and remain portable
    .little[e.g. Compile a 20-year old program g++ -std=c++98 old.cpp even today on any platform with a compiler; it works]

  • Standard precisely defines many aspects of a program: well-defined ← this is 🏠

  • Standard loosely defines some aspects .little[(Implementation-defined, Unspecified and Undefined behaviour)] ☠ .little[

  • for many exotic architectures having C++ compilers
    .little[e.g. Unisys Servers with 9-bit bytes and 36-bit ints programmable in C and C++ (not Python or JS — sorry!)]
  • for freedom to compiler-authors — different compilers, varying implementations: a healthy competition ]

But it works on my machine!?

Say, you survived a wrong side drive on a highway at midnight once, would you argue its repeatable/correct?

??? e.g. array access out of bounds, accessing a zombie object, null pointer dereference and many more!

#include <cstdint>   // ← fixed-width integer types
#include <limits>    // ← query type limits from compiler
#include <optional>
#include <iostream>

std::optional<uintmax_t> ipow2(unsigned pow) {
  // Future-proof by not using uint64_t and limiting to 64-bit architectures.
  // Obtain size from compiler at compile-time; thanks to static typing
  if (pow >= std::numeric_limits<uintmax_t>::digits)
    return {};
                           //                 2⁸  2⁷  2⁶  2⁵  2⁴  2³  2²  2¹
  uintmax_t value = 1;     // ----------------------------------------------+
  value <<= pow;           // … | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
  return value;            // ----------------------------------------------+

int main(int argc, char** argv) {
  if (argc >= 2) {
    auto const pow = std::strtoul(argv[1], nullptr /*str_end*/, 10 /*base*/);
    auto const result = ipow2(pow);
    if (result)
      std::cout << *result << '\n';
      std::cout << "Power beyond machine limits!\n";
  • Use fixed-width integers: uint8_t, int_fast16_t, int32_t, uintptr_t, … .little[- unsigned: beware of wrap around behaviour; decrement with extreme care e.g. uint8_t x = 0; --x; // x is now 255]
  • Use short, int, long, etc. when you’re sure minimum (guaranteed) width is enough
    .little[- Firefox/Chromium has ints but use only a few compilers (all have 32-bit int) and target only i686, x86_64 and ARM32]

name: func-1

2. Free-standing Functions

  • Compile-time: types, qualifiers, functions, structs, classes, templates, … exist.
  • Run-time: Oodles of binary your machine loves to gobble!

template: func-1 name: func-2

// Simple, complete program: no classes, libraries or includes.      +-------------+
int add(int x, int y) {            //     +-------------+            |    free     |
  return x + y;                    //     |    free     |            |             |
}                                  //  S  |             | <-- add()  +-------------+
                                   //  T  |             |            | int  int    |
int main(int argc, char** argv) {  //  A  +-------------+  add() --> +-------------+
  int a = 1, b = -4;               //  C  | int  int    |            | int  int    |
  return add(a, b);                //  K  | int  char** | <- main -> | int  char** |
}                                  //     +-------------+            +-------------+

template: func-2

  • Languages compiling to byte code, keep type[1] at run-time too
    .little[VM needs them for reflection, garbage collection, JIT optimizations, …]
  • .tag[Hardware] C++ strips them and spits object code
    .little[Data and code vanish into zeros and ones. Raw binary, just as advertised 👍]

.tag[Flexibility] .tag[Performance] C++ data types — built-ins & custom — are raw; no base Object under the hood. They inherit[2]

.footnote[.red[¹]: Commonly called boxed datatypes e.g. Integer inheriting Java.lang.Object wraps the actual integer. C++’s int is machine integer.] .footnote[.red[²]: You don’t pay for what you don’t use.]

3. Objects in Memory


  • Static type system .little[
  • Expects all types, variables known at compile-time
  • Key to compile-time error detection and performance]
  • Type = (Size, Operations).little[- e.g. int loads sizeof(int) bytes to an integer register; allows binary and arithmetic operations.]
  • Object = (Type, Memory) → Value .little[
  • Allocation + Initialization
  • Value interpretation based on type]
  • Other languages hide locations .little[


  • Most languages treat variable as stickers; labels stuck on objects .little[- Types associated with objects (at runtime too)
  • Variables = handle to be (re)stuck on an object]
> i = 0     # type ∉ variable
> i = "hi"  # no error on reseat
  • Variable = _(Type, Location, Value)_
    .little[ - Born, live, die with same type and location]
int a = 1;
float a = 0.5;  // redefinition error


