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Lido Ethereum StETH bot

Supported chains

  • Ethereum mainnet


  1. Infra:
    1. ℹ️ Steth: Currently processing Ethereum network block is outdated
  2. StETH operations
    1. HandleBlock
      1. 🚨🚨🚨 Buffered ETH drain (checks each block)
      2. 🚨 Huge depositable ETH amount (checks every 100 blocks)
      3. ⚠️ High depositable ETH amount (checks every 100 blocks)
      4. ⚠️ Low deposit executor balance (checks every 100 blocks)
      5. ⚠️ Unspent staking limit below 10% (checks every 25 blocks)
      6. 📉 Unspent staking limit below 30% (checks every 25 blocks)
    2. HandleTransaction
      1. Deposit Security events
        1. 🚨 Deposit Security: Deposits paused
        2. 🚨 Deposit Security: Guardian quorum changed
        3. 🚨 Deposit Security: Owner changed
        4. ⚠️ Deposit Security: Deposits resumed
        5. ⚠️ Deposit Security: Guardian added
        6. ⚠️ Deposit Security: Guardian removed
        7. ⚠️ Deposit Security: Max deposits changed
        8. ⚠️ Deposit Security: Min deposit block distance changed
      2. Lido events
        1. 🚨🚨🚨 Lido: Stopped 🚨🚨🚨
        2. 🚨🚨🚨 Share rate unexpected has changed
        3. 🚨 Lido: Staking limit removed
        4. 🚨 Lido: Locator set
        5. 🚨 Lido: Staking paused
        6. ⚠️ Lido: Resumed
        7. ⚠️ Lido: Staking resumed
        8. ⚠️ Lido: Staking limit set
        9. ⚠️ Lido: Funds recovered to vault
        10. ⚠️ Lido: Contract version set
        11. ℹ️ Lido: Token rebased
      3. Insurance fund events
        1. 🚨 Insurance fund: ERC20 transferred
        2. 🚨 Insurance fund: Ownership transferred
        3. ⚠️ Insurance fund: ETH transferred
        4. ⚠️ Insurance fund: ERC1155 transferred
        5. ⚠️ Insurance fund: ERC721 transferred
      4. Burner events
        1. ℹ️ Lido Burner: ERC20 recovered
        2. ℹ️ Lido Burner: ERC721 recovered
  3. Withdrawals
    1. HandleBlock runs on each 100-th block or one per 20 minutes
      1. 🚨🚨🚨 Withdrawals: unclaimed requests size is more than withdrawal queue balance
      2. ⚠️ Withdrawals: % of stake limit is spent and unfinalized queue is on par with drained stake limit
      3. ⚠️ Withdrawals: unfinalized queue is more than 100_000 stETH
      4. ⚠️ Withdrawals: unfinalized queue wait time is more than 1 day
      5. ℹ️ Withdrawals: ${unclaimedSizeRate.times(100).toFixed(2)}% of finalized requests are unclaimed
    2. HandleTransaction
      1. 🚨🚨🚨 Withdrawals: claimed amount is more than requested
      2. 🚨 Withdrawals: BUNKER MODE ON! 🚨
      3. 🚨 Withdrawals: contract was paused
      4. ⚠️ Withdrawals: BUNKER MODE OFF! ✅
      5. ⚠️ Withdrawals: contract was unpaused
      6. ⚠️ Withdrawals: the sum of received withdrawal requests since the last rebase greater than 150_000 stETH (max staking limit)
      7. ℹ️ Huge stETH withdrawal requests batch
  4. GateSeal
    1. HandleBlock runs on each next block
      1. 🚨 GateSeal: actual address doesn't have PAUSE_ROLE for contracts
      2. 🚨 GateSeal: is expired!
      3. ⚠️ GateSeal: GateSeal: a new instance deployed from factory
      4. ⚠️ GateSeal: default GateSeal address in forta agent is expired
      5. ⚠️️ GateSeal: default GateSeal address in forta agent doesn't have PAUSE_ROLE for contracts
      6. ⚠️ GateSeal: is about to be expired
    2. HandleTransaction
      1. 🚨🚨🚨 GateSeal: is sealed 🚨🚨🚨
      2. 🚨 GateSeal: is expired
  5. Vaults
    1. Handleblock
      1. 🚨🚨🚨 Withdrawal Vault balance mismatch. [without oracle report]
      2. 🚨🚨🚨 Withdrawal Vault balance mismatch. [within oracle report]
      3. 🚨🚨🚨 EL Vault balance mismatch. [without oracle report]
      4. 🚨🚨🚨 EL Vault balance mismatch. [within oracle report]
      5. ℹ️ Withdrawal Vault Balance significant change (checks every on 100-th block)
      6. ℹ️ EL Vault Balance significant change
    2. HandleTransaction
      1. 🚨 Burner shares transfer
  6. Storage Watcher
    1. 🚨 Storage slot value changed
      1. in LIDO_STETH
      2. in NOR
      3. in LEGACY_ORACLE
      6. in VEBO
      8. in DSM
      9. in WSTETH
      11. in ARAGON_VOTING
      13. in ARAGON_FINANCE
      14. in LIDO_TREASURY
      15. in LIDO_INSURANCE
      16. in STAKING_ROUTER
      18. in SIMPLE_DVT
  7. Aave operations
    1. HandleBlock
      1. 🚨🚨🚨 astETH balance - astETH totalSupply >= 1ETH
      2. 🚨🚨🚨 stableDebtStETH totalSupply is not 0
      3. 🚨🚨🚨 variableDebtStETH totalSupply is not 0
  8. Pool balances
    1. HandleBlock
      1. 🚨 Super low stETH:ETH price on Curve
      2. 🚨 Super low stETH:ETH price on Chainlink
      3. 🚨 Curve Pool rapid imbalance change
      4. 🚨️ Significant Curve Pool size change
      5. ⚠️ Significant Curve Pool size change
      6. ⚠️ Curve Pool is imbalanced
      7. ⚠️ stETH:ETH price on Curve decreased
      8. ⚠️ stETH:ETH price on Chainlink decreased
yarn install
yarn start

Testing alerts

  1. For testing alerts you have to install promtool on your machine.
    make tools
  2. Check alerts
    make test_alerts