This is a Jenkins Shared Library to get a dynamic agent from Kubernetes cloud.
Define the required agent in format "a+b+c", for example, "small+pg+privileged" to get an agent of "small size, additional postgres container and jnlp container running in privileged mode".
It's flexible to add templates in folder resources/podtemplates. The yaml files will be merged together and passed to Kubernetes Plugin to launched the desired pod.
Below lines will get an agent with 2 containers in the pod, a JNLP container of "mini" size plus a "postgres" container.
pipeline {
agent {
kubernetes(k8sagent(name: 'mini+pg'))
stages {
stage('demo') {
steps {
echo "this is a demo"
script {
container('pg') {
sh 'su - postgres -c \'psql --version\''
A more sophisticated example is here, where you could decide the agent type with more complex logic.
- Running Kubernetes cluster
- Jenkins server with connection to the cluster
- Kubernetes Plugin installed on the Jenkins
The Jenkins server could be stand-alone or be running inside the Kubernetes cluster.
Import the library following the instruction
Use it in pipeline
@Library("k8sagent") _
@Library("") _
However due to Jenkins security control, multiple methods need get approved.
The library is a gradle project with tests.
├── build.gradle
├── src
│ └── com
├── test
│ ├── com
│ └── groovy
├── testjobs
│ ├── k8sagent_Jenkinsfile.groovy
│ └── simple_Jenkinsfile.groovy
└── vars
└── k8sagent.groovy
Local build and test
./gradlew clean test
> Task :test
K8sAgentTest: testSdk25: SUCCESS
K8sAgentTest: testSmall: SUCCESS
K8sAgentTest: testBase: SUCCESS
K8sAgentTest: testFast: SUCCESS
K8sAgentTest: testPg: SUCCESS
K8sAgentTest: testPrivileged: SUCCESS
Tests: 6, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0
6 actionable tasks: 5 executed, 1 up-to-date
Run the demo in a real Jenkins Job .