Memory model

char c = 0xde;      // value: 0xde (c), loc = 1000 (&c), type: char (gone at runtime)
int a = 3203338898;                     // allocate sizeof(int) bytes, initilize to 1
short *b = reinterpret_cast<short*>(&a);     // *b = 0xfeed (on a big-endian machine)
char *p = &c;            ,--------------------------------------------------
 …   1000   1001  /-- short --\               /--------- char* ---------\
.. | 0xde | 0xad | 0xfe | 0xed | 0x12 | 0x92 | 0x00 | 0x00 | 0x10 | 0x00 | ..
      ↑          \----------- int ----------/                 |

.footnote[.red[¹]: CPython – the most common Python implementation]

class: center, middle, inverse

Yeah.. yeah! 😈

What about 2⁸⁰ ?

Hardware Limits and Software Emulation

  • Consider an architecture, say x64; maximum representable int on x64 is 0xffff'ffff'ffff'ffff = 18446744073709551615

  • Values, instructions, addresses cannot exceed as CPU cannot understand a larger integer

  • How then to represent larger integers? Big Integers a.k.a Big Numbers

  • Make an array of 64-bit integers each representing a part of the constituted big integer

  • e.g. for 1 << 80, you’d need 3 integers; result, if shifted again by 20, prefix one more, …

//  bits                     127  96 95   64 63   32 31    0
            | . . . |  int  |  int  |  int  |  int  |  int  |  // a big int in memory
// elements             4       3       2       1       0
  • Fun Exercise: Implement class BigInt using a std::vector<uint8_t>

    • Implement arithmetic and shift operators
    • Needs overflow/underflow detection and bit manipulation
  • Use rudimentary hardware features as building blocks to build higher abstractions

name: zero-cost-abs-1

Zero Cost Abstraction .little[answer to 2⁸⁰, life and beyond …!]

  • .tag[Hardware] Manufacturers make dedicated hardware for certain algorithms .little[
  • E.g. GPUs for 3D data and pixels, hardware decoders for MP3, etc.
  • SIMD instruction sets to perform multiple operations in one CPU cycle. ]
  • .tag[Performance] Using dedicated hardware is fast; really fast 🚀
  • Software emulation provided as a fallback when dedicated hardware absent – slow 🚲 .little[
  • e.g. Graphics using CPU when GPU is missing ]

template: zero-cost-abs-1 name: zero-cost-abs-2

  • Python’s int has arbitrary-precision because internally all integers are big! 😲

    • Programmer is never exposed system’s native integer (64-bits)
    • Software emulation, not for specific algorithms but, for a basic functionality
    • Every programmer penalized for flexibility so that expressions like 2 ** 80 work

template: zero-cost-abs-2

  • C++ only provides int, and no more, since your machine only has that!

    • .tag[Flexibility] Include a library or write one just for the module needing BigInt .little[- e.g. GNU Multiple Precision library is one of the fastest out there]
    • .tag[Hardware] .tag[Performance] Exposes dedicated hardware by providing direct access .little[- Using SSE2 is just a header away: live example of a 4-vector addition using 1 assembly instruction]

You only pay for what you use. — C++ Design Principle

Critical vs Non-Critical Software

  • Turn-around vs throughput: different settings, different expectations

    • Example: Ordering food at a restaurant vs ordering for home delivery 🍜
      • Wasting time on avoidable, petty procedures means an overall delay in eating
      • Stopping 5 mins for a smoke is OK when it’d be 30 mins restaurant ➜ home
  • Time-wise non-critical software examples

    • Server-side code looking up voluminous database — .little[Overarching bottleneck: disk access, network]
    • Content generators e.g. Doxygen — .little[Output quality matters but not time-taken]
  • Non-critical software: When bottleneck is elsewhere, optimizing every instruction or data is pessimization

Shaving off a few (unnoticeable) microseconds when overall lag would be in seconds is pessimisation.

  • Critical software: No such luxury; picoseconds and bytes matter
    • Very small lags every operation leads to a sluggish system
    • You can’t put a finger on it but system feels slow

Languages for non-critical software (C#, Python, JS, …)

  • .tag[Performance] Most run on a[1] with garbage collection.

