This is a flat and responsive admin template for multi-usage built with Bootstrap 3. There are a lot of useful components, well organized and structured properly. It offer you great variety of layout options: RTL, boxed, sidebar on top… Make include first admin builder that allow you to customize your admin: sidebar side, style, topbar content, edit links…
It comes with Page & Admin builder. With these unique features, you have the possibility to create and export your page and theme structure without coding. Requirements: you need web server with PHP enabled (the export function requires PHP). If you don’t have a local server, you can download this for example: wampserver
- Responsive layout (desktops, tablets, mobile devices)
- LESS Support
- AngularJS version
- Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3.3 Framework
- Admin Builder to create your own structure
- Page Builder to create your own page content
- Fixed / Fluid sidebar and topbar
- 4 sidebar styles: default, condensed, light and collapsed
- Sidebar On Top layout
- Sidebar Submenu on Hover layout
- Boxed Layout
- Quickview sidebar with chat, notes and settings
- Various widgets
- 5 charts library: ChartJs, HighCharts / HighStocks, Morris, D3, Sparkline
- User Interface Elements ⋅⋅* Custom icons & buttons ⋅⋅* Notifications ⋅⋅* Custom modals with transition effects ⋅⋅* Custom notifications with various status, positions and options ⋅⋅* Tooltips & popovers ⋅⋅* Nestable and sortable list ⋅⋅* File trees ⋅⋅* Custom panels / Draggable panels
- Tables ⋅⋅* Various styles of tables: contextual, striped, bordered, hover ⋅⋅* Editable tables: remove, edit or add data on the fly ⋅⋅* Filter Tables ⋅⋅* Reorder columns ⋅⋅* Fixed columns ⋅⋅* Hide/show columns
- Forms ⋅⋅* Custom form style ⋅⋅* Datepicker / Timepicker / Modal date and time picker ⋅⋅* Custom slider and switch ⋅⋅* WYSIWYG editor ⋅⋅* Dynamically editable elements (inline) ⋅⋅* Multi file upload: dropzone and jquery file upload ⋅⋅* Wizard ⋅⋅* Custom wizard style ⋅⋅* Validation
- Pages ⋅⋅* Timeline ⋅⋅* Gallery Sortable ⋅⋅* Medias manager ⋅⋅* Lockscreen page ⋅⋅* Error page: 404, 500 ⋅⋅* Contact Page ⋅⋅* Coming Soon Page
- User Manage ⋅⋅* User profile ⋅⋅* Login page version 1 & 2 ⋅⋅* Signup page version 1 & 2 ⋅⋅* Session Timeout
- Mailbox ⋅⋅* Inbox ⋅⋅* Send Message ⋅⋅ 10 email templates
- eCommerce ⋅⋅* Pricing table builder ⋅⋅* Shopping Cart ⋅⋅* Invoice
- Maps ⋅⋅* Google Maps ⋅⋅* Vector Maps with AmCharts
- Line/Bar/Pie charts
- Bootstrap plugins
- Image croping
- More coming soon…