- Added test suites, not 100% confident all the tests are correct yet
- Gave up even trying to fix the pre-3.2.0 part of the Change log.
- Removed unneeded dependency in package.json
- Another update to fix 'score' issue
- Added Engines and dependencies to package.json
- Updated mytimeout.js version to reflect added examples
- Updated package version to reflect added examples
- Added an example flow to the pacakge
- Oops, missed a few updates
- Minor change to add examples to the package
- Minor cleanup of comments and updated major version to 3.2.0 for the No On Feature
- Updated major for the no on feature
- Merge pull request #25 from linuxha/feature/no_on_payload
- Corrected a missed editor save
- Update script to use local variables in the functions and added more tests.
- Added No On message feature, fixed attibutes, warning, and Float bugs.
- Added the test flow used by the simple.sh script.
- Added a bash script for manual pair-wise testing.
- Feature request: adjusted code to allow a blank safe msg to not be sent.
- Feature request: removed default "on" and "require" for safe message
- Bram Hoefnagel (brammh) fixed missing topic in out message
- Bumped minor +1
- Minor corrections to the README
- Merge pull request #20 from brammh/Bugfix-#16---topic-name-included-in-control-messages
- Update mytimeout.js
- Change to version 3.0.2
- As per Colin Law I've changed the wording to refer to Javascript object.
- Added parseInt to the timeout and warning values.
- Updated version for node.warn fix
- Fixed node.warn error message
- Updated to fix output2 to contian the correct msg.payload for time remaining.
- Updated version to 2.2.3 for force integer input
- Update documentation to indicate that time must be in integer seconds
- Updated to handle incoming exceptions as on payloads
- Incremented version for deploy fix
- Incremented the minor version for deploy fix
- Removed the required on the Countdown, this caused the deploy errors
- Merge pull request #8 from linuxha/new-features-mytimeout
- Added new feature to ignore case on input match.
- Updated package.json to 2.1.9 for bug fix
- Merge pull request #7 from linuxha/bug-fix-mytimeout
- Modified newMsg to handle msg.payload { payload, timeout, warning } properly
- Pushed minor version increment to unstick npm publish
- Updated with debug option, v2.1.7
- Added a debug flag to the node
- Updated the documentation and added a note on a work around
- Added note to a work around for a problem with multiple timers
- Don't trust the test.js, it passes when it shouldn't
- Enhanced and massaged the wording in the README
- Added support for turning on/off debug logging in the node
- Update version to 2.1.4 and change test to use mocha
- Updated, as per node-red-node-test-helper Readme
- Documentation clean up and reorganizing
- Incremented minor version
- Added a link to the sample flow
- More documentation added
- More documentation added
- Major update of the message, timeout and warning handling.
- Updated the minor version
- Updated the version change (minor)
- Updated some more documentation
- updated some more documentation
- Updated to version 2.0.0
- Updated documentation to reflect change to 2.0.0 and some of the differences
- Major changes, added feature and changed the JSON input timer to timeout.
- Update comments, documentation and added 1 more output for seconds remaining
- Added comment about needing to work on the state engine
- Incremented minor version number
- incremented version so I can publish changes
- Reformatted the html and added a limit vaule
- Reformatted the html and added a limit vaule
- Updated keywords to include more keywords like node-red
- 1.0.13
- Moved under cherry instead of scargill
- 1.0.12
- Removed the log statement, node and log are not defined in that scope
- 1.0.11
- Fixed log, node wasn't define, use this instead
- 1.0.10
- Fixed log. again, I hope
- 1.0.9
- Fixed log, node wasn't define, use this instead
- 1.0.8
- Added node-red object, like bigtimer
- 1.0.7
- Logging messages, I hope
- 1.0.6
- Added "private": true, to the repos json
- 1.0.5
- Added a real test
- simple test file to check it doesn't blow up
- 1.0.4
- Restored catch(e)
- 1.0.3
- Corrected the name
- 1.0.2
- Some minor changes
- JSLint clean up, minor changes
- Got the timer on, off, stop and cancel working
- Created new package.js, node-red didn't like the old one.
- Updated code to make cancel send out no output message
- Clarified the JSON messages and expected output
- Removed unneeded icons
- Began renaming and rewording to support the mytimeout package
- Avoided infinite loop on same pub/sub topic
- Added more information about new features to override defaults
- slight mods to keep from updating from Pete's repos, still needs work
- Updated the README.md with the additions I made.
- Create LICENSE
- first commit