  • .tag[Flexibility] Sacrifices finer control for more features.
    .little[e.g. reflection, garbage collection, rich built-in types like lists, dictionaries/maps, big integers, … ]

  • .tag[Hardware] Abstracts machine away as much as possible.
    .little[Assumes programmers doesn’t know hardware; relieves programmer from worrying about hardware intricacies]

Languages for critical software (C++, C, Rust, …)

  • .tag[Performance] Zero-overhead[2]; as close to hardware as possible but not closer.
    .little[Easy to reason about the machine code generated for your program.]

  • .tag[Flexibility] You choose what you want. You only pay for what you[3].
    .little[Programmer, not the language, is in charge. Believes programmer knows what s/he doing.]

  • .tag[Hardware] Low-level access enables authoring kernel, virtual machines, …
    .little[Direct access to CPU/GPU/OS facilities, yum! No VM, no GC no middleman — no commission.]

.footnote[.red[¹]: Not system virtual machine (like VMWare, Qemu, VirtualBox, …), but **[process virutal machine](** (like JVM, CLR, Python interpreter, …)]

.footnote[.red[²]: std::vector or std::map should perform almost like a vector or red-black tree hand-coded in assembly]

.footnote[.red[³]: A key design guideline of the C++ standards committee; another is portability.]

4. Memory: Types



  • Automatic allocation and deallocation .little[- Alloc/dealloc order: lexical/reverse lexical[1] ]
  • Fast: really fast! 🚀 .little[
  • Allocation is a mere register increment/decrement
  • Spatial and temporal coherence; cache-friendly ]
  • Limited scope .little[
  • Alive within current and called functions
  • Can’t return local variable address but can pass up ]
  • Limited size (configurable) .little[
  • Default MiB/thread: 2 (GCC), 1 (MSVC) ]
  • Unexposed in most languages 😱 ]



.left[> Stack-allocate if size known at compile-time, within scope and within size limit; heap-allocate otherwise.]

void LoadCount(int* count);
// THE GOOD          // THE BAD              // THE UGLY
int c = 0;           int* c = new int;       unique_ptr<int> c = make_unique<int>();
LoadCount(&c);       LoadCount(c);           LoadCount(c.get());
                     delete c;               // needless alloc and dealloc - slow

.footnote[.red[¹]: Order matters: from top to bottom, left to right, declare least dependant to most dependant – both in function and struct/class.]


  • Stack size is OS-dependant too: 8 MiB on macOS
  • Know: delete between runtimes are unequal!

4.1 Memory: Objects across Stack and Heap

struct Passport {                       struct SmartPassport {
  char* id;                               string id;
  int expiry;                             int expiry;
}                                       }

struct User {                           struct SmartUser {
  int dob;                                int dob;
  char* name;                             string name;
  Passport* pass;                         unique_ptr<SmartPassport> pass;
};                                      };

int main() {                            SmartUser u1 = {0, {}, new SmartPassport()};
  User *u2 = new User();
  u2->name = new char[10]();
  u2->pass = new Passport();
  u2->pass->id = new char[10]();                    HEAP
  delete [] u2->pass->id;        ------/      .-----------------.  \------
  delete u2->pass;           ---/          .->| | | | | | | | | |         \---
  delete [] u2->name;     --/              |  '-----------------'             \--
  delete u2;            -/   .-----------. |    .-------.                        \-
}                      /  .->| int       | | .->| char* |-    .-----------------.  \
   +-------------+    /   |  |-----------| | |  |-------| `-->| | | | | | | | | |   \
   |             |    |   |  | char*     |-' |  | int   |     '-----------------'   |
 S |-------------|  .-\---'  |-----------|   |  '-------'                           /
 T | User*       |--'  \     | Passport* |---'    .-----------.                    /
 A |-------------|      -\   '-----------'    .-->| char*     |                  /-
 C | int | SP*   |--,     --\                 |   |-----------|               /--
 K |-------------|  '-----------\-------------'   | int | int |           /---
   | int | char* |               ------\          '-----------'    /------
   +-------------+                      ---------------------------

4.2 Memory: Shallow Copy, Deep Copy and Move

//--SHALLOW COPY: copy values as-is -------------------------------------------------
//                                                        owner     clone
  int owner = 12;  // owner has data originally          +----+    +----+
  int clone = 0;   // need to make a copy                | 12 |    | 12 |
  clone = owner;   // copy value as-is                   +----+    +----+

