If you have not already done so, read through the instructions for building the codebase first.
The Acme Air sample application is able to utilize several types of data services. Choose one of the following -
- Deploy the application on Bluemix using CLI
cf push acmeair -p acmeair-webapp-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
cf set-env acmeair JAVA_OPTS "-Dserver.port=\\\$VCAP_APP_PORT -Dserver.address=\\\$VCAP_APP_HOST"
# re-deploy or restart it
cf push acmeair -p acmeair-webapp-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- Start the Spring Boot application Windows:
cd $ACMEAIR_SRCDIR\acmeair-webapp\build\libs\
java -jar acmeair-webapp-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
cd $ACMEAIR_SRCDIR/acmeair-webapp/build/libs/
java -jar acmeair-webapp-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war
- Load the following url:
Click on the "configure the Acme Air environment." link at the bottom of the page, or alternatively go to
You can change the value for how many customers you wish to have loaded. The default of 200 customer to load will be displayed.
- After clicking on the "Load the Database" button you should see output that indicates flights and customers (200) were loaded.
You will now be able to log in, click on the "Acme Air Home" link at either the top or bottom of the page to return to the welcome page.
- Login (use the provided credentials), search for flights (suggest today between Paris and New York), book the flights, use the checkin link to cancel the bookings one at a time, view your account profile