Makes a bunch of EC2 spot priced instances and starts dask running on them.
Sorry, I forgot to include boto3 and paramiko in, so you've got to install them yourself;
pip install boto3
pip install paramiko
pip install git+
daskec2lite --help
usage: daskec2lite [-h] [--pathtokeyfile [PATHTOKEYFILE]]
[--keyname [KEYNAME]] [--username [USERNAME]]
[--numinstances [NUM_INSTANCES]]
[--instancetype [INSTANCE_TYPE]] [--imageid [IMAGEID]]
[--spotprice [SPOTPRICE]] [--region [REGION_NAME]]
[--wpi [WORKERS_PER_INSTANCE]] [--sgid [SGID]] [--destroy]
Create an EC2 spot-price cluster, populate with a dask scheduler and workers.
Example: daskec2lite --pathtokeyfile '/home/mike/.ssh/research.pem' --keyname
'research' --username 'mike' --imageid ami-19a58760 --sgid sg-9146afe9
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--pathtokeyfile [PATHTOKEYFILE]
path to keyfile [required]
--keyname [KEYNAME] key name to use to access instances [required]
--username [USERNAME]
user to log into remote instances as [required]
--numinstances [NUM_INSTANCES]
number of instances to start
--instancetype [INSTANCE_TYPE]
type of instance to request
--imageid [IMAGEID] AWS image to use [required]
--spotprice [SPOTPRICE]
Spot price limit ($/hour/instance)
--region [REGION_NAME]
Region to use
Workers per instance
--sgid [SGID] Security Group ID [required]
--destroy Destroy the cluster