//--SHALLOW COPY of pointer (mostly wrong, unless intended sharing) -----------------
//                                                   owner       data      clone
  int* owner = new int(12); // owner is a pointer  +-------+   .-----.   +-------+
  int* clone = owner;       // clone copies it!!   | 0x100 |-->| 12  |<--| 0x100 |
// Inconsistent ownership!!                        +-------+   '-----'   +-------+
// Responsibility unclear: who'll free data?                    0x100

//--DEEP COPY: both gets to have its own copy----------------------------------------
//                                                    owner            clone
  int* owner = new int; *owner = 12; //              +-----+  .----.  +-----+  .----.
  int* clone = new int; // allocate memory           |0x100|->| 12 |  |0x200|->| 12 |
  *clone = *owner;      // copy data, not address    +-----+  '----'  +-----+  '----'
//                                                            0x100            0x200

//--MOVE: steal data from the owner--------------------------------------------------
  int* owner = new int(12); //              owner         data         thief
  int* thief = nullptr;     //            +-------+     .------.     +-------+
  std::swap(owner, thief);  //            | 0x100 |---->|  12  |     |  0x0  |---->X
// super cheap                            +-------+     '------'     +-------+
//   - just an integer swap                               0x100
//   - no memory allocation
//                                          owner         data         thief
//                                        +-------+     .------.     +-------+
//                                  X<----|  0x0  |     |  12  |<----| 0x100 |
//                                        +-------+     '------'     +-------+

4.3 Memory: Object Copy and Move

struct Machine {                               struct Image {
  int max_memory;                                int w = 0, h = 0;
  float dimensions;                              uint32_t* pixels = nullptr; // rgba
int main() {                                     int size() const { return w * h; }
  // shallow / trivial copy
  Machine m1 = { 1, 1.2f }, m2;                  Image(int width, int height)
  m2.max_memory = m1.max_memory;                   : w(width), h(height) { }
  m2.dimensions = m2.dimensions;                 Image() : Image(0, 0) { }
                                                 ~Image() { if (pixels)
                                                               delete [] pixels; }
  // make an image, allocate pixel data
  Image owner(4, 4);
  owner.pixels = new uint32_t[owner.size()];

  Image clone(owner.w, owner.h);
  clone.pixels = owner.pixels; // BAD! clone.~Image will try delete on dangling ptr

  // deep copy - byte by byte copy: each image gets its own copy of pixels
  clone.pixels = new uint32_t[owner.size()];
  std::copy_n(owner.pixels, owner.size(), clone.pixels);

  // move: no allocation, no deep copy
  Image thief;
  thief.w = owner.w; thief.h = owner.h;
  std::swap(thief.pixels, owner.pixels);
  owner.w = owner.h = 0;                  // be a responsible thief ;)
}                                         // leave owner in a decent state

5. User-defined Types

// 1. Using built-in
typedef int Id;
using GroupId = float;
enum : uint8_t Weekends { Sat, Sun };

// 2. Composite
struct Point { float x; float y; };
class Canvas {                      //  Canvas
  Point origin = {};                //  +-------+-------+-------+
  int max_memory = 64;              //  | float | float |  int  |
                                    //  +-------+-------+-------+
  Canvas(float max);
                                    //       /<--- c[0]  --->\ /<---- c[1] --->\
                                    //   ---+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+---
// 3. Aggregate                     //      |float|float| int |float|float| int |
int vals[3] = {0, 1, 2};            //   ---+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+---
Canvas c[2] = { Canvas(1024), Canvas(512) };



  • Managing resources? or POD?
    • Smart wrappers or scoped guards
    • Keep compiler-supplied functions?
    • Operators overloading? operator=?
  • Non-friend free functions > methods .little[- Utilities shouldn’t be methods] ]

5.1 Methods: Accessors and Mutators

Methods are functions with a hidden first argument for this — the object pointer

struct Widget : public Point {
  void Scroll(int clicks) { y_ += (clicks * OFFSET); }  // change state of object
  void SetScale(int s) { scale_ = s; }                  // directly or indirectly
  int GetScale() const { return scale_; }  // just observe; const guarantees
                                           // no state change; no write to data members
                                           // or call to non-const methods
  constexpr static int OFFSET = 3;         // compile-time; stripped at run-time
  int scale_;

Roughly equivalent to

struct __Widget {    // object only has data (member variables)
  float x_, y_;      // base class members first and in order of declaration
  int scale_;        // code operating on it isn't part of it

