diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index adbd930..3f432f7 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -16,3 +16,4 @@ sedona-*.zip
diff --git a/apps/webServer.sax b/apps/webServer.sax
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..58d8e6b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/apps/webServer.sax
@@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
diff --git a/scode/webServer.xml b/scode/webServer.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..541617f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scode/webServer.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
diff --git a/src/kits/communityWebServer/StaticFileWeblet.sedona b/src/kits/communityWebServer/StaticFileWeblet.sedona
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dc90c08
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kits/communityWebServer/StaticFileWeblet.sedona
@@ -0,0 +1,273 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2018
+// Licensed under the Academic Free License version 3.0
+// History:
+// 30 Jun 18 Vincent Wang Static File Weblet
+** StaticFileWeblet provides the ability to serve static files(html, css, js,
+** images etc) through http, so that user can use sedona as a minimal web
+** server and host a static web app(SPA for example) just in sedona, without
+** any outside dependency.
+** To enable this weblet, you need to create an object of this component as a
+** child of WebService. Deleting the object will disable the weblet. This is
+** different comparing to SpyWeblet.
+** You can create multiple objects of StaticFileWeblet and every object uses
+** different urlPrefix, so that sedona is possible to host multiple web apps.
+** To save space on sedona, gzipped file is supported and I recommend to use it
+** since that will be more efficient(less bytes to be loaded and transferred)
+class StaticFileWeblet extends Weblet
+ @config @asStr property Buf(12) urlPrefix = "statics"
+// Weblet Registration
+ override void start()
+ {
+ register()
+ }
+ override void stop()
+ {
+ unregister()
+ }
+// Weblet
+ **
+ ** all static files to be served must be put under 'statics' folder
+ ** and the url will start with 'statics', too. If you want to use other
+ ** name, config it by urlPrefix slot, Note: the max length is 11 chars
+ **
+ override Str prefix() { return urlPrefix.toStr() }
+ override Str description() { return "Sedona Static File Weblet" }
+ **
+ ** since we only serve static file here, so only 'GET' method is supported
+ **
+ override void service(WebReq req, WebRes res)
+ {
+ Str method = req.method;
+ if (method.equals("GET"))
+ get(req, res)
+ else {
+ res.writeStatus(HttpCode.methodNotAllowed)
+ res.writeHeader("Allow", "GET")
+ }
+ }
+ **
+ ** handle 'GET' request, try to find the static file and return it
+ **
+ override void get(WebReq req, WebRes res)
+ {
+ reset()
+ prepareFile(req)
+ if (isDir(filePath)) {
+ tryAppendIndex(filePath)
+ }
+ serveFile(res)
+ }
+ internal void reset()
+ {
+ filePath.set(0, 0)
+ }
+ internal void serveFile(WebRes res)
+ {
+ if (file.name==null) {
+ res.writeStatus(HttpCode.notFound).finishHeaders()
+ return
+ }
+ if (!file.exists()) {
+ //try gzipped content
+ appendStr(file.name, ".gz", pathStrLen)
+ if (!file.exists()) {
+ res.writeStatus(HttpCode.notFound).finishHeaders()
+ return
+ }
+ }
+ if (!file.open("r")) {
+ res.writeStatus(HttpCode.internalError).finishHeaders()
+ return
+ }
+ WebService.log.trace("Serving File: " + file.name);
+ res.writeStatusOk()
+ //write headers
+ if (endsWith(file.name, ".gz", 0))
+ res.writeHeader("Content-Encoding", "gzip");
+ res.writeContentType(getContentType(file.name))
+ .writeHeader("Cache-Control", "max-age=604800")
+ .writeHeader("Server", "Sedona Web Server")
+ .writeHeader("Content-Length", Sys.intStr(file.size()))
+ .finishHeaders()
+ file.seek(0)
+ while(true) {
+ int readed = file.in.readBytes(readBuf, 0, bufLen)
+ if (readed <= 0)
+ break
+ res.writeBytes(readBuf, 0, readed)
+ }
+ file.close()
+ }
+ bool isDir(Str fileName) {
+ if (endsWith(fileName, "/", 0))
+ return true
+ int len = fileName.length()
+ //check if there is a file extention
+ for(int i=len-3; i>0 && i>len-6; --i) {
+ if (fileName.get(i) != '.')
