Sorting with support for numbers, dates, unicode and more.
- Returns a new list
- Sort an array of string or objects in a natural way
- Allows for sorting by nested objects
- Numbers are handled properly – “2” is before “10”
- Strings are after numbers
- Empty strings are after “z”
- “a” is before “B”
- Semver-compatible sorting of version numbers
// ES6
import naturalOrder from "natural-order";
// CommonJS
const naturalOrder = require("natural-order");
naturalOrder: <A>(list: A[]) => NaturalList<A>
class NaturalList<A> {
with: (options: { blankAtTop?: boolean, caseSensitive?: boolean}) => NaturalList<A>
orderBy: (order: Array<"desc" | "asc"> | Array<1 | -1> | 1 | -1 | "desc" | "asc") => NaturalList<A>
sort: (sortBy?: string[]) => A[]
list: A[]
Any list (strings, numbers, or objects)
options: { blankAtTop?: boolean, caseSensitive?: boolean}
Optional parameters:
- blankAtTop: If true, places null or blank parameters opposite the order option
- If ascending, null or blank are at the top.
- If descending, null or blank are at the bottom.
- caseSensitive: If true, capital letters are ranked higher than lowercase.
order: 1 | -1 | "asc" | "desc" | ("asc" | "desc")[] | (1 | -1)[]
Order by which to sort. Defaults to ascending. Enter a value for each key you are using for sorting. If not enough values are passed, the last provided will be used when they run out. (example: You may just pass "desc", and all keys will be sorted in descending order.)
The number values 1 and -1 can be used instead of "asc" and "desc", respectively.
sortBy?: string[]
The keys by which to sort. May be null. If sorting objects, defaults to the first key it finds.
const list = ["b", "z", "a"];
// ["a", "b", "z"]
// ["z", "b", "a"]
// ["z", "b", "a"]
const list2 = [{ name: "George" }, { name: "Fred" }, { name: "Alice" }];
// [{name: "Alice"}, {name: "Fred""}, {name: "George"}]
const list3 = [
{ name: { first: "bob", last: "temple" } },
{ name: { first: "steve", last: "martin" } },
{ name: { first: "george", last: "martin" } },
{ name: { first: "adam", last: "temple" } }
naturalOrder(list3).sort(["name.last", "name.first"]);
// [ { name: { first: 'george', last: 'martin' } },
// { name: { first: 'steve', last: 'martin' } },
// { name: { first: 'adam', last: 'temple' } },
// { name: { first: 'bob', last: 'temple' } } ]
// [ { name: { first: 'adam', last: 'temple' } },
// { name: { first: 'bob', last: 'temple' } },
// { name: { first: 'george', last: 'martin' } },
// { name: { first: 'steve', last: 'martin' } } ]
const list4 = ["a", "B"];
naturalOrder(list4).with({ caseSensitive: true }).sort();
// ["B", "a"]
const list5 = ["z", "", "a"];
// ["a", "z", ""]
naturalOrder(list5).with({ blankAtTop: true }).sort();
// ["", "a", "z"]
There are two major changes in version 2. First, the default import is now using ESM instead of CommonJS. If you are using natural-order
in an environment that requires CommonJS, you will need to directly import natural-order/dist/natural-order.umd.js
Second, due to the focus being immutable sorting of values, I've removed the naturalSort
method. While it was convenient to plug into the standard array.sort
function, it did not maintain the immutability the main function provides. You will need to migrate to using naturalOrder
All options from verion 0.3.0 are still available with the new API. Alternatively, if you prefer the old syntax, it is still available, but you will need to call .sort()
const list = ["a", "b", "c", "A"]
// Old syntax
const sorted1 = naturalOrder(list, null, "desc", { caseSensitive: true })
// New syntax
const sorted2 = naturalOrder(list).with({ caseSensitive: true }).orderBy("desc").sort()
sorted1[0] === sorted2[0] // true
// Alternative syntax
const sorted3 = naturalOrder(list, null, "desc", { caseSensitive: true }).sort()
sorted1[0] === sorted3[0] // true
This project uses code from natural-sort for its natural sorting method.
This project is MIT Licensed.