// code elsewhere (.text segment)
void __Widget_Scroll(__Widget* w, int clicks) {
  w->y_ += (clicks * 3);  // OFFSET resolved at compiled-time

int __GetScale(const __Widget* w) { return w->scale_; }

5.2 Function / Method Dispatch

  • Simple Function/Method calls

    • Most function calls in C++ are glorified JMP instructions (assembly)
    • Exact offset of functions’ code in memory known at compile-time (Static typing)
    • Compiler dispatches function calls with JMP to known offset
  • Sometimes exact function is known only at run-time; we need Dynamic[1]

  • Useful for abstractions fulfilled by another class / programmer — interfaces, plug-ins, … i.e. to facilitate separation of concerns .red[2]

  • Example 1: IDisplay::clear() needn’t know if it’s a CLcdDisplay or CCrtMonitor

  • Example 2: a text editor with plug-ins .little[

  • Text editor declares, not defines, a bool IPlugin::post-process(std::string)
  • Every plug-in author implements (defines) it differently
  • When compiling editor the actual function’s code is non-existent; offset unknown – can’t do static dispatch
  • At run-time, if a plug-in SO/DLL is present, load function (dlsym or GetProcAddress) and dispatch dynamically
  • .tag[Flexibility] Both editor and plug-in code can build independently! Weak coupling FTW 💪 ]

.footnote[.red[¹]: also known broadly as (run-time) polymorphism] .footnote[.red[²]: The S in [SOLID Principles](]

5.3 Virtual methods, Interfaces and Concretes

struct IDisplay {
  virtual void Init() { }  // virtual, not pure virtual, method; no `= 0`
                           // A concrete class may / may not override.
  virtual ~IDisplay() { }  // Interfaces MUST have virtual destructor.

  // Pure virtual makes IDisplay an abstract base class (ABC) / interface.
  // It can't be instantiated; need to have a concerte implementation.
  // A concrete class MUST override these to be called concrete.
  virutal Size GetResolution() const = 0;
  virtual void PutPixel(float x, float y, Color c) = 0;

struct CCrtMonitor : public IDisplay {
  Size GetResolution() const override { return my_resolution_; }
  void PutPixel(float x, float y, Color c) override {
    /* put color in frame buffer */

  void* frame_buffer_;
  Size resolution;

struct CProjector : public IDisplay {  // still an ABC as not all pure virtuals
  Size GetResolution() const { }       // are overridden

struct CLcdDisplay : public IDisplay {
  /* similar definitions */

5.4 Memory Layout of Objects with Virtual

  CCrtMonitor m1 in memory    .--->  Virtual table of CCrtMonitor in ".text"
 +-------------------------+  |    +-------------------------------------------+
 |                         |  |    |                                           |
 |   void* vptr            |--’    |  Offset to ~CCrtMonitor()                 |
 |                         |       |                                           |
 |-------------------------|       |-------------------------------------------|
 |                         |       |                                           |
 |   void* frame_buffer_   |       |  Offset to Init()                         |
 |                         |       |                                           |
 |-------------------------|       |-------------------------------------------|
 |                         |       |                                           |
 |   float x_              |       |  Offset to GetResolution()                |
 |                         |       |                                           |
 |-------------------------|       |-------------------------------------------|
 |                         |       |                                           |
 |   float y_              |       |  Offset to PutPixel(float, float, Color)  |
 |                         |       |                                           |
 +-------------------------+       +-------------------------------------------+
  • Compiler inserts a vptr to all objects of type CCrtMonitor

  • They all point to CCrtMonitor::vtable

  • Objects of type CLcdDisplay also get their own vptr pointing to CLcdDisplay::vtable

5.5 Virtual Methods: Usage

struct IDisplay { virtual ~IDisplay() { } };

struct CCrtMonitor : public IDisplay { ~CCrtMonitor() { /* cleanup stuff */ } };

class CLcdDisplay : public IDisplay { /* ... some code ... */ };

IDisplay* MakeDisplay(DisplayParams params) {  // factory function
  if (params.resolution <= 480)
    return new CCrtMonitor;
    return new CLcdDisplay;

int main() {
  IDisplay od;    // Error: can't instantiate an abstract class
  IDisplay *pd;   // OK: pointer to abstract IDisplay

  CCrtMonitor crtMon;
  crtMon.PutPixel(10, 5, Color(255, 0, 0));  // static dispatch

  pd = MakeDisplay(params);
  pd->PutPixel(20, 3, Color(0, 0, 255));     // dynamic dispatch

  delete pd;    // Destroy object behind IDisplay*.  Calls
                // 1. ~CCrtMonitor properly (thanks to virtual ~IDisplay)
                // 2. ~IDisplay
                // 3. releases memory
                // Without virtual base destructor step 1 will be skipped!
                // Cleanup code in ~CCrtMonitor won't be run!!