+ continue
+ return false
+ }
+ return true
+ }
+ **
+ ** if the URL ends with '/', then append 'index.html' and try serve it
+ **
+ bool tryAppendIndex(Str fileName) {
+ int len = fileName.length()
+ if (len <= 0 || len+1>=pathStrLen)
+ return false
+ //try to append index.html to path end
+ if (!endsWith(fileName, "/", 0))
+ appendStr(fileName, "/", pathStrLen)
+ return appendStr(fileName, "index.html", pathStrLen)
+ }
+ **
+ ** check if str ends with suffix.
+ ** if endOffset is not 0, then check the suffix after
+ ** that offset. for example, to check if 'index.html.gz'
+ ** ends with '.html':
+ ** // buf equals "index.html.gz", offset is 3(len of ".gz")
+ ** endsWith(buf, ".html", 3)
+ **
+ static public bool endsWith(Str str, Str suffix, int endOffset) {
+ return suffix.equalsRegion(str, str.length()-suffix.length()-endOffset, str.length()-endOffset)
+ }
+ **
+ ** append suffix to the end of dst.
+ ** return:
+ ** true if managed to append suffix to dst
+ ** false if dst's buffer is not big enough
+ **
+ static public bool appendStr(Str dst, Str suffix, int bufMaxLen)
+ {
+ int dstLen = dst.length()
+ int suffixLen = suffix.length()
+ //return early if buffer is not big enough
+ if (dstLen + suffixLen + 1 > bufMaxLen)
+ return false
+ byte[] dstBuf = dst.toBytes()
+ byte[] suffixBuf = suffix.toBytes()
+ for(int i=0; iHello World!\n");
+ res.htmlEnd();
+ }
+// Fields
+ define int bufLen = 1024
+ define int pathStrLen = 256
+ private inline byte[bufLen] readBuf
+ internal inline Str(pathStrLen) filePath // buffer for file's path
+ internal inline File file
diff --git a/src/kits/communityWebServer/kit.xml b/src/kits/communityWebServer/kit.xml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ebc2c5e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kits/communityWebServer/kit.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
diff --git a/src/kits/communityWebServer/test/StrUtilTest.sedona b/src/kits/communityWebServer/test/StrUtilTest.sedona
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba4fb54
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/kits/communityWebServer/test/StrUtilTest.sedona
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+public class StrUtilTest extends Test
+ static void testEndsWith()
+ {
+ assert(!StaticFileWeblet.endsWith("/foo/bar", "/", 0))
+ assert(StaticFileWeblet.endsWith("/foo/bar/", "/", 0))
+ assert(StaticFileWeblet.endsWith("/foo/bar/index.html", ".html", 0))
+ assert(StaticFileWeblet.endsWith("/foo/bar/vue.min.js.gz", ".js", 3))
+ }
+ static void testAppendStr()
+ {
+ assert(StaticFileWeblet.appendStr(buf, "/foo/bar", bufLen))
+ assert(buf.equals("/foo/bar"))
+ assert(StaticFileWeblet.appendStr(buf, "/", bufLen))
+ assert(buf.equals("/foo/bar/"))
+ assert(StaticFileWeblet.appendStr(buf, "index.html", bufLen))
+ assert(buf.equals("/foo/bar/index.html"))
+ assert(StaticFileWeblet.appendStr(buf, ".gz", bufLen))
+ assert(buf.equals("/foo/bar/index.html.gz"))
+ //test buffer overflow
+ assert(!StaticFileWeblet.appendStr(buf, "1234567890", bufLen))
+ //under this case, buf should not be modified
+ assert(buf.equals("/foo/bar/index.html.gz"))
+ }
+ define int bufLen = 32
+ inline static Str(bufLen) buf
diff --git a/tools/wireshark/sox.lua b/tools/wireshark/sox.lua
index 3884e35..ea89f44 100644
--- a/tools/wireshark/sox.lua
+++ b/tools/wireshark/sox.lua
@@ -1,4 +1,15 @@
-require ("bit")
+-- TODO: stream support
+-- to survive in different version of lua, try 'bit' module first, if fails,
+-- try load 'bit32'. refers: http://lua-users.org/wiki/BitwiseOperators
+local status, bit = pcall(require, "bit")
