This document will walk through the steps required to configure the Acme Air sample application and WebSphere Liberty to use MongoDB. These instructions build upon the information from the WebSphere Liberty instructions document.
To communicate with MongoDB, Acme Air uses the Morphia MongoDB driver. Acme Air needs to be built using with this service specified.
./gradlew -Pservice=morphia clean build
Further details for building the Acme Air codebase can be found here.
Acme Air has been tested with the 2.12.2 version of the mongo-java-driver
- Download link:
Copy the mongo-java-driver jar file to a mongodb directory under Liberty's shared resources directory.
copy mongo-java-driver-2.12.2.jar %WLP_SERVERDIR%\usr\shared\resources\mongodb\
cp mongo-java-driver-2.12.2.jar $WLP_SERVERDIR/usr/shared/resources/mongodb/
- Edit %WLP_SERVERDIR%\usr\servers\server1\server.xml to change the featureManager section to:
Add the MongoDB driver location, and add the classloader reference
<library id="mongo-lib">
<file name="${shared.resource.dir}/mongodb/mongo-java-driver-2.12.2.jar" />
<application id="acmeair-webapp" name="acmeair-webapp" type="war" location="acmeair-webapp-1.1.0-SNAPSHOT.war">
<classloader commonLibraryRef="mongo-lib" />
Add the configuration information so Liberty knows how to connect to MongoDB.
<mongo id="mongo" libraryRef="mongo-lib" hostNames="localhost" ports="27017"/>
<mongoDB jndiName="mongo/acmeairMongodb" mongoRef="mongo" databaseName="acmeair"/>
And add a jndiEntry to indicate the service type to use
<jndiEntry jndiName="com/acmeair/repository/type" value="morphia"/>
See the MongoDB Manual for more information on using MongoDB.
Follow the remaining steps in the WebSphere Liberty instructions document.