6:[¹]: acquire in T() and release in ~T()

.tag[Flexibility] .tag[Performance] C++ doesn’t come with garbage collection because it has RAII!

#include <cstddef>  // ← for std::byte; preferred over uint8_t

struct FileReader {       // a crude smart wrapper

  FileReader(std::string path) {
    // accquire resources in the constructor
    file_ = fopen(path.c_str(), 'r');
    if (file_) {
      data_ = new std::byte[100];
      if (data_) fread(data_, sizeof(std::byte), 100, file_);

  ~FileReader() {
    // destruct resources in the destructor
    if (file_)

    if (data_)
      delete [] data_;

  std::byte* data_ = nullptr;
  FILE* file_ = nullptr;

.footnote[.red[¹]: RAII – Resource Acquisition Is Initialization – is the cornerstone idiom of modern C++ but with the worst possible name 😠]

6.1: RAII recursively

Didn’t we say NO new or delete? Let’s try again.

struct FileReader {       // a smart wrapper with no low-level fiddling
  File(std::string path) {
    file_.reset(fopen(path.c_str(), 'r'));
    if (file_) {
      const auto file_size = getFileSize(file_.get()); // get() gives underlying T*
      data_.resize(file_size);                         // auto resize vector's memory
      fread(, sizeof(std::byte), file_size, file_);

  // ~FileReader() — Look ma, no destructor!
  // Under the hood, when some `File f` gets destroyed, these are called (in order)
  //     1. ~unique_ptr<FILE, FileCloser> calls fclose()
  //     2. ~vector<std::byte>() auto deletes memory its ptr_ is pointing at
  //     3. ~File() finally but since it's a no-op, it'd be optimized away
  std::unique_ptr<FILE, FileCloser> file_;  // unique_ptr auto closes file
  std::vector<std::byte> data_; // vector manages bytes, auto resizes array
// Functor is like a function but can have states; lambda functions are functors too.
struct FileCloser {           // This function takes a FILE* and returns nothing.
  void operator()(FILE* f) {  // Callable thus: FileCloser fc;  fc(file_ptr);
    if (f) fclose(f);         // Usable as unique_ptr<T>'s Deleter as its prototype
  }                           // matches it by a taking T*; here T = FILE.

Recursive since FileReader – a smart wrapper – is now embed-able in another higher abstraction 💡 When that gets destroyed, FileReader will automatically release its resources.

5.6: Constructor: Initialize invariants

  • Auto-generated default constructor is a no-op; members would be garbage values
  • Write a constructor to initialize states / data members
  • Prefer in-class initializers; sometimes no constructors may be needed
struct Point {
  float x, y;    // garbage by default

struct Circle {

  float radius = 1.0f;  // in-class initializer
  Point centre;         // garbage if created using Circle()

  Circle() = default;

  Circle(float r) : radius(r), centre(0.0f, 0.0f) {  // member initializer list

  static Circle* MakeCircle(float radius, Point centre) { /* return a circle */ }
  • Prefer member initializers over setting them in the body
  • Make constructors explicit to prevent on-the-fly creation
    .little[e.g. DrawFigure(float) ≠ DrawFigure(Circle(float)) for heavy-classes, on-the-fly creation is a red flag 🚷]
  • Want to control creation? .little[

1.1 Temporaries, References

  • References are just nicknames; underlying object is exactly the same .little[

  • Edit the reference and you edit the value

  • const reference simply disallows editing object through that reference ]

  • Temporaries are compiler-generated objects during expression evaluation

Size Circle::ComputeBounds() { return Size(width_, height_); }

c.ComputeBounds();  // returned Size is a temporary alive until expression evaluation
  • Objects only have types; expressions have a non-reference type and a value category
Image i1, &i2, &&i3;  // objects of type Image, lvalue-ref & rvalue-ref to Image
std::move(i2)         // expression type: Image, value category: xvalue

l-values, r-values… oh-my-values!! 🤯

  • lvalue: have identity, cannot be stolen e.g. int a; Circle &&c;