+if not (status) then
+ status, bit = pcall(require, "bit32")
+ if not (status) then
+ print("sox dissector: bitop module not found")
+ return
+ end
dasp_proto = Proto("dasp", "Dasp Protocol")
sox_proto = Proto("sox", "Sox Protocol")
@@ -6,19 +17,25 @@ sox_proto = Proto("sox", "Sox Protocol")
dasp_proto.prefs["udp_port"] = Pref.uint("UDP Port", 1876, "UDP Port for Dasp")
-- dasp fields
-local f_sessionId = ProtoField.uint16("dasp.sessionId", "SessionId", base.HEX)
+local f_sessionId = ProtoField.uint16("dasp.sessionId", "sessionId", base.HEX)
local f_seqNum = ProtoField.uint16("dasp.seqNum", "seqNum", base.DEC)
local f_msgType = ProtoField.uint16("dasp.msgType", "msgType", base.HEX)
local f_headerFieldNum = ProtoField.uint16("dasp.numFields", "numFields", base.DEC)
--- local f_headerId = ProtoField.uint8("dasp.headerId", "headerId", base.HEX)
--- local f_headerDataType = ProtoField.uint8("dasp.headerDataType", "headerDataType", base.HEX)
-local f_headerU2Val = ProtoField.uint16("dasp.headerU2Val", "headerU2Val", base.Hex)
-local f_headerStrVal = ProtoField.stringz("dasp.headerStrVal", "headerStrVal")
-local f_headerByteVal = ProtoField.bytes("dasp.headerByteVal", "headerByteVal")
-dasp_proto.fields = {f_sessionId, f_seqNum, f_msgType, f_headerFieldNum,
- -- f_headerId, f_headerDataType,
- f_headerU2Val, f_headerStrVal, f_headerByteVal}
+local f_headerAck = ProtoField.uint16("dasp.ack", "ack", base.DEC)
+local f_headerAckMore = ProtoField.bytes("dasp.ackMore", "ackMore")
+local f_headerErrorCode = ProtoField.uint16("dasp.errorCode", "errorCode", base.Hex)
+-- dasp stream support
+local f_daspFrameRequest = ProtoField.framenum("dasp.request", "request", base.NONE, frametype.REQUEST, 0)
+local f_daspFrameRequestDup = ProtoField.framenum("dasp.requestDup", "dasp requestDup", base.NONE, frametype.REQUEST, 0)
+local f_daspFrameRequestAck = ProtoField.framenum("dasp.requestAck", "requestAck", base.NONE, frametype.ACK, 0)
+dasp_proto.fields = {
+ f_sessionId, f_seqNum, f_msgType, f_headerFieldNum,
+ f_headerAck, f_headerAckMore, f_headerErrorCode,
+ f_daspFrameRequest, f_daspFrameRequestDup, f_daspFrameRequestAck
-- sox fields
local f_soxCmd = ProtoField.string("sox.cmd", "cmd")
@@ -39,23 +56,26 @@ local f_linkFromSlotId = ProtoField.uint8("sox.linkFromSlotId", "linkFromSlotId"
local f_linkToCompId = ProtoField.uint16("sox.linkToCompId", "linkToCompId", base.DEC)
local f_linkToSlotId = ProtoField.uint8("sox.linkToSlotId", "linkToSlotId", base.DEC)
-local f_fileOpenMethod = ProtoField.string("sox.fileOpenMethod", "fileOpenMethod")
+local f_fileOpenMethod = ProtoField.stringz("sox.fileOpenMethod", "fileOpenMethod")
local f_fileUri = ProtoField.stringz("sox.fileUri", "fileUri")
local f_fileSize = ProtoField.uint32("sox.fileSize", "fileSize", base.DEC)
local f_chunkNum = ProtoField.uint16("sox.chunkNum", "chunkNum", base.DEC)
local f_chunkSize = ProtoField.uint16("sox.chunkSize", "chunkSize", base.DEC)
-local f_soxBytes = ProtoField.bytes("sox.byteVal", "bytesVal")
-local f_soxStr = ProtoField.stringz("sox.strVal", "strVal")
+local f_soxRenameFrom = ProtoField.stringz("sox.renameFrom", "renameFrom")
+local f_soxRenameTo = ProtoField.stringz("sox.renameTo", "renameTo")
local f_soxPlatformId = ProtoField.stringz("sox.platformId", "platformId")
local f_soxError = ProtoField.stringz("sox.errorStr", "errorStr")
+local f_soxBytes = ProtoField.bytes("sox.byteVal", "byteVal")
sox_proto.fields = {f_soxCmd, f_soxReplyNum, f_soxCompId, f_soxSlotId,
f_parentCompId, f_kitId, f_typeId, f_compName,
f_compWhat, f_linkAction, f_linkFromCompId,
+ f_fileOpenMethod, f_fileUri, f_fileSize,
f_linkFromSlotId, f_linkToCompId, f_linkToSlotId, f_chunkNum,
- f_chunkSize, f_soxBytes, f_soxStr, f_soxPlatformId, f_soxError}
+ f_chunkSize, f_soxBytes, f_soxRenameFrom, f_soxRenameTo, f_soxPlatformId, f_soxError}
local msg_types = {
[0] = {"discover", "Discover"},
@@ -182,8 +202,8 @@ function add_whatMask(tree, buf, offset)
function add_file_headers(tree, buf, offset)
- local byte = buf(offset, 1)
- while byte ~= '\0' do
+ local byte = buf(offset, 1):uint()
+ while byte ~= 0 do
local start = offset
local name = buf(offset):stringz()
offset = offset + string.len(name) + 1
@@ -192,7 +212,7 @@ function add_file_headers(tree, buf, offset)
offset = offset + string.len(value) + 1
tree:add(buf(start, offset-start), name, value)
- byte = buf(offset, 1)
+ byte = buf(offset, 1):uint()
offset = offset + 1
@@ -200,7 +220,7 @@ function add_file_headers(tree, buf, offset)
function parse_comp_tree(tree, buf, offset)
- local subtree = tree:add(f_compWhat, buf(offset, 1), buf(offset, 1):string(), "Tree")
+ local subtree = tree:add(f_compWhat, buf(offset, 1), buf(offset, 1):string(), "compTree")
offset = offset + 1
subtree:add(f_kitId, buf(offset, 1))
@@ -227,7 +247,7 @@ function parse_comp_tree(tree, buf, offset)
function parse_comp_links(tree, buf, offset)
- local subtree = tree:add(f_compWhat, buf(offset, 1), buf(offset, 1):string(), "Links")
+ local subtree = tree:add(f_compWhat, buf(offset, 1), buf(offset, 1):string(), "compLink")
offset = offset + 1
local index = 1
@@ -250,12 +270,12 @@ function parse_comp_links(tree, buf, offset)
function parse_comp_props(tree, buf, offset)
- local typeChar = buf(offset, 1):uint()
+ local typeChar = buf(offset, 1):string()
local subtree = nil
- if typeChar == 'c' or typeChar == 'C' then
- subtree = tree:add(f_compWhat, buf(offset, 1), buf(offset, 1):string(), "Config Props")
- elseif typeChar == 'r' or typeChar == 'R' then
- subtree = tree:add(f_compWhat, buf(offset, 1), buf(offset, 1):string(), "Runtime Props")
+ if typeChar == "c" or typeChar == "C" then
+ subtree = tree:add(f_compWhat, buf(offset, 1), buf(offset, 1):string(), "configProps")
+ elseif typeChar == "r" or typeChar == "R" then
+ subtree = tree:add(f_compWhat, buf(offset, 1), buf(offset, 1):string(), "runtimeProps")
offset = offset + 1
@@ -286,8 +306,8 @@ local sox_handlers = {
-- fileRename
["b"] = function (tree, buf, offset)
- offset = add_string(tree, f_soxStr, buf, offset)
- offset = add_string(tree, f_soxStr, buf, offset)
+ offset = add_string(tree, f_soxRenameFrom, buf, offset)
+ offset = add_string(tree, f_soxRenameTo, buf, offset)
return offset
@@ -295,9 +315,9 @@ local sox_handlers = {
["c"] = function (tree, buf, offset)
offset = add_compId(tree, buf, offset)
+ local mapping = {t = "tree", c = "config", r = "runtime", l = "links"}
local whatElem = tree:add(f_compWhat, buf(offset, 1))
local whatChar = buf(offset, 1):string()
- local mapping = {t = "tree", c = "config", r = "runtime", l = "links"}
whatElem:append_text("(" .. mapping[whatChar] .. ")")
offset = offset + 1
@@ -307,11 +327,11 @@ local sox_handlers = {
offset = add_compId(tree, buf, offset)
local compDataChar = buf(offset, 1):string()
- if compDataChar == 't' then
+ if compDataChar == "t" then
offset = parse_comp_tree(tree, buf, offset)
- elseif compDataChar == 'l' then
+ elseif compDataChar == "l" then
offset = parse_comp_links(tree, buf, offset)
- elseif compDataChar == 'c' or compDataChar == 'r' or compDataChar == 'C' or compDataChar == 'R' then
+ elseif compDataChar == "c" or compDataChar == "r" or compDataChar == "C" or compDataChar == "R" then