  • xvalue: have identity, can be stolen e.g. what’s returned from std::move(c)

  • prvalue: no identity, can be stolen e.g. str.substr(1, 2)

name: copy-move-ctor1

5.7 Copy and Move Constructors

struct Image {
  int width_; int height_; std::vector<std::bytes> pixels_;

  // copy constructor for deep copying
  Image(const Image& that) : w_(that.w_), h_(that.h_) {
    const auto count = w_ * h_;
    if (that.pixels_ && (count > 0)) {
      std::copy_n(that.pixels_, count, this->pixels_);
  // move constructor
  Image(Image&& that) : w_(that.w_)
                      , h_(that.h_)
                      , pixels_(std::move(that.pixels_)) {

template: copy-move-ctor1

But wait! RAII recursively, right? Wouldn’t the defaults suffice? They totally do!! 👌

class Image {
  // ... and we're done! We wisely chose RAII wrapper over raw pointers :)

  // How implicitly generated defaults look like?  Move, same as above.  Copy:
  // Image(const Image& that) : w_(that.w_), h_(that.h_), pixels_{that.pixels_} {
  // }                      // std::vector's copy constructor does the right thing 👍

5.8 Copy and Move Assignment operators

class Image {
  // operator methods are just like any other methods; can be called with expression
  // Image i1, i2;  i1 = i2 is the same i1.operator=(i2)

  // copy-assignment operator, similar to copy ctor but without the memory alloc
  Image& operator= (const Image &that) {
    this->w_ = that->w_;
    this->h_ = that->h_;
    this->pixels_ = that->pixels_;  // std::vector::operator= does deep copy, yay!
    return *this;
  // move-assignment operator
  Image& operator=(Image&& that) {
    this->w_ = std::move(that->w_);
    this->h_ = std::move(that->h_);
    this->pixels_ = std::move(that->pixels_);   // std::vector::operator= does move
    return *this;                               // its stuff safely, yay!
  // You only used smart types as members, didn't ya, you sly fox?! 😏
  // Skip writing both and bask in the glory: _The Rule of Zero¹_
  • Implicitly generated move constructor will fallback to copy if a type isn’t move-friendly e.g. is a POD or has no move constructor
  • No implicit generation if even one member is non-copyable or immovable

.footnote[.red[¹]: The Rule of Three / Five / Zero]

2.1 Function Parameter and Return Type —[¹]

  • Out parameter a.k.a return value: X f() – by value .little[
  • Returned prvalue would get moved even without optimizations
  • Zero cost due to Return Value Optimization / Copy Elision even for move-unfriendly types ]
  • Out but expensive to move (e.g. std::vector<BigPOD>): f(X&) or f(X*) – by reference

  • In/Out parameter: f(X&) – by reference

  • In parameter: f(const X&) – by const reference

  • In but cheap or impossible to copy (e.g. int, std::unique_ptr): f(X) – by value

  • In but need ownership: f(X&&) – rvalue reference

  • In but need copy: give two overloads

    1. f(const X&)const reference – for those who want to keep theirs
    2. f(X&&) – rvalue reference – for those who want to give up theirs

.footnote[.red[¹]: based on Herb Sutter’s CppCon 2014 presentation; see pages 22 to 34.]

class: left, inverse name: knuth-1

.center[Use the Right Tool for the Right Job]

template: knuth-1 name: knuth-2

.little[### We should forget about small efficiencies, say about 97% of the time: premature optimization is the root of all evil.]

template: knuth-2 name: knuth-3

.little[##Yet we should not pass up our opportunities in that critical 3%.

.right[— Donald Knuth / Tony Hoare]]

template: knuth-3

C++ is keen about that 3% — as a language community.

We mean to eek out the very last drop of juice a CPU’s got!


We’ll discuss sane defaults when writing C++ software — just good habits, not pessimizations.

Browser is system software

It’s complex and critical; comparable to a


  • Kernel

  • Game engine

  • Compiler / virtual machine

  • Real-time financial trading system ]


Wasting a small time delta every operation = systemic lag hurting productivity. ]

Ever wondered what language virtual machines are written in?

The Need for Speed justifies writing browsers in C++ 🏁

class: center, middle, inverse

That makes you a

System Programmer

Take pride — there aren’t many.

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