offset = parse_comp_props(tree, buf, offset)
return offset
@@ -328,11 +348,11 @@ local sox_handlers = {
offset = add_compId(tree, buf, offset)
local compDataChar = buf(offset, 1):string()
- if compDataChar == 't' then
+ if compDataChar == "t" then
offset = parse_comp_tree(tree, buf, offset)
- elseif compDataChar == 'l' then
+ elseif compDataChar == "l" then
offset = parse_comp_links(tree, buf, offset)
- elseif compDataChar == 'c' or compDataChar == 'r' or compDataChar == 'C' or compDataChar == 'R' then
+ elseif compDataChar == "c" or compDataChar == "r" or compDataChar == "C" or compDataChar == "R" then
offset = parse_comp_props(tree, buf, offset)
return offset
@@ -340,9 +360,7 @@ local sox_handlers = {
-- fileOpen
["f"] = function (tree, buf, offset)
- tree:add(f_fileOpenMethod, buf(offset, 1))
- offset = offset + 1
+ offset = add_string(tree, f_fileOpenMethod, buf, offset)
offset = add_string(tree, f_fileUri, buf, offset)
tree:add(f_fileSize, buf(offset, 4))
@@ -414,7 +432,7 @@ local sox_handlers = {
offset = offset + 1
local label = "" .. fromCompId .. "." .. fromSlotId .. " -> " .. toCompId .. "." .. toSlotId
- if string.char(linkType:uint()) == 'a' then
+ if string.char(linkType:uint()) == "a" then
linkTypeElem:append_text("(add link: " .. label .. ")")
linkTypeElem:append_text("(delete link: " .. label .. ")")
@@ -598,7 +616,7 @@ function parse_sox(tree, buf, offset)
if handler ~= nil then
offset = handler(tree, buf, offset)
-- output all pending bytes
if offset < buf:len() then
tree:add(f_soxBytes, buf(offset))
@@ -614,19 +632,29 @@ function add_header(tree, buf, offset)
local headerTypeVal = headerVal:bitfield(6, 2)
local headerName = ''
- if header_mappings[headerVal:uint()] ~= nil then
- headerName = header_mappings[headerVal:uint()]
+ if header_ids[headerIdVal] ~= nil then
+ headerName = header_ids[headerIdVal]
if headerTypeVal == 0 then
- local elem = tree:add(buf(offset, 1), headerName)
- offset = offset + 1
if headerIdVal == 0x0d then
+ local elem = tree:add(f_headerErrorCode, buf(offset, 1))
elem:append_text(" (" .. error_codes[headerVal:uint()] .. ")")
+ else
+ tree:add(buf(offset, 1), headerName)
+ offset = offset + 1
elseif headerTypeVal == 1 then
- tree:add(buf(offset, 3), headerName, buf(offset+1, 2):uint())
+ if headerName == "ack" then
+ tree:add(f_headerAck, buf(offset, 3), buf(offset+1, 2):uint())
+ elseif headerName == "ackMore" then
+ -- GOTCHA: there is a bug in old version of sox, ackMore is set as u2,
+ -- but encoded in bytes(only 1 byte). here is a workaround to
+ -- make this case work
+ tree:add(f_headerAckMore, buf(offset+2, 1));
+ else
+ tree:add(buf(offset, 3), headerName, buf(offset+1, 2):uint())
+ end
offset = offset + 3
elseif headerTypeVal == 2 then
local str = buf(offset+1):stringz()
@@ -640,7 +668,11 @@ function add_header(tree, buf, offset)
baStr = baStr .. string.format("%02x", ba:get_index(i))
- tree:add(buf(offset, len+2), headerName, baStr)
+ if headerName == "ackMore" then
+ tree:add(f_headerAckMore, buf(offset+2, len))
+ else
+ tree:add(buf(offset, len+2), headerName, baStr)
+ end
offset = offset + len + 2
@@ -669,6 +701,9 @@ function dasp_proto.dissector(buf, pinfo, tree)
local msgType = subtree:add(f_msgType, buf(4, 1), typeVal)
if msg_types[typeVal] ~= nil then
msgType:append_text(" (" .. msg_types[typeVal][1] .. ")")
+ pinfo.cols.info = string.format("seqNum: %5d msgType: %-12s %s", buf(2, 2):uint(), msg_types[typeVal][1], pinfo.cols.info)
+ else
+ pinfo.cols.info = string.format("seqNum: %5d %-12s", buf(2, 2):uint(), pinfo.cols.info)
local headerNum = buf(4, 1):bitfield(4, 4)